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Everything posted by lulee

  1. One more thing I remembered: boo to the show for the lame takeout with Zach approaching Mariela with her back turned. They didn't actually wan us to be concerned that she'd gotten infected, did they? That would have made no sense.
  2. One positive tonight: Nora was proactive and independent, took out some strigoi, saved Fet, etc.
  3. Not the only one. I don't know if the voice/accent is unintelligible or if I just mentally tune out as I watch the rubber gums flap. I wish they would have had Gus's mom reach out for him and get sizzled by the sunlight.
  4. I felt like I was having a full-body panic attack during the scenes with Gus and his brother and mother. Yet another convenience store convergence for named characters. I wonder when Gus will meet up with someone other than Zach. So many stupid choice: Eph wandering after Kelly's voice. Abe trying to step into the sea of strigoi to get to the master, Zach going on the run for smokes; the looters just wandering around the store, etc. And I can't take the Master. There are more convincing monster faces at the Halloween Express that popped up in the strip mall nearby. He looks ridiculous when he talks.
  5. I remember thinking that this week's scene with Hank hiding it made no sense for how last week's scenes were edited. Hank was pulled himself past pallets of construction materials and I thought he was passing one with the ledger and then next we saw him with Cesar he didn't have it. So clearly he hid it in a pallet ... except that he somehow had a huge adrenaline rush and got it to up to the utility box that wasn't foreshadowed (as far as I can recall).
  6. On the contrary, it may be an action-packed sequence, hopefully without any dialogue.
  7. Ruh-roh. I'm guessing Mariela is Nora's mom.
  8. I thought it was stated or implied that Eleanor was part of the Mennonite community that originally immigrated to Mexico in the early 1900s. That would be historically accurate. And there are Amish here in Ohio who speak with accents, now matter which generation they are. So wouldn't seem odd for Eleanor to be a Mexican national. It did seem odd that they didn't transfer her out of EPPD sooner. I do wonder if Kruger and Potrente speak German on the set. It would seem to make sense, but in my years of work at universities, sometimes speakers of a shared language other than English stay in English, perhaps not wanting to offend others, even when it would seem they'd have an easier time in their first language.
  9. What kind of ham-handed secret operation was that? Eva and Linder was so steamy and then so heartbreaking. I'm sure he's going to get himself killed now.
  10. I understand that shows like this need to be slippery with the metamorphosis timeline, but I wish they have had Diane and her son be less far along in their change. It would have made Eph had to face killing them -- Diane he might not have minded so much, but killing the son while he was still humanlike, would have upped the ante for Eph and given him even more reason - in addition to the evidence that Kelly had turned and been their attacker -- for him being unhinged back at the pawn shop.
  11. i must have missed that dialogue about a prior connection. What was the dialogue?
  12. i wasn't sure how aware he was - if he stopped himself or if he hadn't grown his sucker appendage fully yet and couldn't feed.
  13. What exactly did Dutch hope to accomplish by confronting Palmer? It all only served for a little character development for a Palmer and the revelation by Fitz. During the Eph/ Dutch argument I was hoping Abe would come in and knock some heads together. No such luck.
  14. It was dark out when Kelly went Diane's. I think the sequence was:Kelly brings Zack to school and goes to her school. Kelly's school lets out early b She goes home and is attacked by Matt. She's wants to get Zack but instead stays in her car all day transforming. Kelly misses pickup. Diane picks Zack up and brings him home. Eph arrives and rescues Zack. Kelly goes and confronts principal. She's not yet ready to feed but she also on foot and disoriented Diane goes to Kelly's and confronts Eph. Diane returns home. Kelly shows up. I think we have to allow time for Kelly being on foot and slowed by her metamorphosis.
  15. i don't think it's a matter of refinement. Rather, Cesar has not been shown as climbing the ranks or becoming a player in the cartel as a massive organization. It would be like a shift worker at a neighborhood McDonald's becoming CEO.
  16. I think they were mentioned by name, but I didn't catch them all. I think Cerisola was one of them. But Cesar would never be "boss" material. He's been isolated to doing small logistical and muscle jobs, not part of the cartel organization's inner circle.
  17. Yeah, I would have had no idea of his name. I wonder if he's going to volunteer to be turned so Palmer can see what will happen to him.
  18. i really liked that they showed Marco with that moment of remorse, knowing he might have been able to help Charlotte months ago but chose to look away. He's been trying to convince Sonya of the deep connections between EP and CJ and this was a time he chose not act on it. Not that he necessarily could have saved Charlotte. Cesar's trajectory has been interesting. He has been ruled by pragmatism and self preservation (and presumably family preservation), but he's amassed a much higher body count than last year (iirc, last year he only killed the tunnel matron.). I look forward to a scene between Marco and Sebastian.
  19. i wish imdb were more reliable. Eric Lange played Kenneth Hastings/ David Tate. Hart is the CIA agent, but I don't know his name. I know he was "man in car" for his first episode.
  20. I can't imagine what it means for the plot that Bedelia's hanging around, but having Gillian Anderson full time can only be a good thing.
  21. You're right, Cardie. Was that indicated explicitly previously or just implied by her fierce protection of the books and I think one conversation with Sebastian? I felt like I already knew that, but maybe I just wasn't surprised.
  22. I was expecting some revelation in that flashback like that she hadn't killed him because he was being inappropriate physically, but because he'd discovered something specific in the ledger, but it went pretty much as we thought it had. The only part that was worth seeing out of that whole segment was that clerk gamely trying to get Eleanor to take the better deal on the energy drinks.
  23. I think I liked that we didn't actually see Hank hide the ledger. He was dragging it along in one scene and then when we saw him try to call over to the utility worker, it wasn't visible. So he must have stashed it in some construction materials. Too big to tuck in his pocket ;-) The bit with the family in the car was good. I momentarily wondered if it was a car commercial until I saw the focus on the truck and then the blood. Maybe I'm misremembering. I thought that she did hit them in the side. I remember thinking, "Ack! I hope she didn't just brain Hank! Auntie Anxiety, pretty sure I saw an airbag for Sonya at least. And I was glad she made Marco put on his seatbelt!
  24. Well, I guess it is a form of reproduction ...
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