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Everything posted by lulee

  1. It would amuse me if Fausto started chomping Fiber One bars .
  2. I think part of the problem with the Master's appearance is how yellow his eyes are. Distractingly fake.
  3. That would have been a vast improvement, taking some of Fet's Sharpie-black hair dye with it. I did like that they gave Norah the line about the "Disappeared" in Argentina. That, for a moment at least, made it feel like the show's universe could exist in this universe.
  4. Can anyone with a DVR freeze the shot where Eph is lighting a newspaper on fire to torch Matt's corpse? It looks like there's a picture of a vampire on it.
  5. And then -- post the stress-relieving/ grief-stricken sex -- don't say to your ex-wife's friend that you "love" your ex-wife, right in front of Norah. When Eph loses the hairpiece, can it liberate his brain to work better?
  6. Ew at how aroused the evil-clown-faced Master looked when implanting a worm in Eichorst.
  7. Was Chip the only intended victim? She was so suspicious of Charlotte, asking for her phone, etc.
  8. I remember in their car scene episodes ago thinking that he seemed to be very parental toward his young mistress ... whom he never actually referred to as his mistress or acted intimate with. I (who do not speak Spanish) wonder if it was just a bad translation when he said, "My love" in that scene and it could have been more like, "my dear (child)."
  9. i wasn't sure of Jaime's status - couldn't keep up there. A big slow-moving target and he leaves unscathed?
  10. Am I totally misremembering or did Cerisola not refer to Romina as his daughter in their previous scene(s)? I swear he called her "my love" when they were riding in a car together, but this time a snippet of that was shown in the previouslies and he said, "my daughter" at the point I thought he'd said, "my love." It felt like they were clarifying in the previouslies that she's his daughter to set up tonight's scenes. Totally misremembering?
  11. That was Hank's trail out the door. At least as of the end of this ep, Eleanor hadn't chopped anyone up. I think the body count was Charlotte, notaryLady, Mackenzie, other DEA guy, at least 2 of Fausto's guys who Hank shot ... Known survivors: Cesar, Eleanor and Hank
  12. These are the same cops who hauled Gus and Felix off without noticing that the guy they'd been tussling with had a long sucking tentacle.
  13. Eh, few actors would want to live on residuals alone, even if they could. This show seems like a win-win for Astin: a somewhat meaty role on a summer show that's had buzz but it was a short term gig, not locking him into a long contract.
  14. I'd guess that someone may have thought of it sooner, but being at a gas station, may have wanted to leave the flamethrowing as a final resort. As it was, with the offensive toward the bread truck, I thought they were taking a pretty big risk with all that gasoline sloshing around and vaporizing.
  15. She is a saint with regard to Daniel. She did mention that Lucy's family wouldn't let her visit at the hospital. So part of her may have not minded the distraction bailing out Daniel brought.
  16. I watched the rebroadcast right after and I remember thinking that there was a worm visible up toward his hairline not long before they pulled the one worm out. That might have been meant to be the same worm but maybe not.
  17. I was fully expecting Jim to offer to create a diversion and die during the sacrifice. So I, too, was glad it wasn't so predictable.
  18. Her hacking skills could be a great asset. I wonder how many pieces SHE put together last night - did she hear Abe's line about Eichorst being a different caste of vampires? Does she realize why he wanted all the tech disruptions?
  19. OK, that's right, for Fet, but I think these were the first for Nora and Eph.
  20. Am I forgetting a scene or were the Jim and bread truck driver "releases" were the first time we've seen any infected-but-not-yet-turned people killed? Eph, Nora and Jim were attacked by Redfern. Eph, Abe, and Nora were attacked by the French girl and her father. Ansel was in full attack mode when Abe and Eph dropped by the shed. It's another part of the characters' developmental trajectory. Fet is more of an Advanced Placement student.
  21. Or Pharrell Williams. Abe and Fet are fun to root for, but I don't really have a problem with Bread-truck guy's reaction or Nora and Eph's reaction about Jim. If some crazy shit went down like this, there'd be a lot more people who were bewildered and disbelieving and screwing up than kicking ass.
  22. That's what I'm talking about. Damn that was tense. Points to Jim for being useful before getting infected and needing to be killed. Fet is a great addition to the team. Loved the little moments at the gas pump ... "Im awaiting authorization.." and then him choosing premium gas.
  23. I haven't been following the ratings and didn't realize they'd gone down a lot. Do you think a season 3 is unlikely?
  24. Those are some weirdly shaped teeth - what were they trapezoidal?
  25. Are there only 2 episodes remaining this season?
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