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Everything posted by Sonja

  1. That explains Hawkeye's evil purple/pink costume in the Avengers 616 universe... Sorry, off topic, but that was my instant association. So do the producers actually, so you'll be fine. I have to admit I can't really remember the sequels. My brain tends to hit 'delete' on movies I didn't like but didn't detest enough to be angry about ;-) I'm curious where they are planning to take the storyline and how fast. The first two eps were fine, but while I haven't seen much of most actors in this before, I know what Barbara Hershey can do with the right material and Bradley James was at times the only actor left in Merlin who still bothered to act. I'm hoping they pick up the pace in the next eps.
  2. I forgot to mention before; I don't know if it was planned or coincidental scheduling, but airing 'Et tu, Doctor' during the Ides of March earns the show a gold star in my book.
  3. There's a Southland-shaped soft spot in my heart for Kevin Alejandro, but I haven't been able to like Dan so far and it looks as if this isn't going to change. He is good though. I loved Dr. Linda's conflict of not really wanting to end the physical relationship with Lucifer but knowing she had to. She looked like a co-worker who was on a diet when a business partner brought chocolate cake to a meeting. Really? I thought Malcolm was like a kid on a sugar high, I didn't see any evil mastermind potential in him. Could be wrong though. Lucifer's description of Amendiel was hilarious. I don't think Amendiel cares one iota about what he has to do to get rid of his temporary job in hell. I have to admit I cackled at the 'Oh no, the douchemobile' line. If someone broke into my home after luring me there by impersonating my ex and I wasn't sure he was abolutely clean, I would have an 'extreme reaction' as well. I was hoping the therapist would nick Lucifer with the knife so we could see if it was only Chloe and angels. I guess they don't want to show us yet... I did. While drinking tea, which I almost choked on. Thank you, Lucifer. I was wondering if they were done on a personal level but he still expected her to run Lux or if he wanted her gone from his sight completely. Him playing with the jumper as if they were cat and bird was great. And definitely not human strength-wise. Being jump started by an angel is all good and well, but did principle Wood also pump up his muscles to get rid of the atrophy that no doubt had set in big time after months in a coma? If so, would it have been too much to ask to do something about the 70s porn-stache as well? Miraculous follicular death sounds like a fair exchange to walking around more or less unscathed.
  4. If they don't renew it, they better prepare for a shit storm. It's really a pity what is going on with the BBC at the moment. More and more cuts but people still expect good series like this one to be produced. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  5. I loved Lucifer goading him about falling. The look on Amenadiel's face when realisation struck was brilliant. Det. Douche seems to be one hell of a coward. To a certain extent I even get it; risking one's job when there's a kid to be provided for isn't an easy thing to do, but he's also an idiot when he's alone with Chloe and no one would know he's helping. He's probably not a bad man, but worried about image and security to a fault. Grow a pair, Dan. They are indeed. That was one great shot. Same here. That could become boring pretty fast. They are also really believable as brothers. Apart from the beating each other bloody, parts of the episode could have been my sister and I. Especially the Statler and Waldorfing at the auction. It would be really sad for Trixie, but as inconsistently as he's written, I get a sacrificial vibe from Dan as well. I still think she's a horrible actress, but she's actually been better in the last two eps and while the Det. Decker part of her character still irks me, she's really grown on me as Chloe. Her not understanding but nonetheless accepting that this was important to Lucifer was quite a big thing. Especially considering he was talking about a set of wings. I was wondering about that too. I could just imagine Amenadiel going to daddy asking for the rules ;-)
  6. Of course he's not winning; it would have been a statement though to show it's not okay to be a sexist ass in the first place and it doesn't pay off to boot. Happy International Women's Day btw ;-)
  7. I really wish they would count behaviour in the dorms and what they say when GR is not around into the eliminations. It would have been so great if Ramsay had thrown out Frank because he could never be head chef without being willing and able to work with women. Maybe they at least let Christina wipe the floor with him somewhere along the way. I've been suspecting the casting team to choose contestants based on rap sheets and failed psych evaluations instead of cooking ability for several seasons now. We have the same tired stereotypes in every season. The chef in a steak house/fish/pasta restaurant who can't cook steak/fish/pasta, the one with anger issues, the one who thinks women don't belong in the kitchen, the one getting drunk in the dorm making a fool out of themselves (twerking optional), the one making inappropriate comments about guests etc.
  8. That's interesting. I used to work in the music industry and am all for paying artists for their work and intellectual property, but that's an insane amount for one line. Especially since it would unfortunately go over half the audience's heads by now anyway. Couldn't agree more. I can't stand most comedies, but love drama with well-placed humour, so this is right up my street.
  9. I don't get that either; I'm willing to be convinced otherwise as well though. Let's see where they take us...
  10. Thank you for the link! Doesn't really endear Amenadiel to me in any way though. I loved Kevin Alejandro in Southland, so seeing him play Detective Douche irked me on some level. I was really happy about those scenes where he was something else than irritating for a change. Including making it to Taco Tuesday after overhearing Chloe on the phone, as sad as it is that this was what it took for him to make time for his family. Sadly, I was sure his wings were in the container from the start, but him taking Chloe's car and chasing that guy was great. That's just it though, he repeatedly mentions justice or in this ep things being unjust. Dr. Linda might say things he really doesn't want to hear, but she hasn't done anything wrong, so she doesn't deserve punishment. He seems very much into holding people accountable for their actions which he feels are blamed on him, not into random violence. That was my first thought as well but then I figured he would probably have his housekeys in his clothes which would not be at Chloe's house because Maze wanted us to have the opportunity to see him in a fetching ensemble of his daughter's choice. When Dr. Linda called him 'pure', I wondered when pure had become a synonym for dirty, lying, selfrighteous bastard. Sinkwriter and you (and Stephen Fry in the now infamous interview with an Irish journalist) just pretty much summed up one of the many reasons why I asked for excommunication when I was 14. Didn't Neil Gaiman write something in the foreword of the first Lucifer book alluding to this? I think it was something along the lines of him waiting for some Christian fundamentalists burning down the DC offices. I think there were protesters against the new Damien series at Comic Con, but I have no idea if they noticed Lucifer yet. Also, either my hearing is more damaged than I thought or they haven't used Devil Inside by INXS yet. I could have bet it would be played within the first three eps, so kudos on not being completely predictable and giving us singing Tom Ellis instead.
  11. Hehe, I have the same problem. I can't remember the proper name, but I'm always thinking Woods. This line taught me to be very careful when to drink during this show. They were brilliant together. And Maze didn't even bother to deny that she knocked him out and put him into his exes bed. It's good to see glimpses of the actual devil once in a while. Being smirky and cocky all the time would get pretty old very quickly if he didn't lose his countenance once in a while. The devil makes you do it ;-) I think he knows by now that she wouldn't have believed him and more than likely gotten angry and shut him out again since she doesn't believe him to be the devil. I really liked the episode, it gave Tom Ellis the opportunity to do some proper acting. Maze and Dan were very entertaining and Dr. Linda got to be more than a hormonal plot device, even if she was manipulated by Angel Woods.
  12. Good writing, Sharon firing McDouche and a decade worth of acting lessons for the actress playing Manning? My first thought was 'use your words, don't just slobber her without knowing if she's actually alright with it', but then I remembered that I don't like to hear him talk either. Exactly. He doesn't seem to have any ability to reflect on his actions. I don't know too much about US law, but while they would of course make his personal case harder, wouldn't it actually be good for the hospital to get rid of him? If they showed the family that someone ignoring patients' wishes didn't have a place in the hospital and they don't agree with his actions? I'm usually all for employers having their employees' backs, but he has been acting inappropriately since ep 1, so he really doesn't deserve it. Still waiting for an ep where no one has to stop a doctor trying to revive a patient they have already lost. I'm disappointed in Zanetti. Why shouldn't Rhodes take a job he was offered that is apparently a once in a lifetime opportunity. If Downey thought she was the right person, he would have chosen her. I doubt she would have gotten her turn if Rhodes had turned Downey down. I get that she's disappointed, but it's no one's fault, so get over it. For someone who likes to act like a tough cookie, she's sulking quite expertly.
  13. I wonder if they are going with the children being innocent on principle theory. If so, there wouldn't be any children in hell, so Lucifer wouldn't have had to deal with any before taking his 'vacation'. I think he just doesn't know how to react. It's a bit like children of friends being more likely to listen to me than to their parents because they can't judge how I will react if they disobey while they know exactly how far they can go with their parents. I just imagined Lucifer with a bowl of popcorn watching Arrow ;-) I don't think he was a tool about it, but it's a sore spot for him. His daddy issues are well established and he's probably way too proud for such a thing as empathy. He's the devil, he doesn't need a puny mortal feeling sorry for him. Couldn't agree more. When I read that German got the role, I really hoped they would send her to take a few acting lessons, but she's still acting like a wooden board as she was in Hawaii 5-0. The way they are writing her doesn't help either, she has to be the worst cop ever. The only thing selling the single-mom aspect to me is Trixie. As much as I usually dislike most TV kids, whoever cast the young actress should get a raise. As for the nudity: show me the grown woman who would have reacted as embarrassed as she did instead of throwing him off with a few well-placed jokes to put him in his place. Lucifer's 'Is this thing on?' cracked me up. Him not wanting the pick-up 'artist' to be shot but properly punished via STD was great too. Did anyone else think of Alan Rickman's Metadron in Dogma when Maze looked Amenadiel up and down?
  14. I would have agreed with you had it been the first time, but he stopped himslef after Maize cheered him on once before (I think it was in the pilot), so it seems to be a pattern. Or a 'we're a network show' plot device ;-)
  15. I wonder how long it will take her to realise her cheerleading is actually what stops him. I was really disappointed she couldn't hold her tongue; he was this close to doing something not FOX-like to the identity thief and then Maze had to open her mouth. Again. Same here. Him tempting the football player was fun, but the identity thief was disappointing. Nice that he put the agent through the glass later on at least. Her brows were downright distracting in this ep. That was actually even less believable than everything else they've done so far. How are they justifiying it? That it was a freak accident because it's not physically possible he could have put him through the glass? Same here. I was hoping the opening scene was a flash forward from the episode. And then I remembered this was a network show. Mäh.
  16. Choi shocked me when he said Olivia should just pull herself together. Both my ex-boyfriend and my best friend's husband have bipolar and there is absolutely no way either of them could do without meds. I remember how many very long conversations we had to have with my best friend's parents and parents-in-law when her husband was diagnosed and had to stay at the hospital until they found the right meds and dose. They were all in their 70s at the time and it took quite some time until they managed to grasp that this is a medical issue, not a matter of self-indulgence. So hearing a doctor say it wasn't medical raised my blood pressure. While I usually like Zanetti, she didn't even want to know what Rhodes' reason for declining was.The fact that Zanetti would love to go into this field doesn't have to mean everyone does. I thought his turnaround was rather hasty as well. 'Oh, you're dying, that does of course change everything. Screw trauma.' Snoring Platt is ten times better than a single word out of Halstead. I was so glad he didn't get away with his shenenigans this time. Considering his antics from episode one on, I was sure, they would have the husband actually thank him for not letting his wife die, so this was a pleasant surprise. Also, way to finally grow a pair, Manning. I didn't see that one coming.
  17. Depends on their eye colours. When both parents are blue-eyed, there is a 99% chance the child is as well, a 1% chance for green eyes and a 0% chance of brown eyes. The only combinations with a probability for brown eyes are brown/brown, brown/green and brown/blue. Sorry, minor nerdout...
  18. Also, how can you go undercover when those you are trying to keep an eye on already know you? Amen. I fear for this show as well, but for now I'm enjoying it and keep my fingers crossed it doesn't get FOXed. Wow, that's a lot of people to hate who just happen to have been born in a certain place. It's driving me nuts that Trixie has brown eyes when both her parents seem to be blue-eyed. Kevin Alejandro doesn't have too much screen time at the moment, he couldn't have dealt with contacts? They did it with the Adamas in Battlestar Galactica... I was surprised that slo-mo Angel didn't call Lucifer out about plucking the bullet out of the air. Is he really that easily fooled?
  19. Helen (?) was way out of line. Natalie is a grown woman; she doesn't betray her dead husband in any way if she chooses to enter a new relationship and it's none of mother-in-law's business. Even if she's apparently gravitating towards a gigantic moron. At least she didn't throw a fit when her grandchild wasn't named after her son. The OB's face when the baby was finally the right way around was brilliant. You could see it wasn't a pissing contest for her, but concern for the child. Nice choice by the actor. The scene with Choi and the kid who fell off the bike was great, but I had an inkling he would be back under different circumstances. Only 6 eps in and the show is already very predictable. Too bad they can't let us have one lighthearted interaction with a patient who actually survives. I was waiting for her to stop Rhodes from leaving to give some kind of explanation as well. After all, what was that supposedly big meeting before about? Sometimes I wonder about the show's editing. Good that Connor told McDouche off - and that he did it outside, not in the room. While I liked Maggie telling him off as well, I thought it was for the wrong reason. It's not about cutting Connor some slack because it's a tough day for him, but about not being an unprofessional, contrarian idiot who would apparently risk a patient's life (and not the first time in the last eps) than do what someone he doesn't like tells him. I'm surprised no one warned him he might get reported if he keeps refusing to act properly in emergency situations. Also, you can grow up rich and have compassion, but not having money doesn't entitle you to be a judgemental brat. Couldn't agree more about those four. Charles also seems to be the only one actually willing to teach Reese something. When she came up with the child's diagnosis earlier in the ep, Manning rudely interrupted her instead of letting her actually say what she thought was going on with the boy. Let her finish the bloody sentence to see if she's right. Rhodes telling his father he was glad to be back sounded like an 'I'm going to make your life miserable by being here', didn't it? I'm curious how long they let us wait to find out what happened to Mrs. Rhodes and if Claire is going to stick with daddy once it is revealed. BTW, was Russell at the ceremony?
  20. Not that it wasn't clear from the beginning that it had to happen at one point, but I hate crossovers. I can't stand Chicago Fire and I've never had the urge to even try PD (even less so after this episode and a second Halstead I'd like to have slapped around the block with a wet towel), so now I'm left with an unfinished episode (and suspicions about the 'son' of the eldest non-cancer lady). Gäh. So many unlikable characters in one ep, this must be some kind of record. Even if it's his brother asking, Halstead shouldn't have said anything. His initial reply was fine, why didn't he follow up with 'Do you comment other detectives work if you only know half the case?'. April's brother seems a realy sweetheart so far, I hope he doesn't get too much screentime in future eps. Maggie's comments were hilarious but except for the one about standing around too long she really should have taken the issues up with someone in private. Good to see Rhodes admit he screwed up, Zanetti not being huffy about it (probably helps that she met his father) and Reese having ideas; especially since it led to the discovery. I hope she does get the credit for it in the end. I watch this show mainly for Platt, Merkerson and Donnell; Zanetti (don't know the actresses name) is also getting there, but I can really live without episodes filled with characters from other shows.
  21. Yes and I also doubt you can distinguish if you're hitting the right notes if you can't hear them. That 'feel good' part of the storyline was absolute bogus.
  22. You forgot he'd have to touch the doorframe on his way out ;-) Street can sing (I don't know about the others) and the addition rate of new characters is insane (especially considering they can't write decent storylines for those they already have), so sooner or later.....
  23. It says so on the nameplate next to her office door, so I don't think this is a spoiler ;-)
  24. Usually there would be an insurance. I'm not quite sure if in US law the insurance would first cover the cost and then sue Marcus or if - depending on the contract with the tour promoter - he would have been liable immediately. Speaking of 'managing' artists: where is Marcus' manager? The guy surely has a manager, tour manager, lawyer and publicist (and probably a PA fluffing his lattes and polishing his jewellery) with what we've been told about his former band. Rayna was supposed to be his label head, a&r (since she went over Bucky's head) and producer, but not his manager. And if I missed it and she signed up for that as well, that would have plain stupid because manager and label head usually don't go together. They're like the wolf and the turtle. Sorry, wrong show.
  25. Aren't we all? ;-) Agree about all of this. Charles is just hilarious (as is the neurosurgeon who just pops up briefly for a dose of sarcasm here and there) and Sharon has been brilliant so far. I really don't ever want to be in a situation to make a decision like that. I had to agree to loved ones being taken off life support twice, but this is a whole different level. I get the husband's reasoning but what was Rhodes thinking taking him to the idiot prankster's room? So we had Halstead taking the bottle from Manning against her will two eps back and now Manning refuses to stay clear when Choi wants to shock a patient? Those two really deserve each other. Apparently it's okay for Halstead (and Rhodes in this ep) to perform CPR for over 20 minutes, but Choi only gets one try. At least he was allowed to show he can be funny with the old lady. I like that she's a true authority figure without having lost her sense of humour and that she defends her staff, but tells them to back off or get their act together when needed as well. That too. ;-) The makeup artist and the writers apparently judging by his fortune cookie meets facebook-meme lines. Also, are they trying to set him up for a 'this doesn't make any sense anymore, I quit' personal crisis storyline?
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