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  1. I'll admit I'm tired of all the top teams right now - C/B, G/F, and G/P. I foolishly assumed most, if not all, of them would have retired by now. It feels like they've all stalled out creatively and are just treading water until the Olympics.
  2. I couldn't agree more, re: Ben's commentary. Between Ben on NBC and Jean-Luc on the Peacock practice cam, we got a lot of amazing dance insight this weekend.
  3. As though the situation with Ivan wasn't awful enough, it's now come to light that he and Bella were married two years ago, just a few months after they teamed up. It wasn't public knowledge until The Skating Lesson published the county records confirming it. Bella and Ivan train at WASA in Colorado Springs alongside junior world champs Leah Neset and Artem Markelov who married this summer (she's 18) and Grace Yi (also 18) who married her partner Danila Savelev last December.
  4. You know it's a crazy episode when Rishi's wife being shot in the head is like the fourth most important thing that happened.
  5. Truly the shock of my life that Reginald and especially Eric made it through tonight. I thought for sure at least one of them was toast. I won't miss Anna, but her answering "nothing" when asked what she'd take away from this did make me laugh out loud. I feel bad for Tori, she seemed to be having a lot of fun.
  6. I enjoyed this, but will probably have forgotten about it by this time next week. The scenery was gorgeous and I enjoyed Dakota Fanning and the little bit we got of Meghann Fahy. Most everyone else sort of felt like they were on autopilot. I didn't see a thread for book comparisons, so I'll drop this here for anyone wondering about Amelia and Shooter.
  7. I hope they send Bratti/Somerville to Worlds so that Green/Parsons can use that time to pack their bags and find a coaching team that understands them. They've had two underwhelming seasons now with MIDA. Do they really want to risk another with the Olympics only two years away? Caroline is young, but Michael turns 30 next year. Who knows how long he wants to continue.
  8. I'm glad I'm not the only person wondering this. I can't tell if I missed something while distracted or if this show is kind of awful at explaining character motivations. Maybe both.
  9. John Mulaney once said it best - "a hero is any man who does his job." This is the first episode I've watched since June maybe, and I can't get over how unrealistic the writing is for Trina and Spencer. (I mean, it's bad for everyone.) Never in my life have I seen two 19/20 year olds who are so obsessed with what their family members need vs themselves.
  10. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think GH will be able to avoid a shutdown now. SAG-AFTRA’s Negotiating Committee Unanimously Recommends Strike as Contract Deadline Passes Without a Deal
  11. I could be totally wrong, but I think the ATM photos were taken 3 days after he "died" during the stunt with the Lazarus Shroud. Monty didn't die for real until he got stuck in the piano during his funeral for his faked Lazarus Shroud death.
  12. There are so many things that I want for the final season, but one of the biggest things for now is no more new characters. If all we have left is eight episodes, I don't want to spend valuable time devoted to getting to know yet another side character who'll ultimately get killed off. I want whatever time we have dedicated to people that we already know and are invested in - that includes the mains and side characters like Mr. Clarke, El's mother and aunt, or even Kali. And if the Duffers feel they need more canon fodder to kill off, dip into the archives and bring back James and Troy from season one or even Steve's douchebag friends.
  13. I'll join the chorus of "Max should have stayed dead." Losing Sadie Sink would have been rough as she's one of the best actors they have, but continuing to cheat major characters out of death is tired. Either have the conviction to actually let them go, or stop putting them in these fake outs. Her death could have been such a driving force of getting the younger teens back together for one last stand in season five. I'm scared that Max's coma means that she'll (and possibly Lucas by extension) spend half of next season sidelined, much like Hopper and Joyce were this year.
  14. Didn't Greg briefly coach at WISA? If that's the case, I could see them wanting to train with someone they're already familiar with. Plus, Caroline has talked about plans for college, so it would make sense for them to choose Michigan. On the other hand, I'd love to see what a powerful school like IAM could do with them.
  15. I might be willfully naive, but I refuse to believe they'll actually kill Steve. Knowing him, he'll end the series thoroughly concussed and likely still single, but I think he'll be left standing. If he does get killed off, I don't see it happening until the end of season five. In the meantime, if they want to get rid of Jonathan, I won't be mad about it.
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