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Everything posted by ariel

  1. The Autumn Classic International from Barrie ON can be seen at: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x27xool_2014-skate-canada-autumn-classic_sport#from=embediframe
  2. Let's bring back the Hearty Boys. They were charming & talented.
  3. Was your friend's name Ree?
  4. I’ve never been to a wedding where a bride’s mother or mil had their wedding dresses on "display". I've been to weddings where the dresses were re-used/ re-done for the wedding, but not on display. Is this a regional custom?
  5. Did Sandra Lee ever use Velveeta in her "cooking" ? I know she used a lot of crazy ingredients (usually in her cocktails).
  6. That statement is used a lot when people defend the Duggars & all their craziness. The bottom line is, they are just as much fame whores as the Kardasins.
  7. They most likely view the earth (which they think was created 6,000 years ago) is theirs to exploit. The environment be damned. They will be out of here when the rapture comes.
  8. Sadly you have to sell your soul to the devil to get one.
  9. If that's what they wanted us to see, I would love to see what really happened. It may not be a pretty picture for TV & their image.
  10. Oh dear, yet another post where PW's repetitive recipes are compared to Ina's recipes.
  11. I'm watching P. Allen Smith's Garden Home. He says he has some special guests appearing. We then see a convoy of a bus & several cars & who should hop out but Jim Boob & family. If you have the PBS Create channel, they are re-airing this today at 5pm EST. The episode is called "Bulb Gardening".
  12. That must be a regional thing. Where I live, must people don't consider Jerry Falwell & his teachings "mainstream".
  13. You need the heavy duty oven mittens that go up to your elbows. I learned this the hard way.
  14. I think the late great Lauren Bacall should have gotten the full front page photo.
  15. Maybe Josh is campaigning for someone running in IN.
  16. Michelle is in the news. http://www.fayettevilleflyer.com/2014/08/18/michelle-duggar-robocall-tries-to-rally-opposition-to-fayettevilles-anti-discrimination-proposal/
  17. I could see Josh, the baby, & a gun possibly getting more membership for the hate group that employs him.
  18. I don’t get her appeal . She’s a plump & jowly version of Sandra Lee "on the range". Lots of canned crap food without SL’s cocktails.
  19. Wow, that's interesting that they felt the need to make that statement on their website.
  20. Funny comment from that... "1,000 guests. Was that her siblings?"
  21. Well this may sound odd, but I really can’t understand the raging apologists (for all things Duggar ) all over the web.
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