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  1. Wasn't Dru in an open marriage? It was messy but not necessarily immoral. The biggest issue is that it was obviously not what Molly really wanted or needed in the long term.
  2. I dont feel bad for Jess either. I don't care if he was having real feelings for the first time, he knew rory had a boyfriend. He should have gone to her and said hey I like you, is there any chance for you and me instead of the passive aggressive antagonize Dean and rory. My unpopular opinion is the only person I felt sorry for was Dean. He might have been clingy at times but his problem was in trying to hold onto something he shouldnt and at the end of both of his relationships with rory he eventually learns his lesson. I thought jess and rory deserved each other cause they were both horrible people. Rory managed to get increasingly worst over the years but that's only because we had to watch her story. If jess had stuck around in the series. he would have never gotten any growth.
  3. I don't blame Rory for having feelings for Jess, but this felt like Rory knew her feelings had changed but she didn't want to be the bad guy and break it off so she just acts horribly so Dean will do it for her and she gets to be the victim. It feels like a pattern of Rory's throughout the series so I may be biased. Dean isn't perfect but Rory is so passive aggressive it makes me crazy.
  4. Can she? I dont know enough about her family or her finances but if I'm expecting to have a job next year and then I dont I might need to scramble to find something steady quick. I dont know if guest spots are something that works with her plans. But she is talented and hopefully can find something else soon.
  5. Congrats on getting what you want. If only I knew I wouldn't have wasted the past 5 years watching.
  6. It's a repeat of what has happened before and since that's all krista does, this is the most likely scenerio. At some point it stops being a call back and is just a matter of laziness and lack of creativity.
  7. The exact lazy ending I thought would happen. Whatever I was out either way.
  8. Except in my opinion April leaving with Matthew is just further evidence that the show runner cares so little for the character that she cant even think of a new ending for her and is instead reverting her back to where she was four years ago. I would gladly see April date someone new or find a job somewhere else. I'm not one of the people saying japril or nothing but mapril is not a relationship I enjoyed seeing the first time around. Mainly because Matthew has always been a one dimensional character, there to be whatever the plot needs him to be. Furthermore, any of the many issues they would have had to be address prior to dating has not been seen onscreen and I doubt very little of the actual finale will go to the relationship of the character that the showrunner is not interested in "creatively." As someone who has rarely cared about Meredith or jolex this season hasn't done much for me and I'm not planning on sticking it out any further but I'm going to go ahead and disagree on the sentiment that april fans should be satisfied with her exit.
  9. I just think the new showrunner is uninterested in the people who don't directly relate to Meredith Grey and by extension her sisters. Soooo..ergo "creative reasons"
  10. The main reason they fired Sarah Drew is so we continue with the Maggie/Jackson romance so I doubt this is how it goes.
  11. Lgbqt is not the equivalent to incest. And while these writers are not doing a good job with april's portrayal of Christianity , Christianity itself is not being persecuted. It just has to make room for other people's beliefs as well. ETA: Anyway Jackson and Maggie aren't incest. They're just boring. Ill ignore them same way i do all the other characters I dont care about.
  12. I think Heigl burned her bridges in a way that Isiah didn't.
  13. Wasnt Heigl scheduled to come back and then just didnt show up? Which meant stopping production, script changes,etc. Washington got fired, finished out his episodes and left. Im not saying that Isiah Washington isnt a worst person than Heigl but how you leave a job affects whether you can come back
  14. Pretty much my exact thought. I don’t really care about the Jane/Rafael romance but the writers always seem to demonize which ever guy isn’t Jane’s love interest at the time. The only time Rafael is decent is when they’re tryin to advance that relationship and I like Rafael and am interested in his journey separate from Jane. This season hasn’t been that engaging anyway so I’ll skip a few episodes and catch up later.
  15. This does come up later after he's died. This show used to have such good follow through.
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