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  1. What did he do to his dogs? And do you mean the Beverly Club on Rodeo?
  2. But was Bernie misrepresented when he went on Faux News?
  3. Sorry if this has been posted somewhere but I didn't see it if so..https://www.chicagotribune.com/columns/heidi-stevens/ct-life-stevens-tuesday-beverly-hills-90210-luke-perry-0305-story.html?fbclid=IwAR24kMsfKGloLF94hYXNl5W9_9pqvSZYfvtuQLDPcBOgOp-yQrwC4bUpr_k
  4. It was a 911 truther, and Bill rightly threw him out. Go on Fox News! Go behind enemy lines. What have you got to lose?
  5. I thought the brother was dead?
  6. In a small school I guess that was possible?
  7. Involving sexting
  8. Now I'm gonna have to rewatch, I could swear I heard it.
  9. I can't believe the new movie had a Brady/Sam storyline. Ick, glad KC said no.
  10. From what I remember when he was drinking or playing pool, but don't take to the bank.
  11. He called her my angel.
  12. When John lets Jeffrey keep a kitten in the barn to be a mouser, and Mary Ellen says the black snake does that, wouldn't it have eaten the kitten?
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