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Everything posted by teebax
I had no clue on FJ. But I don't read a lot of YA fiction and, as the poster above said, I haven't seen a commercial since TiVo was invented. I guessed Silent Spring, knowing damn well it was wrong.
Wow. I wonder if that was going on all over the country. I feel like it might have been. (see what I did there?)
I think the main problem for her defense would be that she put him in the stable when he was already no longer a threat to her. Granted, according to the detectives, he would have died from the poison anyway. But since he was trying to use the poison on her, I think she'd have a better shot at a self-defense claim if she hadn't done that last thing. It looks like the show is off next week and then returning in two, from the previews. I'll miss it, as it's become my Wednesday night routine to watch it.
Thanks for sharing the link. My only complaint is that they feel a need to call her fat. Yes, she is fat. But her issues are because she's a lying scam artist, which has nothing to do with her weight. Heavy people seem to be the last group it's socially acceptable to discriminate against. I wish that would stop, and I say that as an athletic woman who's never had issues with weight. I have female friends who are fat, and they're treated like shit. They're either picked on or ignored completely. It sucks. Okay, I'm getting off my soapbox. There was a case I saw last night in which a woman was suing to get a PT Cruiser back from her former step-mother. There was something about a fraudulent lien on the car. First JJ said the plaintiff gets the car, then she said the plaintiff doesn't get the car. The plaintiff had run up a credit card and filed bankruptcy. But the credit card was in the step-mother's name. I don't disagree with JJ's ruling, but I was confused in the end. The plaintiff said she paid off the card, then she said she filed bankruptcy. Were any of you able to decipher what was going on? It seemed like JJ dismissed the claim without hearing all of the evidence, but I could be wrong.
In a time when we don't seem far from just grunting at each other, I love that Alex does this. BTW, his ability to pronounce the name of that volcano in Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull, impressed me. I played it several times on my DVR just so I could get the pronunciation down. I don't know if his was correct, but I now say it the same way he does.
Oh, it was directed at the grandmother. But I also said I did not get to see the episode, so I was going by another's description of her. That's why I said, "She sounds horrible." But I'm glad you didn't take it personally. I don't come on forums to insult other posters. I think JJ's litigants are fair game, and they often do fall into the horrible scammer category. I mean, she had a litigant who sold a cell phone on Ebay and sent the winner of the auction a picture of the cell phone! Anyone else remember that case? And the litigant didn't even seem embarrassed by it. That's the type of litigant we're used to getting on JJ.
I don't think anyone called you horrible or a scammer. As always with JJ discussions, we are talking about a certain type of litigant, not everyone who benefits from a government program. I collected unemployment for two months five years ago. Does that make me the same as people who work just long enough to qualify for more unemployment and then find a way to collect it again? Of course not. My post was asking a question about something I didn't know existed. When JJ probes further and finds out that these caregivers weren't doing anything productive before they became a caregiver, we are clearly not dealing with someone who left a job to take care of a sick relative. As was posted above, most government programs have great intentions. And most of JJ's litigants have found a way to abuse the hell out of those programs.
They're still teaching grammar in schools? I assumed those classes ended a long time ago. I just read an article yesterday about how universities are going to stop offering degrees in English. This resonated with me because my BA is in English. I thought to myself that we are just hurtling toward making everything in the movie Idiocracy come true.
I didn't see it. My DVR decided I only needed two of the four JJ episodes yesterday. But she sounds horrible. When did the government start doing this? We've seen cases in which relatives are paid to take care of sick or young members of their family. When I was growing up, you did this out of a sense of family, not in order to get paid by the government. Maybe it's always been around and I just didn't know.
Maybe JJ was following her theory that you shouldn't enter into a contract with someone who you know can't perform their side of it. We've seen her rule that way multiple times, and then sometimes she doesn't. That's what's so maddening for me about JJ.
Trying to understand the thinking of someone who is crazy in love is a useless endeavor. Some people are so desperate to have love they often act irrationally to get or keep it. We often see people who seem otherwise perfectly rational and intelligent do ridiculously stupid things under the guise of love. Remember the NASA astronaut who drove from Houston to Orlando to try and kidnap a woman who was involved with her ex-boyfriend? If you looked at her credentials and her position you'd never think her capable of doing something totally insane which, in turn, ended the career she'd worked so hard to have. It's wicked hard to become an astronaut, and she was so crazy in love she threw it all away.
I am enjoying this tournament as well, although it does point out to me how woefully out of touch I am with what teens are listening to and reading. When that Katy Perry category came up, I knew that unless they asked about 'I Kissed a Girl' or 'Roar' I was sunk. Then they asked about a music video and I tried to remember the last time I saw a music video. Other than 'Word Crimes' by Weird Al, which someone sent me a link for (and I highly recommend), I couldn't think of a music video made after the 1990s that I've seen! I read and saw The Hunger Games. I've never read any of the Harry Potter books, although other adult friends of mine recommended I do so. Nor did I know what Vampire Academy is. I don't hate on YA fiction because I'm happy when I see anyone reading anything. If it gets kids away from video games, iPads, cell phones, etc., I'm all for it. One final thought: I was glad all three made it on Friday. I always feel bad during a tournament when the two people who lost the last game have to stand there while they announce the contestants who are moving forward.
I gave this show another chance, despite not liking the male lead's character. Nope, I still don't like him. It's weird because he and his wife have great chemistry in certain scenes, but I just really dislike him. He barged in on her in that tiny little shower when she was clearly exasperated from dealing with the kids. When she asked him to get out, he wouldn't. Did they ever say what he does for a living? I don't think I've seen any work scenes or heard any references to how he supports them financially. The wife doesn't work, either. Maybe I missed something.
I loved the Ferris discussion. I'd never thought about the movie in-depth, although I have seen it many times. I side with the roommate about Cameron, even though I love the character. I thought this episode was better than the pilot. I loved the scene at the restaurant because that would be my reaction to being sat at a communal table. I shudder just to think about that. Actually, that wouldn't be my reaction because I'd have left, no matter how hungry I was!
Yep. The women's restroom in my office building is awful. There have been times when I've walked to the restaurant next door to us to avoid using the restroom here. And these are all supposedly professional women: government types, bankers, insurance agents, etc.
For Walken I'd just say, "We need more cowbell."
People who like heavy metal are skinheads. As a black woman who loves metal, that made me howl!
I love the plutonic friends case. That guy was embarrassed about shitting all over their room but not $1,500 worth! (Or whatever figure it was) Why in the world did the defendant think that being treated to a cruise meant the guy was footing everything, including her liquor and gambling? Also, I've never been on a cruise, but I thought one of the perks was that they were all-inclusive. Is alcohol really not included on a cruise? Obviously, I wouldn't expect gambling to be included, but drinks aren't either?
I'm assuming he didn't report it to the city because I can't think of a city that would let that occur over a long period of time. This is not because cities care about their residents but because cities love collecting fines. They would have fined her until she rectified the problem.
I think there were better ways to approach the situation. It couldn't have been that bad if he chose to stay. As discussed earlier, if he didn't pay rent for five freaking months, he should have had more than enough money to a-move. Quite frankly, two months should have been enough time, assuming the next place would require a deposit and first month's rent. If he wanted to stay because he liked the place otherwise, he should have reported purple-haired landlady to the appropriate city agency and put the rent in an escrow account until the problem was rectified. Instead he took that as an excuse no to pay rent. Total scam artist.
I thought that was cute. He tried to grab the pen and write in the missing letter. Too funny. I don't usually root against kids, but I found Erin to be annoying. She's the kind of kid I'd avoid in real life. I agree that maybe she'll mature and look back on her Jeopardy appearance with a bit of embarrassment. I was probably just as annoying at 16.
Nice research, guys. That's one of the many reasons you'd never see me on JJ. I look up litigants online, too. I'd have to go on TPC where at least they'd let me use an assumed name or only use my first name!
I felt badly for Josiah. I think he was getting more and more frustrated about Cooper beating him on the buzzer and that led to him being more and more nervous. I usually root against board jumpers, but I couldn't root against that poor kid. I have no idea why Kat felt the need to bet anything in FJ. I wonder if she wasn't clear about how the tournament works. Her score going in to FJ would almost certainly have been enough to advance. You don't need to win; you just need to make the next level.
I don't know if it was JJ or a different court show, but I saw a case not long ago in which a guy was suing his friend for having stolen his gold iPhone. Mind you, the iPhone was not currently working, as the coverage had been shut off for non-payment. I don't know how much those things cost, but it seems to me he'd have more money to pay for phone service if he'd spent less money on the actual phone. It's astonishing to me how bad some people are with money. We all know people who make plenty of money but are always broke. I think no matter how much money some folks have or make, they're always going to be broke. Because they're always going to be stupid with it.
I agree. We've seen cases in which the tenant didn't pay rent because of deplorable conditions. If you haven't paid rent in months, you should be saving up your money to a-move. There was a case recently in which a brother was suing his sister for stealing his settlement money while he was in jail. The sister was charging him something like $1500 a month in rent for a place where section 8 was paying all but $75 a month of her rent. She was a real POS.