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Everything posted by teebax
I agree. If people put as much energy into working as they put into not working and gaming the system, they'd no doubt be millionaires. (Disclaimer: I don't think that everyone who doesn't work is gaming the system, but JJ seems to have a lot of system-scammers on her show.)
She was a freaking piece of work. She didn't bother to talk to the other woman because she was "just" the receptionist. I have no doubt she made that office a living hell while she was working there. I can't stand people like her. Whatever her level of education and experience is, she's not better than anyone else and is in no position to look down upon someone. By her example, the hygienist should not have spoken to her, and the dentist shouldn't have spoken to anyone else in the office. Being a receptionist is a valuable asset to an organization. We currently don't have one at my company, and it drives me crazy. We all have offices, so if someone comes in, there's no one to greet them unless one of us hears the door. And don't get me started on the phone ringing off the hook. The reason we don't currently have one is because it's so hard to find a good receptionist: someone who's pleasant on the phone who can also type letters, certificates, etc. Speaking of which, Miss Angel McDaniel could not work in my office. Her terrible grammar would make none of us trust her to type our letters! I'm sure her spelling is equally atrocious. Thanks to those who explained the end of that case to me. Knowing that makes me love that JJ did that.
Correct. For obvious reasons.
The presidents are much easier for me because I memorized them in order many, many years ago. I guess I'll have to do the same with monarchs.
Me too. I also struggle with monarchs. I have no idea how people keep their kings and queens straight. Other than George III, Elizabeth, Victoria, and Ferdinand and Isabella, I'm lost on who ruled where when. I guess I'd have to do some rote memorization before going on the show.
She looked like a hot mess. I don't think MM has ever commented on a litigant's apparel, but maybe she needs to start doing it. Off topic, but I went to a wedding a few weeks ago at a swanky country club, and at least a tenth of the people there were in shorts. I couldn't believe it. Granted, it was hot as hell outside, but it's a freaking wedding!
I don't think JJ is wrong about that. I'm an insurance agent and have been for many years. You have to have an insurable interest in something in order to insure it. I think the problem is that some agents and direct writers don't do their due diligence. If someone calls them in order to buy a policy, they're not asking the necessary follow up questions to ascertain who owns the vehicle. I've never been asked to provide a copy of the registration or title in order to buy insurance. For the record, I always ask the question when a client wants to start a new policy or add a vehicle to an existing one. Also, if there's a loan on on the car, the lienholder is supposed to ask for proof that the person who has the loan has insurance. The theory is that someone else would not have a financial stake in the car and wouldn't necessarily take good care of it. JJ's example of taking out life insurance on a legal stranger is spot-on. Otherwise, I could take out a policy on something you own, steal or destroy it, and then collect insurance on it. That's what the rule is trying to avoid. If someone is going to buy insurance on a car that's in someone else's name, they'd better make sure there's full disclosure. Otherwise they could run into a problem if they file a claim later on. We all know that insurance companies are really good at finding excuses not to pay claims. As for the ads you're seeing, that sounds really shady to me. I would guess they're having their clients do leaseback forms so that there's sort of an insurable interest,but that seems really dangerous to me. I wouldn't want someone else buying insurance on me or anything I own! Incidentally, Walmart had some bad press recently when it came out that they were secretly taking out life insurance on their own employees. Apparently it's legal in several states that ruled that an employer/employee relationship creates an insurable interest. I think it's bullshit. If my company took out life insurance on me I'd be furious. Walmart stopped doing it but still collects on the policies they bought before they stopped the practice.
This is now the second time I've seen the case with the dental technician and the woman she didn't speak to because the other woman is "just" a receptionist. And I still have no idea what happened at the end of the case. First it was dismissed and then JJ gave the plaintiff $5,000. What did I miss?
I heard it that way, too. I think she came off as being nasty to the little girl but it wasn't her intention. She needs to quit with her "move" business. It's certainly easier for someone like her to move than it is for most of her litigants. First you have the deposits, first/last month's rent (esp. if you have bad credit), the cost of the moving van and sometimes paying people to help you do the actual moving. Some people have to pay deposits to turn on utilities. I have my house on the market and just the thought of moving exhausts me. I'm buying a house closer to my work for my sanity, but the move itself is NOT something I'm looking forward to. And I say that as someone who will be having professional movers do most of the work. It's not that easy.
It may be a law in certain localities, I don't think that is a federal law that would apply to landlords anyway. But many landlords neither know the law nor care about it. For example, there are laws about not being able to discriminate in housing, and it happens all the time. They may not tell you they aren't renting to you because of your race or that you have kids or whatever. They just won't rent to you. Also many tenants, particularly those who are living paycheck to paycheck and/or have poor credit, aren't in a position where they can risk their living situation so they don't formally complain about a landlord's actions. Judge Judy likes to demand that people move when their living situation is bad, completely overlooking how hard and expensive it is to do so. Regarding yesterday's episode, MM told a plaintiff he needed to sue the city of Philadelphia for damages to his car. I was surprised that she didn't acknowledge that most municipalities have immunity. I had some damage done to my car (incidentally, in Philadelphia) that was the city's fault, and I had to look to my own car insurance to get it repaired. Maybe if cities didn't have such immunity, their employees wouldn't carelessly leave a freaking pole sticking out of the ground unmarked.
I guessed Guam (which I was sure was right) and Puerto Rico (which I was less sure about). I understood what they were asking for, but I wasn't surprised that all three contestants seemed to not understand the clue, although I was surprised that one of them picked two states. It was not worded well at all, although I think it was clear they wanted territories, not states. I love, love, love all things baseball. So that category was my favorite of the night. I did think it was too easy, but that's probably because it's a strong suit of mine. I have a friend who is really into classical music, and she thinks Jeopardy's questions on the subject are always way too easy.
I'm with you. I can't stand the direction is going in, and I'm really tired of Jane's family. Talk about people with no freaking boundaries. Good grief. I've watched since it started, so I'm not quite ready to quit, but I'm getting closer every week. And it's turned in to the last thing I watch on Tuesday.
I've never heard of Grindr, but you folks have made me afraid to look it up. Dare I ask, what is it?
Absolutely. The taking the TV was odd. The taking the medication was even worse. What a nut. I would've called the police on him too, not sure why MM thought that was overkill. Like MM, I had a landlord who liked to come in to my apartment while I was gone and comment on my things. Needless to say, I didn't stay there very long. It's way creepy.
I do, too. Had I made the show while I was in the service I absolutely would have worn my uniform. I was proud of it (and, quite frankly, looked really good in it.) I fail to understand what sort of advantage a contestant would get from wearing it.
I've never been able to figure out his success.I first saw him on Curb Your Enthusiasm and didn't think he added a single thing to the show. The only times he made me laugh had more to do with Larry David than with him. And he was awful on that show with Will Arnett. When my Dish Network DVR has a recording of Last Comic Standing, it still shows Craig Robinson as the host. I'd much prefer that. And I'd really like it if Wanda or Amy hosted it. I do agree that I'm glad the audience doesn't get to vote. As a viewer of several competitive reality shows, I think the audience rarely gets it right.
I've seen it happen. I remember back in our TWOP days many of us complaining about a contestant who did that. It seemed like poor sportsmanship.
As much as I appreciate when a boardie tells us their episode is going to air, it really stresses me out! It's amazing how hard I root for people I don't even know IRL. Anyway, congrats on the win. I didn't exhale until your FJ wager was revealed (considering some of the boneheaded wagering we've seen lately).
I've had my share of evenings in which I've drunk way to much alcohol, but never to the point of crapping all over a room. WTF was wrong with him? I agree with MM; I'd have been way to embarrassed to pursue a case on TV court.
I got a little lost watching that case. Was the dad also living there? He kept saying things like, "When we moved in." I can't imagine being an adult and still having my parents fight my battles. I found him to be a major pain in the ass, and I wished MM wouldn't have let him talk so much.
Like one of the contestants, I had Istanbul on my mind. I know Ankara is the capital of Turkey, but I went with a city that spans two continents. It's my fault for not reading the clue correctly. So I was trying to think of another city that ended in "UL." The phonetic category was easy for me as an Army vet, but I could see how it could be confusing to some. My partner was lost until I explained the Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc., thing to her. I like the new champ. He seems pretty sharp. I did have to turn up the volume to hear some of his answers, though. I'd take that over a loud, aggressive contestant any day.
What bothered me most about that case is what bothers me about most cases of this type. You have two women, both of whom could do better, fighting over some asshole who can't keep it in his pants. And he's nowhere to be found as they duke it out. I loved MM saying she understands when some of her litigants put up with cheating bastards because they're desperate, while both of these women were attractive and seemingly intelligent. I was surprised she went there but also pleased that she just seems to get it. Judge Judy would have just hurled insults at the women. MM has a more subtle way, which I love her for.
I think Molly got Ethiopia after someone else answered incorrectly. I ran that category, too. I'm not great on all geography, but I have studied state and national capitols, since they seem to come up a lot. I don't have an opinion on Molly either. She doesn't bug me, nor does she excite me. She does, however, have a really low total for a four-game winner. I assume her average winnings are well below average for their champs this year. There are a lot of gaps in her knowledge base, which is why so many low-valued clues have gone unanswered. Both Julia and Arthur would wipe the floor with her if she makes it to the TOC. Of all of the multiple-day camps this year, Julia remains my favorite. I'm looking forward to seeing a good TOC.
This is one of the funniest things I've ever read on an online forum. I need this on a bumper sticker or a T-shirt.
Molly impressed me in that glands category (although I got them all right, too). Other than that, it was a rather unimpressive game with a lot of triple stumpers that were pretty easy. I didn't get FJ. I really need to brush up on my UN countries.