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Posts posted by kikismom

  1. I like the ideas of the virus activating for no reason, or from a minor injury or accident. I like the idea of animals getting the virus.


    What if it isn't even about the virus? What if it is about animals, but carnivores and omnivores running out of food?

  2. Copied from the Talking Dead thread:

    referring to all related posts.

    Great question!

    All life is hardwired to survive. Viruses survive by mutation but that isn't deliberate. Whatever strains of virus can survive longer can multiply more and can get the most hosts and therefore reduce or eliminate the other strains.

    What accidental mutation would happen? What doesn't the virus have that would help it keep a host for longer?


    I'll nominate a developing ability to use oxygen to keep all the cells more alive...look more human and get closer to people? Have more parts of the brain able to carry on even if a knife or bullet damages another area of the brain? Keep muscle and skin cells viable and not only increase agility or speed but not give off smell?

    • Love 1
  3. Why would they pass up a chance to leave us on a cliff-hanger?

    Just to play devil's advocate:

    The only "cliffhangers" we've seen on this show:


    • the episode "A" where we only saw them offered dubious food (we had no proof at that point that it was or was not human flesh) chased with gunfire (that did not hit them), and locked in a train car. It was scary, but Rick said his line They don't know who they're screwfucking with. Most of us speculated on how they would escape the boxcar. It was a suspenseful "trapped" cliffhanger. But nothing more.


    • The end of season 2 could be considered a cliffhanger; they lost the farm, they lost Andrea, they had only the clothes on their backs. What next? with a very fun visual of the prison. Nothing more.


     Pete is dead. He can't be punished if he did something.

    If the children are dead, they can't be saved.

    They wouldn't end the episode Spend with Noah halfway in and out the door and one decomposed hand starting to rip his face. That's not a cliff-hanger; that's just drawing out something truly upsetting.

    I hope they would never have a "cliffhanger" of a fat slob lying on top of Carl unzipping his pants. That's also veering into torture porn. Not suspense. It wouldn't make people eager to see what happens next.


    They would not be passing up a suspenseful tease toward next season by letting us see blood spattered on the jewelry box, or little Sam's boat lying on the floor in a pool of blood, next to a hacked open closet door

    If the katana has blood on it, there is a difference between a cliffhanger, and an omen.

    • Love 2
  4.  If I had to guess, I'd say it would be risky to pair two strong characters together like that. Killing off a family member or love interest seems to be a favorite way to propel a character forward on this show, and I would bet TPTB don't want to lose Michonne or Rick. But I could be totally off. 

    I don't want another Bones or Lois and Clark or Moonlighting the ZA edition or any of those show which were about something, then the two male and female characters that would get the most headlines for being in bed together become a couple and the show goes to hell. Maybe it's because after the hopeful get to see the characters in bed, they are done, or maybe because now the stories all have to be written about the loveyness.

    We've already discussed how Maggie and Glenn are much better when they have different arcs not involving each other.

    • Love 1
  5. I liked them on the road. I really wanted to see what happened on the third day without water.


    I may be wrong - and please correct me if I am - but IIRC Andre died when Michonne was out scrounging for supplies, Mike and Terry decided to get good and baked, and walkers overran the camp while M&T were F'ed up; Michonne returned to find Andre dead and M&T turned. Which pretty much means Andre was shredded past the ability to reanimate. Any way you slice it, it had to be pretty freakin' horrible.

    Which also leads me to wonder (and maybe this was specifically addressed and I'm not remembering it): did the overrunning walkers kill Andre? Or did Michonne return to find Mike chowing on their child, with a Terry assist?

    That's what I thought I had conveyed but maybe not?


    I think poor little Andre would have gone the way of Luke and Molly, who were even bigger but didn't leave much.. I have alsowondered if it was unknown walkers or the baby's own father---her partner---that devoured the child.


    I still wonder not just why Michonne never told Rick or anyone but Carl---but I really wonder how do you keep yourself from slipping in conversation. All the time she has been part of CDB, how easy it would be to accidentally say, oh mine used to do that or when mine got fussy I would try this or that...that is such a big secret to keep when another baby is around.

    • Love 2
  6. What's the possibility the military brought them here internment - not protection - and the whole "Reg built it" bit is a simple cover story?



    Ha! That would be great, but a child was able to scale the wall from the inside, so it's not really great at keeping people in, either. :)

    A child who had been surviving outside up until very recently; a child who was not afraid to be in the woods with walkers. The Alexandrians, especially at the beginning, would not worry so much about the ease of getting out but what happens out there when you do.

    • Love 3
  7. I think the "cliffhanger" was supposed to be that annoying feeling you got when Morgan FINALLY reunites with Rick but at the worst possible moment and now you have to spend all summer thinking about how much ~conflict~ there's going to be between the two. Personally, I felt like everything was somewhat "wrapped" up. The Wolves are not nearly as compelling as the Termites, so I'm not terribly concerned about whatever fresh hell they're going to bring. 

    But how great would it be if Morgan had said wait a minute...Jake? Jake, is that you? and the Woov said Hawkins?!


    I think it would be fabulous if James Remar from Jericho

    played Negan.


    Hopefully someone "killed" Reg before he turned and hopefully that person was Deanna.

    Awww.. am I the only one hoping that in the confusion and the appearance of the Tweesome Threesome, everybody forgot and Reg does turn and all hell breaks out?

    • Love 6
  8. With Daryl and Aaron in the car, I remembered how Aaron got all fussy about the applesauce---at the worst possible time. I could see Daryl saying Just let me finish this last cigarette and then I will sacrifice my life to let you escape alive and Aaron would say Eeuuuw! Second-hand smoke! Don't get that nasty smell on my Eddie Bauer barn coat! Yuk! Don't you know that smoking is going to ruin your health?

    • Love 5
  9. People talk about Jessie being a device and not a character. But last night I was watching the episode "Tell It To The Frogs" and at the fire Carol is off with Ed and Sophia by themselves and when Shane asks how ya doin she is all "Fine. We're just fine".

    Little robot saying what she is supposed to.

    She was also at the ironing board with her talk about what a good job her old Maytag did with the laundry. She seemed like a weak little mouse but we know better now don't we?

    • Love 2
  10. Do you think Glenn was interviewed and they just didn't show it?  I mean seriously, she had to have been twice as pissed to know that not only did her oldest son get people killed because he was a coward, her youngest son let Walkers in because he couldn't close a fucking gate.

    Yeah, I was not getting how Deanna said she was all about transparency, but she only tapes Nicholas' version of the supply run fiasco, and she only has her second-hand account of what Father PP said. He wasn't there at the meeting, and she didn't ask him to tell it while being taped.

    • Love 2
  11. I don't think that Michonne is incomplete without a relationship, but to see it would bring a different facet to the character than "badass/friend/co-leader" (and I am aware of how her comic counterpart is).  Leaving her in that zone is limiting for storylines IMO (see also: Daryl).


     Could be the showrunners are a little paranoid about pairing a character as popular as Michonne with anyone (same with Daryl).

    Right! In the show, Daryl is not a guy with a relationship and that is not because the masses would be against it, or it would be unacceptable, or because he is rejected.

    It would simply eat the show!

    That would be all the show and the media would be about. I get that you feel leaving both of them as co-leader/friend is limiting to the storyline. But it could also hugely complicate the storyline. (see Maggie and Glenn, and frankly they are not as popular as Daryl, Michonne or Rick.)

    I know people said they saw things between Daryl and others, but Kirkman had to come right out and say it after the mid-season break---that there was nothing and it was just friendships. Because it was getting way out of control. The comic is a different thing

    as many people know, Michonne was horribly raped by

    the Gov and also has sex going to different men. I don't

    think that would have been something for the TV show

    to do.Not just because of the explicit visuals, but

    because it was so different a personality tone/impression

    of what Michonne is about.

     Tyreese and Karen were only a couple briefly, and that was in his conversation constantly. Sasha and Bob had a more seriously involved relatonship, and she is terribly messed up about that (and her brother).

    MIchonne had a long-standing extremely serious relationship (marriage-like) and a child with MIke. She didn't just lose both of them--she came back to the camp and her baby was dead (and who knows how bad Andre's death was) and it was due to Mike and Terry getting high when she trusted them.

    It was horrible loss multiplied by betrayal. Even when Rick lost Lori, the baby still lived and there was no factor of her infidelity killing Carl or Judith.

    As far as I know, Michonne has only told Carl about having been a mother. If she isn't able to trust Rick with the story I think it is an important way of showing she still has to overcome her fear of trusting a (grown) man that way. It must be important to the story because they took the time for Carl to ask if his Dad knew about it and for her to tell him no and Carl has not told anyone.

    Daryl and Aaron may be a couple in some fans minds. Carol and Tobin just talked once and started being shipped. Nothing wrong, there's a bit of fun there, but only to a point. When it becomes about the show or the viewers having hatred it's going far for something that is not a fact yet in the show/story.


    But YMMV, and I'll let it be.

    • Love 2
  12. I'll have to review my notes again, but it couldn't have been "Them"; Aaron only showed up at the very end:




     Actually, I believe the number 30 came from a comic book reader. It was one of those things, like the term ASZ, that no one seemed to consider a spoiler, and we just incorporated it into conversation.

    You're right, it wasn't in Them. But it wasn't in the comic; in the comic Douglas says that Rick's group brings the population up to sixty people.

  13. Here's an interview with AL about Scott Gimple making up the how many people do I have to kill line 24 hours before filming, and about the zombie puking its brains in his mouth and stuff.

    Also, some were wondering if filming resumes in March or May or when but AL says here that they resume in 2 weeks; the interview was printed on March 30th.


  14. It was not bullying or attacking to have a different take on the subject.


    People will disagree, that is not an attack.


    No one is required to apologise for their opinion.


    Lobbying was in reference to your statement that Andrew Lincoln was lobbying; no mention of you lobbying or circulating petitions etc,


    I do think Danai is beautiful, and did not infer that the concept of her being paired romantically is ridiculous.


    I do think when a tv series is based on material from another source, in this case a graphic novel, we and the actors themselves have little reason to even expect that the material will be changed to our wishes.


    I have posted this link elsewhere if people want to read it, it does include Andrew Lincoln's interest in where the story will go with Michonne and his relationship to her character.


    • Love 1
  15. I'm not sure if I am allowed to mention TTD here so if I break a forum rule please forgive me. But I was very intrigued by the letter Chris read at the end that indicated that humans will not be the biggest threat next season. Does that mean the Wolves are not that big of a threat? Or are the wolves not viewed as fully human? Or is a mutant zombie coming? Something worse? I'm not making it to next season.

    We'll need a new Herschel:


    "You space bastard, you ate my family! Take that, you mutated son-of-a-bitch"


  16. I'm not sure if I am allowed to mention TTD here so if I break a forum rule please forgive me. But I was very intrigued by the letter Chris read at the end that indicated that humans will not be the biggest threat next season. Does that mean the Wolves are not that big of a threat? Or are the wolves not viewed as fully human? Or is a mutant zombie coming? Something worse? I'm not making it to next season.

    Taking to TTD thread.

  17. Was there no recap for "Try", or did I just miss it?

    There wasn't one; the guy got trapped at work and decided that he'd let it go.

    Judging by this one, he is still trapped at work.

  18. *grin* You try reading through *checks thread number* FIVE HUNDRED + posts. You guys are insane! But always insightful and fun!


    I was wondering how you enjoyed the number of posts on the Live Chat thread :-D


     The finale reaffirmed what I thought about this town and their leader from the start.  There was no sinister motive or hidden agenda. 


    I loved the finale. That said, I was a little disappointed there was no sinister motive or hidden agenda. Then they would be smart people just pretending to be stupid.

    I wouldn't say they were naive either; I see that used a lot, but I think there is a big difference between naivete and denial.


    Unless the meeting was being held in DC itself and Rick had to run there from Alexandria, it still shouldn't have been dark. At the end of the day, it was sloppy work by the crew.

    My feeling is that there is a missing "deleted" scene. But it wasn't deleted till close to airtime and then it was too late to bridge the light difference. I think there would have been a scene with Rick doing more searching for walkers but perhaps someone realized Hey, won't that make viewers ask how he didn't see Pete running amok or see Pete go in Rick's house and get the katana or something, so they cut it and now the scene jumps from light to dark night.

  19. We definitely didn't see any sexy time, but I thought it was strongly implied that Alisha was Tara's girl. 





    Was it ever definitively stated? Because I remember half of us thinking Tara wanted to know about the girl because SHE liked her, and the other half thought she was teasing Noah for liking her. I didn't think it was ever 100% clear.

    Oh she was definitely gf as labeled; but as far as sexytime? Did they ever do any more that gaze in each others eyes? I thought the question was about sex scenes.


    Yeah, they said in some media about how Noah seemed to have so much going for him, and besides the architecture (!) he was interested in a girl, and a little embarrassed when Tara teased him.

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