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Posts posted by kikismom

  1. Another great Carol line, to Rick again, was the one about him wanting to tell the truth:  "You want to take this place and you want to tell the truth?  You can't have both, sunshine.


    Sunshine!!  lol




    So why did Carol make Pete a casserole?  .....  if he went after her and she killed him, there would be her casserole as proof that she went with good intentions.


    • Love 2
  2. I loved Michonne telling Rick she only knocked him out to protect him and that she was always on his side.  Why Rick is wasting his time with Bland Blonde Plot Contrivance is beyond me.

    I love her strength and bravery and protection. But you want to be stronger and smarter than him; and also make his heart pound (not to mention other parts of his body? Sunshine, you can't have it both ways. Maybe if animals including humans were designed differently. But I think if you took a poll and asked men

    Would you like a friendship with someone who saves you or with someone you have to save---- men would say someone who saves me..

    .Would you be sexually attracted by rescuing a woman or a woman rescuing you ----men would say rescuing a woman.



    To be fair...everyone on the show has to suffer from idiot plotting. It's like an initiation.


    Yeah! Everyone!

    I just didn't understand the whole Alexandria scenario.   All CDB had to do when they first got there is call a meeting and explain why defenses were necessary.  It wasn't even necessary for CDB to go all of the gory details of what happened to them, maybe just give some examples.  I think Deanna and the others would have agreed with CDB and they would have worked together.  But Rick and Carol went in thinking "oh these people are so stupid we're gonna have to kill them and take over," which is why I can't stand either of them now. 

    All they had to do, as new people on charity, when starving and dependent on the offer of a safe shelter and food for the baby etc,, was to call a meeting---tell their benefactors to sit down and be educated about how the place should be run. Not a good move.

    I believe RIck did tell Deanna why the supports were dangerous and the wall could be easily breached. She blew him off. Glenn and Tara tried to talk to people, got sneered off.

    • Love 4
  3.   What was on the note Aaron found in the car? 


     Are mosquitoes that big an issue in late fall?

    The note said that This is a trap bad guys coming get out of here....which our guys unfortunately read after it was too late to do them any good.

    Yes, mosquitoes are a year round problem some places. Our town had two people dead and one hospitalized from West Nile virus and it was a cold night in February when it happened, so that's kind of a big issue.


    I wasn't thrilled with those fireside feelings scenes, but I will say I did like seeing the juxtaposition of Carol here, vouching for Rick and his strength, with the end of season 2, the fire at night, when she told the group he sucked as a leader and they needed to start over. Sometimes it's hard to believe they're the same characters.


    I do remember Carol and Daryl whispering to each other, she asked if this seemed right to Daryl and he asked what did she want and she said a man of honor.

    Then there was a separate whispered conversation with Maggie saying they should take their chances and Herschel had to convince her to stay with Rick.

    I don't remember any part where Carol told the group that Rick sucked as a leader and they needed to start over.

    If you have that part let me know where it is on the fireside scene so I can check it out.


    Lenny's description surprised me somewhat.  My initial thought was also that Morgan was using the car horn as a dinner bell.  As Morgan's considerations for the sanctity of life were revealed, however, I had re-interpreted the car horn differently; i.e., that Morgan was letting any other Wolves in earshot know where they could find their "pack brothers".

    I 'll throw in my take which is that LJ is just doing what Melissa McBride did on TTD when she said Carol was not threatening to do bad things to Sam herself, just that someone out there might. I believe that is becoming their tactic lately to pretend it was about something else and seem surprised that viewers saw it differently.

    Last night even NR leaned over and looked at LJ when he said that; maybe to see if it looked like a sarcastic/joking remark.


    So, when Morgan piled the two unconscious wolves on top of each other, was I the only one who thought, "I love my dead, gay son?" Just me then.

    "And now they're even more popular than when they were alive!"


    And why didn't Daryl at least *try* to hotwire the car once they were inside?


    Because once they were inside they found the note that said the car was a trap?

    I want Nicholas dead, Why does he want to kill Glenn so badly?  Is it because Glenn knows the truth? Well he and Glenn already both told their side of the story, so it would be kind of pointless to kill him now.

    Nicholas told his side of the story on tape, to Deanna. Glenn only got to tell his side of the story to Rick.


    The show is so very inconsistent and obscure with the size of the Alexandria community. Sometimes it seems like there's two dozen, sometimes a hundred. Couldn't they have given us a hint when Rick and Co. showed up, "welcome to Alexandria, we have about 100 people in our community but we need more."

    We have talked about it here but there are so many posts to read. Back in the episode Them, when they meet Aaron, they learn that the ASZ has 30 people. CDB had 15. Then Noah died and Aiden died. Down to 43.  Now we know that Reg and Pete are dead, that makes 41. But will Morgan join; I would guess that would make 42.

    • Love 5
  4. Welcome back, Michonne.



    Michonne strapped the katana on again. At least a couple things are right in the world.


    And Michonne didn't wonder how Pete got that katana while Carl and the baby were there? And the house is dark and Carl isn't awake saying a guy broke in here?

    All isn't right in my world!

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