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Posts posted by kikismom

  1. Why do they keep insisting on bringing in new folk?



    All those extra people for what appears to be 3 positions that needed filling when Aaron set off.

    I heard/read a creepy interesting theory, or rumor but I will take it to the speculation thread.

  2. I don't know where else to put this.

    It's a non-spoilery TWD/Jericho fanwanking question; I don't want to take up space so I'll use a spoiler thread. People who have seen both shows can open this if they want without bogging down others:


    Both shows have a younger sister of a farming family;
    Beth Grimes on TWD, and Bonnie is the younger sister
    of Stanley on J.
    Wouldn't the entire Beth stuff, even written the way it
    was, be 100% better with Shoshanna who played
    Bonnie? In case you forgot, or didn't see it, Bonnie was
    played as a deaf girl, played by a genuinely gifted
    actress who really is deaf.
    I was just thinking of how I just felt "meh" about
    Daryl and Beth running from the Prison, and Beth
    at Grady. I mentally put the deaf Bonnie in those
    and OH! I think the show could have made
    some amazingly good, deep, tense, scenes this way.
    And a lot more poignant too. I really would have
    been yelling at the screen and crying. Not that Bonnie
    was a whiny poor-thing. Just the opposite; you
    believed her so much more as someone fighting
    and not acting like a teeny-bopper in Sweet Valley
    I may write some fan-fiction with this, I want to see
    it re-done (at least in my head lol!)
    Anyone else think those episodes could have rocked
    with Shoshanna/Bonnie?

    • Love 2
  3. I've debated watching it. Does it have an end or just stop? That's holding me back!

    I might also start Twin Peaks as it's on Netflix, and I never saw it.

    It was the show that was only supposed to be one season, but the fans sent tens of thousands of pounds of peanuts to the network in protest and so we did get the ending, a second season with the 7 episodes to find out what happened next and wrap up the cliffhangers. So you won't get storyarcus interruptus!

    I would love a bacon and fried green tomato sandwich. I do not want pimiento cheese on anything. Echhh!

    • Love 3
  4. I thought this was a good one. Stuff about Ezekiel, Paul/Jesus, etc...

    ....weird stuff about how Morgan did not develop his new philosophy/new fighting style by himself but a mysterious someone else influenced him and made him want to search for Rick?....

    Also, confirmed about the blood on the katana. Means something...


    • Love 1
  5. I was wondering if anyone would want to do a Jericho watch since there is nothing on PTv for that. There were only 2 seasons, and Season 2 was only 7 episodes.

     So it isn't that much. If you don't have the dvds you could Netflix or download it. It's more of the apocalyptic/survival/ruthless enemies and of course, good music choices.Romance.  And Esai Morales and Lennie James!!!!!

  6. Here comes Peter Likes-To-Beat

    Staggering' down Morgan Street

    Stumbling, mumbling

    Shitstorm's on the way!


    Loaded up on Jim Beam joy,

    To "take a look at your girl and boy"

    Things to make you feel like doin' "A"!


    He's got attitude with Carol

    And threats for Rick Grimes too

    A black eye for little Sam's mommy,

    What do you think they'll do?


    Here comes RIck with his cray-cray swagger,

    The constable's got the moves like Jagger,

    Tongue-cluckin', eye-fuckin'

    Shitstorm's on the way!


    Pete didn't do the things he should

    Too late to start being good

    Rick will make Deanna see things his way!


    Pete wakes up in Hell next morning,

    And he'll know why he is there.

    When the flames start to heat that bullet

    From the gun Rick was hiding in his underwear!


    Hippity hoppity Happy Easter Day!

    • LOL 1
    • Love 6
  7. The burning of the ancient library in Alexandria?  Totally FPP.  Lord Fluffington told me so.

    Maybe if the Wolves come, they can call the episode The Un-Pharos At Alexandria.

    Hard to believe they don't know yet about people turning. That would imply that no one in Alexandria has ever died under the care of Pickled Pete.

    Or maybe they have---but Pete went to Gordon Ramsey Medical School: You have to eat your mistakes!

    • Love 3
  8. The burning of the ancient library in Alexandria?  Totally FPP.  Lord Fluffington told me so.

    Father PP is why the Ancient Egyptians couldn't have nice things.

    • Love 13
  9. I need a map too. Problem is that there are so many threads, they fall to page 2 or 3 or more. We forget about them, and it's easy to just continue on the conversation where you are. I get it. It's all good! *grin* No worries.

    The little neglected threads get more input during the drought till the next season; we have more time to explore down the little side roads.

    During the season it's all we can do just to keep up with reading the newest episode threads!

    • Love 5
  10. Yes, that finally makes sense of what she said, There was a little break between the car, and her "monologue" to Mike; so I could not put it together. But the note in the bar/bar-b-que joint said please do what I couldn't and it referred to him not being able to kill (put down ) a member of his family. So it really looks more like Andre was not killed by the walkers but "dispatched" so he would not have to be in this world.

    Unless someone has a better interpretation?

    • Love 1
  11. Bring out your dead!

    I'm not dead!

    'ere, he says he's not dead!

    Yes he is.

    I think I'll go for a walk...

    Are you sure he's dead?

    He will be soon, he's very ill

    I'm getting better!

    No you're not you'll be stone dead in a moment.


    To be played by:

    1.  Abraham, Father Gabriel, and Eugene
    2. Rick, Father Gabriel, and Deanna
    3. Carol, Father Gabriel, and Sam



    • Love 2
  12. Well her pot was copper I think...there's gotta be a way to reduce it...maybe make pellets or something.  Damn I should have paid attention in Chemistry too.  Do you think there are any management positions in the ZA, because I think I'll have to be the one that has the ideas while everyone else makes it work...lol


    And oh no no no to well water....HAS to be rainwater.  Why, I don't know but she insisted on it so that it was pure or whatever.  


    Oh, and OMFG @ your ancestor, but I thank him for proving my theory would work if we could find a delivery type vessel. 

    I would think that any containers you could find in a ZA that previously held a caustic substance could work. I would look for homes with pools and see if they have any old red jugs for muriatic acid. (If the jugs aren't empty, that saves you from making lye!)


    Another fun idea would be to drain inground pools. When it's empty just tape together some of the multitude of available flattened cardboard boxes that will evidently be lying on every road and cover the pool. Once you've baited them in, slowly and carefully pour the lye/acid in. (Suggest you wear safety glasses and put a leather jacket on backwards. And gloves. Leather.

    (yes, thanks kid in the old days for dying horribly so we can mull over delivery systems for destroying reanimated flesh-eating zombies. You're a real sport! :-P)

    • Love 2
  13. You know I've been thinking about this and I think I'd get some squirt guns and fill them with homemade lye.  My Grandma used to make that stuff and before she did whatever she did to make it stable it'd melt a chicken bone.  The walkers would just melt as I squirted them.  Now I'd just need to learn how to make it.  I know it was ashes and rainwater, but not sure if there was anything else.  I should have paid attention.  Dammit!

    You could use well water or any water. The problem is...IT'S LYE!

    What is the squirt gun going to be made of? :-D


    BTW, in our family history there was a little boy child of one ancestor who died when he was standing on a stool stirring the lye and he fell in. (*screams*)

    • LOL 1
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  14. Yeah, but she said it was overrun, so I got the feeling when she got back the camp was a mess.  If they killed themselves before they got overrun it would explain why their bodies were still intact.

    And if they killed themselves, they wouldn't have left Andre alive and alone....so maybe when she said Mike I know that wasn't you {paraphrase] she meant she felt Mike didn't kill Andre,Terry did? Or ....something.

  15. My theory is the opening episode will start with the Unfair Wolves pulling up to Alexandria with trailers full of walkers intending to unleash death and destruction on the community. They take wandering Father PP hostage and strap him to the hood of a truck, and present themselves at the wall threatening to breach the compound by driving a truck adorned with him straight into the gates. There is loud creak followed by a low rumbling sound. The trucks are destroyed by traps, devised by Morgan, the Wolves somehow escape the initial mayhem that renders most of their pet walkers to paste and spend several minutes of the episode dodging their own pursuing walkers, elaborate Rube Goldberg type traps, hidden pits and spike traps until finally being brought down by large metal cow replicas tossed over the walls at them. Father PP dies. Someone notes the absence of a high-pitched whining sound that had been annoying everyone for months.


    So, kind of a combination of I Spit On Your Grave, Sllverado, and Monty Python and The Holy Grail?

    Well, the Woofs said they did miss movies.

    • Love 3
  16. I was thinking the same thing. She looks worse than she did when they were on the road. Didn't Jessie offer her salon/styling services to any of the women? Or does she limit them to shirtless men who turn her on?

    Since all the ASZ women at the party seemed to have their hair done it would seem she does hair for more than shirtless men.

    Deanna sent her over with the basket; maybe Dear Leader has a  private CC surveillance cam and she knew Rick took a shower.

    Don't remember when it was Deanna who was the only one to remark on Rick's appearance? When she talked at the doorway about how she didn't know what was under there ? :-)


    I think we are supposed to notice that Maggie was the very model of neat and clean assistant the other time, in her button down shirt and ponytail; something happened since then.

    I blame Father PP.

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