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Posts posted by kikismom

  1. I don't know...Tyreese looks mighty hefty to me! I don't think Eugene has missed any meals either. Nobody on Hurley's level (what were they thinking with that) but I did notice enough to appreciate Scott Wilson losing weight so that Herschel looked so different at the beginning of season 3.

    Too bad nobody else made the effort of a little method acting prep. Maggie looks as hearty as she did on the farm. (Although I do remember someone saying that if Lori stuck her tongue out she'd look like a zipper.)

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  2. I'm interested in a telescoping branch cutter I've seen. It is battery-powered, can cut 200 tree limbs before it needs recharging, and has a solar-recharger, with super-charger option that only needs 20 minutes to fully recharge. 200 heads sliced right in half before you run out of power would be about as many as you'd need; anymore zombies than that and nothing would save you. Plus, it has a telescoping handle that cuts an "object" (cough cough) up to 30 feet away, yet the slicing end is removable to use by hand, still with power. You could even have the cutter saw in one hand and use the hard pole with the other. And it's not gas-engine powered like some tools so it's not going to make the same noise.And it would also be handy for getting in buildings, through fences etc. The extending pole could be used for a lot of purposes. Bats and knives you have to let them get up close to use; which is risky, and if a knife or crowbar gets stuck--I think we've seen that--then you are in big trouble.

  3. This has bugged me from the start. One of the things they check you for when you apply to be a cop, deputy, trooper, etc. is your ability to be DECISIVE. Maybe wrong maybe right, but commit to a course of action and see it through. Rick dithers and waffles and then makes a decision, only to back-track 5 minutes later. Then back-track again.

    I lost it when they were stranded by the waterfall after fleeing the farm, when Rick said they couldn't go after Andrea. First of all, they wouldn't be short of gas in the vehicles if he hadn't chauffered Randall round and round on the trip-to-nowhere (18 miles each way how many times?!), and I know damn well if it was Lori or Carl they'd all HAVE to go back to the farm, walkers or not. And he really chapped my ass with his self-pity party right in front of the Greenes---who had just lost Patricia, Jimmy, and their whole farm. Not to mention he wouldn't risk his life for Andrea, whom he had known from the beginning, but it was okay for Jimmy to risk-and lose-his life bringing the RV to the barn to provide Rick and Carl a way down from the hayloft just so they could wave thanks you're on your own sucker to Jimmy who was being eaten alive for his efforts. I really want to like Rick, and I'll spot people some mistakes under the circumstances, but his blunders are the kind where you should know better, ZA or not.

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  4. That's true; how excruciating would it be to flee a gunfight, be lost in the forest, pursued by flesh-eating monsters, get kidnapped/or have to be involved in child-murder drama...and then miraculously make it out alive only to have your sibling's first words be "Oh,...you were gone? Huh! I didn't notice. Whatever!"

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  5. I'm kikismom, walking dead fan and I'm partial to survival topics and doggerel verse.

    (Apologies to the Mamas and the Papas)

    All her sweaters are on, and her hair is gray,

    What she's cooking on that grill, I really couldn't say

    Terminus is scary, run the other way...


    Stopped to pick a berry

    I pretend to claim

    Distract Joe from a wrapper

    I saw along the way

    Joe and the Merletones are pervy creeps

    Got my crossbow poised to aim

    This pursuit of Rick is trouble

    Run the other way


    "Sanctuary for All"--

    but all have gone away?

    Even the zombies are missing

    What keeps them away?

    Omens fall like anvils

    The group should leave today

    Season 4 is ending

    In a very ugly way

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