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Posts posted by kikismom

  1. I want to go to there.

    Mmmmm can you hear me? nom nom nom1

    She also does fried chicken with the best crunchy batter it is heaven and good size not little fried sparrow like at Colonel Suckass.

    Oh you get a breast thigh and drumstick for 3.95.

    This lady rocks.

    No overhead cos it's just a little shed with parking on the grass/sand and brown paper bags for packaging. That's good with me.

    • Love 4
  2. Just to make it official, a couple weeks ago my catfish lady returned yay! The lady with a stand she does catfish and chicken livers and potatoes and macncheese and was serving a long line at 6 in the morning! (construction guys).


    So we found out she and a special man friend (awwww!) are open till 10 at night now because the sports bar on the corner by them brings great business.

    So tonight we are having fried catfish tacos, mango salsa and cold beer with limes. Nothing fancy but so good, fresh fish not frozen supermarket catfish. You get 3 fillets for $3.33  for $3. 89 you get 3 fish with potatoes and rolls or cornbread. Not bad.

    • Love 4
  3. Thank you for sharing your story - it's very brave.

    Rick hasn't killed Pete or had a sexually relationship with Jessie though.....all we've seen is that Rick said he'd help her and her kids? We saw Rick fighting with himself NOT to kill Pete. I didn't see Jessie as some damsel in distress either.  She refused his help and didn't snap out of that until he said her son asked for a gun.  In fact, that sounds a lot like your family member.  He may not have helped her find her self worth, but he helped her find a good enough reason to want help.


    Also I don't think she was telegraphed as a love interest until the cheek kiss maybe.  From what I saw on the show, not the media, not the comics, and not from spoilers was a nice lady helping the new guy out, and said new guy appreciating the effort.

    Agree; this was a very brave post and I thank Bass for giving the real life first person account. It could not have been easy. Good to know that someone saw and gave support.



    As far as kj4ever's post, I would add that when Jessie said it would just make things worse----

    ( which is like being afraid that he would buddy up with a man who spoke with him about the relationship and then come home and beat the woman)----

    Rick said that when it gets worse you'll be dead. (and that you have to fight for yourself).


    To drive home to someone who can't get over the psychological play-acting necessary to keep going, by saying you'll be dead was not romantic.

    It did not make me think of a white knight scooping up a fair lady and riding off to the castle.


    He has conflicts about his feelings, his knowledge that what he would like should not happen, about being a cop again, but also about raising his children in a Disneyfied community at the end of the world.


    A world where all the happy horseshit is disguising some very cold people, not just Pete but the ease with which they all turn their back on each other's suffering.


    Deanna, the construction crew, the supply run ASZhats...cold and cowardly. People sometimes forget that Rick is not just worried about how Carl is turning out.

    He is a man who has an innocent, defenseless daughter.

    A daughter that Deanna said will grow up to see what ASZ will become...and Rick is seeing big hints of what the place is becoming..



    • Love 1
  4.  I don't know if I'll be able to get online tonight but you know I'll be watching.. So if I'm not around, that's why.   

    Hang on! Stay with us! Don't let go! Stay away from the light!

    We will miss you if you can't be here but sending superpowers waves to help you make it at least till midnight! (When your laptop turns into a pumpkin)


    You didn't let nachomama rub up against it, did you?

    • Love 1

    Reg: But  why would you choose something that you think is loud and annoying?

    Deanna: What better way to remember how we all felt about him?



    Deanna: (At grave site,) Assholes to ashes, douche to dust...


    Deanna: Are you a real cop? (Mumbling to self,) I really need to start screening these people better. I'll bet Eugene wasn't a real astronaut either.


    • Love 3
  6. Northern Virgina was effectively evacuated, millions of people.

    According to Deanna.

     Again, no one questions her version or asks her for proof, it is just accepted at face value.

    I agree with the rest of your post about how people didn't do the right things at the beginning.  :-)

  7. Coming out of lurkdom again to say...Boy are you folks prolific! Everything I wanted to say in Try was already stated so no sense circa ling that drain. I am excited and apprehensive for tonight.


    You need Red Bull and goofballs to keep up with us! :-) 

    I feel like a kid waiting to open my Christmas presents; very excited tempered by the knowledge of the inevitable let-down when it is over.

    Oh and I need to add that i desperately hope FPP meets the ghost tonight, watching Coda right now and I need no reminder that he needs to go TONIGHT! That clip with him leaving the gates in a white shirt, should have been a red shirt since this is how I've viewed him.

    I'm watching the marathon as well, wondering if Noah's last thought was Actually, staying back at Grady Hospital would not have been so bad.

    • Love 5
  8. I can't help but think that it will be highly unfair if I don't get to see any wolves.....

    Your comment made me think of the original fable, where the houses made of straw, or sticks, can be taken down but the houses made of brick are safe from the Big bad Wolf.

    Maybe that's why some people get the houses built with timber and Deanna gets the brick row house. Now who's Unfair?

    • Love 2

    I mean, how the heck did Deanna's husband and two boys extract all that metal sheeting, transport it to ASZ, set it up and make that perimeter without encountering a zillion walkers? Most of this group seem to be very babe-in-the-woods about the ZA and I simply have no idea how that's possible.

    That's why I don't believe it and I have my tinfoil hat theory about Deanna got special placement in this set-up because of who she was in Washington. (If she really was a Congressperson. Again, no one questions her version or asks her for proof, it is just accepted at face value.). An "eco-sustainable" site (or whatever) has nothing to do with crates of pasta and booze. Solar panels, okay. But I'm still not clear why the "original residents" would evacuate it this is the best place for shelter, so good that the military would take a member of the Federal Govt. here.

    • Love 2
  10. You know, it's interesting when speaking with some casual viewers who are not as obsesed with the show, who don't go online at all about the show (its surprising how the online community is so small compared to the vast amount of viewers who do not go online about the show) and who only look at it for purely entertainment purposes. Some thought they saw a familial unit between michonne and the Grimes, especially with the church scene with Carl and baby Judith, now they are confused about her relationship with Rick and kids because of Jessie and Rick and because she and Carl have not interacted in ASZ. Because of this, these particular casual viewers think maybe shes just a best friend? They still look at her as someone who is there for Rick, to watch his back and to protect his kids. Interestingly, they don't view Rick in quite the same way regarding Michonne, so yes this is treading dangerously close to black friend/mammy trope territory. Other casual viewers perception of Michonne since this last epospde is that she did the right thing subduing Rick. They don't like this crazytown Rick and wondered, will Michonne now be leader? And a few others perception of her is still the black chick with the sword who is by Ricks side to fight his battles (pretty much like a black female Daryl, Daryl is still real popular with the casuals). This viewpoint treads very close to black female warrior as weapon trope. These POVs are from casual viewers from my family, my job and club who have not read the comics and don't follow the show online. It's interesting to see their varied perceptions of Michonne from how she is portrayed so far on the show. Has anyone here had any similar input from casual viewers regarding Michonne?

    I think there is a possibility she could be leader, because the leader needs to be someone both CDB and ASZ people trust.

    I think the relationship with Carl was screwed up by the writers the same way Maggie suddenly forgot who Beth was. Carl had the Enid storyline coming up, and now he doesn't seem to be put in scenes with anyone except when they wanted him to get tossed aside by Rick.


    I almost think keeping the katana and other iconic stuff can be a mistake. Having Abe/Rosita/Eugene appear as the action figure trio has locked them into a logo long after they should have just become people. The katana makes it too easy to keep saying Samurai chick. Michonne is more than slashing walkers with the blade, but still when she comes up even in media articles it is always the go-to description.

    So casual viewers slot people into that pigeonhole; Daryl is always the "the crossbow guy" Michonne is the samurai, Carl is the kid with the hat,...it all sounds like Gareth loading them in the boxcar at Terminus.

    I don't know if Michonne is being confined just by the sword. But when casual viewers don't think past the iconic image it takes longer for her character to be recognized as more than that.

  11. I thought it was interesting that Gale Ann Hurd made a comment on TTD that when hiring Riggs it was so good that he wasn't interested in growing up to be an athlete or whatever; she said that he was "committed". I couldn't decide if that was reassuring that he wouldn't die, misdirection because he would die, or just irrelevant fluff.

    • Love 1
  12. It would be chilling if they are all caught in places where they can't get to each other. If Rosita and Eugene have to barricade the door to Tara's room, and Rick and Judith are hiding somewhere, etc. But if it is after the credits, it has to be a very brief shot of one place.


    Although I remember the end of season 2 had that great shot where the camera pulled back from the group by the waterfall, more and more until we could see the prison in the moonlight, with the same music they would use later for the Morgan reveal

    Maybe the last shot is a crane shot, pulling up from some ugly mess in ASZ, higher and higher until we see from overhead the ASZ and in the distance fast approaching are human enemy fighters, or a ginormous herd of walkers.

  13.  it was mostly just her popping up to be Rick's dream woman.

    I have posted before that it was about circumstance---from the writers POV, and about avatars from many viewers POV.


    I posted before that if Jessie Anderson had been on the road with CDB all this time shitting in the woods, eating dog, and digging in dead frog mud for water, Rick wouldn't find her attractive.

    And he would have known more about her, had lots of time to be around her, her backstory and her private struggle would be known.

    But Rick still wouldn't be turned on by her.


    I also posted then that if Michonne or Maggie or Sasha appeared for the first time this season, clean and sweet smelling and with shampooed hair and a smile, RIck would be attracted.

    If the storyline continued the way it is unfolding now, without the personal POV, the private struggle, just one of these women "popping up to be Rick's dream woman"....the show would run the same.

    But there would not be the same antipathy toward the JA character.


    If people are hating the storyline because it uses domestic violence to show or prove a man's love, last time they hated it because it was about adultery, before that because it was happening too fast and they were doing things that shouldn't happen for months or years; and before that because they saw her tongue hanging out and a halo around her head like the Virgin Mary, and before that---well before she appeared they hated it. They hated it before the back 8 started. They hated it when it was announced in the press that someone had been hired..

    I cannot try to explain anymore; if some of the viewers have chosen hate the character and any storyline that involves the character and Rick Grimes, there's nothing else that will matter. I don't want a Carol should die Daryl should be with Beth vortex.

    I just want the story to play out and enjoy it.

    Let it roll.

    • Love 1
  14. Pete pulls an "If I can't have you no one will" and kills Jessie during a final beating while Sam is hiding in Chekov's Bolted Closet, and the last shot is Jessie's eyes reopening? (ETA - sorry, that wasn't terribly clear - I was thinking maybe Pete had already killed Jessie and possibly other family members before going to the meeting, and the last scene might involve the others finding this out at his home....)


    Oh crap...

    Hey, kj4ever, you seem to be the only one to get my hint?


    I won't say that Pete won't kill Jessie and the kids. And as far as Tara waking up, that leaves Rosita and Eugene with her? Unarmed?

    I don't know about not worrying about Tara for 6-7 months. Or Rosita and Eugene.  There's a couple ways we might not need to worry about them all summer.


    But I don't get why (almost) no one's worried about how Pete got the katana?

    We know it was in the house. There was definite attention to Michonne putting it up on the wall.

    (Gale Hurd said everything in Remember was a spoiler.)

    We know Michonne hasn't taken it down; she and Rosita go to the woods to find Sasha and Michonne has a gun.


    The spoiler says Carl and Judith are at home. So they're home with the katana.

    Then Pete in a crazed violent state has the katana when he comes in to the meeting.

    Carl is unarmed. He would try to protect Judith.

    The katana is easy to take down off the wall. But Carl does not seem to be the one who got it, Pete has it.

    Pete is able to run into the meeting by surprise, no one at the meeting having heard anyone screaming for help, or rushing in first to warn them?


    There, I wrote a bit more clearly.

  15. My aunt was also abused by her first husband, and she was always sunny and welcoming.

    She had to be.

    He had the house bugged. (I'm not kidding.)---

    he had mics and recorded everything she said to anybody when he wasn't standing in the room with her.

    She also tried various jobs and never could stay at them. He would sit in the parking lot and watch her through the windows with binoculars.

    He was sick, but that doesn't mean he wasn't clever.

    He tape-recorded phone calls too so he would know what she said on the phone after he left the house.

    The slightest word of trouble, or even looking or acting in a way that would make people question if she was alright, would get horrible abuse---in places other people couldn't see.the marks.


    There are some bad things that have happened to other female characters on the show which we viewers did not get to see or get much information about nor did other characters on the show.

    ...and yet what little is only told by the woman characters is taken as gospel truth without question.

    No one asks for proof, no one asks for another side of the story.


    With other women characters on this show, no other time a man has intervened to help that woman, take that woman's side, save that woman's life, has ever been interpreted as using violence to sell it as a heroic love story.

    However, there have been more than one scene where a man intervened to save a woman and the same fans found it exciting and confirming of a man's love and a great romance.

    But those times the woman wasn't Jessie Anderson. Okay.

    • Love 1
  16. ; inexplicably Carol doesn't seem interesting in getting involved;

    Going to Rick and saying you're going to have to kill him seem like she's interested, and putting her two cents in. Going to the Anderson home and trying to see Sam and Jessie seems interested. I don't know, YMMV.

    • Love 2
  17. I would love this except that Pete got Michonne's katana. Which is at the house they share. Which in this spoiler, was deliberate shown to be occupied---by Carl and Judith (Carl and Judith at home...)?

    What will be the extra shot after the credits?


    Remember we are supposed to be in tears...and also pissed off.

    Danai Gurira says the finale is "chilling."

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