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Posts posted by kikismom

  1. This from a person who watched someone's leg hacked off with a rusty garden tool and woman's pregnant belly cut open in front of us? Who sat through Rick ripping the jugular vein out of a man's neck with his TEETH? Who watched a zombie standing there as its rotten guts spilled all over the street after Rick's run-by disembowellment? I could go on and on with examples of extreme grossness and cereal milk in coffee is what puts you over the edge? :p


    But I understand! We all have our "That's going too far!" moment. Mine is Daryl eating a worm. I have been permanently grossed out and  traumatized by that.


    I'd love to know what has been the "Oh fuck, no they didn't!" moments for others here.


    "The video you have requested is not available for your geographic area."


    What else is fucking new?

    Are you in the UK right?



    Thanks, but I HAVE seen ALL the episodes - on my teevee, which is the ONLY place I watch stuff, in case you missed my numerous memos on the subject and my ALL CAPS disclaimer.  :-D 


    I can barely tolerate quick YouTube clips of cute animals on my computer screen, so please stop trying to convert me - it WILL NOT WORK!

    I didn't miss your mentions, I was just putting it out there. I had to try, and at least maybe other people can see a free way to view.

    no hard feelings. I don't pay to view cos I bought the box set years ago.

  2. I'm with you, AngelaHunter.  Even if I wanted to watch something not on my teevee (which I do NOT!), $1.99 buys me much needed some cat food.  Must be nice to be able to throw it away so blithely on each and every episode of an old TV show.  I, too, used to spend like a drunken sailor.  No more.   :~)(



    Open these links and see:  10 free episodes from first season!

    You'll know after 10 if you like it!

    I even started episode 1 for you!


    Must be nice to be my friend, so blithely i say Your Welcome!   :-D

    (ps  you do not need to be a CBS all access member to see 10 free; only to get a full week free)


    Anyone else who wants to see 10 episodes for free here are the links you need:






  3. You don't have to slow down! Like a lot of shows, it's better to get a handle on things by seeing episodes in a row and you put things together better.

    Hawkins family is well-written, very interesting.  Aside from the daughter does your husband like the show?


    Speaking of love hate and everything in between: what do you think of Mimi? Eric? Dale?

    Are you Team Emily or Team Heather lol?

    • Love 1
  4. Mandolin! How fast you are going! tee-hee now I have to hurry and put up more episode threads!

    So...are you liking it so far?

    (It starts with a basic premise that is cool enough for me at least; but then it builds layers upon layers.)


    So, we know for sure Hawkins knew about it. Was he part of it, or was he just aware it was going to happen?

    What do you think?  :-P

  5. There really is such a thing?  How come no one consults me?

    There is also The Bare Witch Project about a naked 23 year old co-ed who chases people around a corn maze in Utah.

    • Love 4
  6. I was wrong...not on Prison Break. I had her confused with Robin Tunney:


    We are zipping through the episodes. I may rewatch some on my own to catch more details, but I am loving Lennie James. He's freaking me out.

    Robin Tunney looks exactly like her; this also explains why I kept seeing ads for the Mentalist and thinking it was Sprague Grayden.


    Lennie James is one of those actors where everyone goes shh shh! He's back till another scene comes on and then you go where is Hawkins? When does Hawkins show up? Hurry!


    I have an interview with him, done at the time of Jericho but I will put it on the LJ/JH topic.

    • Love 2
  7. I forget who it is, the actor, there's a joke about how he dies in everything. Is that the case with Sprague Grayden? Numerous guest starring roles she's the patient that dies. Opie's wife, etc...

    I'm not spoiling!


    It's fun to guess who dies, isn't it? Who where when how why lol.

    No one in this story gets eaten by a velociraptor.

    • Love 1
  8. I loved Jericho.


    Still haven't forgiven CBS for pulling the plug on it.


    Skeet Ulrich and Lennie James? Doesn't get much better than that.

    Just an update; the Jericho Forum is up already thanks to mod Silverstorrm and our moderator is Curious Parker.


    If you do not have box sets or get netflix the episodes are available on TV.com and also on Amazon for 1.99 per episode and Vudu for 1.99 per episode.


    I'd like to start a rewatch on this Saturday, April 11th. But I don't want to be real federal about it. It would be fun though to be in sync a bit on the episode/story progress. It starts easy then rapidly starts adding shitstorms. So I hope we can keep our snark weapons sharp over the summer!

    • Love 2
  9. Syfy network had bought the rights to run Jericho in re-runs; do they still hold the rights?

    If the show could be re-run on a major network it would help to get a lot more people asking for a revival.

    It would not have to be in the same place, it would be interesting to know the story happening in the same time elsewhere, and interweave it with some of the principal characters.

    I think this show did more world-building than other shows. We got a taste of the separate nation started in Texas, of other countries sending aid to the United States, of other agents involved and the organization Ravenwood. There are quite a few new directions that could be taken.

  10. Hawkins so bad-ass

    Google Earth View watches him

    So does Dick Cheney


    There was a young farmer named Stan

    A tax collector wanted his land

    The agent was Mimi

    Chasing hens made her screamy

    But the IRS might catch a man

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