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Posts posted by kikismom


    Although should you call those meat-hook-torsos "walkers," when all they can do ever-after is swing?

    It's more than Eugene can do.

    • Love 3
  2. Fear of the unknown and the loss of power and communication make the citizens of Jericho fall into mental, physical, and civic breakdown.

    When school children are endangered, it is the black sheep son of  Mayor Green who steps up as many others reveal their worst natures.

  3. A useful household tip for the apocalypse:


    In The Straight Dope, Cecil Adams noted that propylene glycol alginate, used in your salad dressings and ice cream and candy, has been shown to block the absorption of strontium-90, which is the dangerous component of nuclear fallout.


    Now we have a good excuse for stocking up.

    • Love 1
  4. Here's a place to honor Stanley's little sister.

    Mimi (boiling medical supplies) : We need some bleach.

    Bonnie: What?

    Mimi: Bleach. You know? Bleach bleach bleach! Read my lips! Bleach!

    Bonnie grabs Mimi's hand and does sign language

    Bonnie: Learn!

    Mimi: Is that the sign for bleach?

    Bonnie: No, for BITCH. And PLEASE. And THANK YOU.

    • LOL 1
  5. This is the Black Jack Map:




    This is the map Jake sees at Black Jack Fairgrounds, which has turned into a sort of Bartertown.. (The name Black Jack was used in the show as a reference to the first battle of the Civil War in Kansas).

    The map shows the Capitol of the US...in five different places!

    The country has divided up into 5 regions led by 5 "Presidents" some former senators, but not all!




    This second map shows where the nuclear attacks hit, and where the attacks failed.


    Hey I can see my house from up here!

  6. LOL

    I won't be your Jericho forum mod; I don't mod all (or even most) of the forums I create; I'd go to lala land if I did - too many!

    However, I do mod forums such as Arrow & Game Of Thrones, to name just a couple, so I'm well acquainted with feisty/passionate fans ;) 


    The forum will be up later today :)

    Wow; just being mod on GoT is not for the faint of heart. Lotsa luck with that!

    Later today! That was so fast, thanks very much we are going through withdrawal here without some kind of apocalypse.

    Appreciate the efficiency!

    I pray for those who mod GOT. Tis not for the faint of heart (and I don't even post there, I only read)!

    I used the same phrase at the same time! Jinx! But it's the first thought that comes to mind. I wouldn't want to be in close quarters with those animals, lol.

    • Love 3
  7. Look who thinks he's worth all the fuss,

    But I say "he's not one of us!",

    You couldn't figure out who I meant by 'Officer Slim',

    Well, "This is him!  This is him!!"

    When you tell the truth, you really spew it,

    Well, I see the light now, Rick.  "Do it"

    Wow, this place is nice, seems quite serene and therapeutic,

    *gunshot* But I don't remember seeing that in the brochure; "Rick?".

    Extra points for "spew it" lol

    • Love 3

    I put request in at 7:29 and at 7:31 new show request was approved!!!!

    We are a go!

    Thanks again to moderator SilverStorm for the green light!

    I submitted several thread ideas which will be there when it comes up, plus we can add more at that time!

    Hope to see you there and tell your peeps on other show forums they might want to join us.

    • Love 1
  9. I did one for a different show in the New Show Forum. It was up in just a few days. I would nominate someone who has seen the show to maybe start it as you need to start with multiple threads with their titles ready to go.


    Does Skeet Ulrich not age? Holy crap.



     If we watch Jericho can we make a drinking game? shout "Morgan" every time Lenny James appears. (we will be drunk quick) cuz he's not off and on like on WD.



     I also liked Skeet Ullrich. /runs away.


    morgankobi: bless you my child; I followed your tip and the request is already up!! THANK YOU!


    I also like to watch Skeet Ulrich; with Lennie James on the same show it's all awesomeness. No, Ulrich does not age...for that matter neither does James. Radiation is gud 4 u.


    Drinking game? How about yelling "Clear" everytime Morgan/Hawkins appears? When Jericho was airing live, we would yell Toe Pick! every time D.B. Sweeney showed up on screen.

    • Love 1
  10. To be fair, I use cilantro in just one thing.


    My internet is acting screwy but I found quite a few on youtube, including "Horse Heir." They seem to be full episodes, though :)


    I'm totally up for Jericho watch. We could get a schedule together and get the word out in other threads. I'm about to be down to GOT, Silicon Valley, and few bad shows I'm watching only as a completionist.



    I've found them all online at some point or another. I'm seeing Mad Men through as a completionist. If we watch Jericho can we make a drinking game? shout "Morgan" every time Lenny James appears. (we will be drunk quick) cuz he's not off and on like on WD. I watched most of the first season of Silicon Valley, god help me but TJ Miller has grown on me. 


    There will be cilantro in my house next week, I shant use it but it's part of a meal, I shall discard. I also will discard apricot chutney. 



    I think I'll try to convince the Mr. to watch Jericho with me. I watched the first ep of Twin Peaks today. I guess I'm used to the subtleties of Bear McCreary, because that music made my ears bleed. I get what they're going for, but dang. Annoying.

    We could do it 4eps a week, or whatever instead of a marathon. We could start a forum, with episode threads, character threads, world-building etc. I'm quite sure we can draw in more people from other forums. Halycyon Days, are you listening? OR do I make a formal request thing?

    What do you all like for a schedule? Please tell!

  11. Speaking of which, has anyone gotten a count on the population of ASZ? Just how many are there?

    The comic had 60-70 people in ASZ; but in the TV show they said 30 people. Plus CDB made 45; minus Aiden and Noah was 43. Now minus Reg and Pete is 41.

    • Love 1
  12. All those extra people for what appears to be 3 positions that needed filling



     Why do they keep insisting on bringing in new folk?

    There is a spec theory---which has no basis in canon that I know of but in case there is,

    maybe ASZ is a satellite "feeder" set-up, where people are brought in and checked out before sending on to

    a bigger camp.

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