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Posts posted by kikismom

  1. I must say that AB is a very good actor, too.  You can really get a sense of her (character's) current mental state by watching her facial and body reactions to people/things.

    Yes, Andrew Lincoln said the same thing, he was also impressed by the way she "dovetailed" right into the group off camera and so at least they all seem to like her.

    • Love 1
  2. Lizzie killed Tara's girlfriend.  And she's already spotted an A person who might work.  White lesbians get much play. 


    Lizzie killed Tara's girlfriend  Actually I'd LOVE to see a double date with Michonne and Rick and their significant others.  That would be a study in all manner of stuff and thangs!

    I didn't see any sexy time with Tara and Alisha, but it was a year and a half ago.

    I am not sure who she spotted that might work; if you meant Heidi she is heterosexual and Tara was teasing Noah about talking her up.

    Did you mean someone else?

    I don't know of the "much play" for white black or any other lesbians on this show. In fact it's so insignificant that when Ross Marquand was hired to play Aaron, the media called it TWD's first gay character. Tara seems to get forgotten a lot!

    JMO, but I really don't see much chance of a post-Apocalyptic scenario with double-dates. Especially with people who are in their 30's and 40's.


    I'm posting this here, away from the main board in hopes of evading attack.  I really love Michonne's character.  I want the writers to start building her a man stat.  A character who is worthy of this exceptional woman and I want them to fall deeply in love and have lots of sex.  Yeah, I said it!


    When they showed that scene last night, I definitely felt that they were punking Richonne shippers who would find so much meaning in it.  I am a person who believes that Richonne is a wonderful pairing because of their compatibilities and the ability to bring out the best in each other.  Michonne is so far the ONLY character Rick has allowed to literally knock sense into him.  She's very good for him.  Even Andrew Lincoln is lobbying for it, LOL!


    But it will never happen in a million years.  The masses seem almost universally opposed to it - like there is something unclean about even suggesting it.  They don't find her acceptable and would rather him be alone than with her.  She's belongs squarely in the friend zone, remaining the faithful magical negro on his shoulder who keeps him on the right path - more servant and advisor than anything else.  They want the blonde to be his love and so does he.  So I say, give him the blonde! 


    What I need however, as strongly as I have ever felt about a fictional television show, is for the show to have this woman be loved because she is beautiful and so deserving of it.   All of the women on this show have had partners except Michonne and Carol.  All have had moments when a member of the opposite sex indicated that he found her attractive except her.  Morgan is still crazy, IMO, so I don't want this pairing.  They need to introduce a sexy, Idris Alba type to showcase this amazing woman.  If it doesn't happen even once before this show goes off, I will be very unhappy. 

    The writers job is to convert the original material into television series format.


    I am afraid no matter who each of us may think is a wonderful pairing, it has no bearing on the show or the story whatsoever.

    Why would it? Fiction is written by a creator with a story to tell. Actors and actresses are hired to play the character written. Danai  always seems to enjoy being part of a huge success.

    Andrew Lincoln mentioned on a radio show that he would love to see Rick and Michonne get together. In his opinion he likes the idea; lobbying is actually talking to producers and trying to sell a story arc. He did that once, when he tried to convince them that Beth should be in love with RIck and Carl gets jealous.

    The showrunners blew him off. They didn't even want him to appear naked :-) and Norman Reedus got shot down with his lobbying for Daryl to have a pet dog.

    Even the big stars don't get to change the story.


    I don't think the masses are against it, or that they find her unacceptable and there's something "unclean"?


    There were fans who blamed other people as the reason Bethyl didn't happen, and Caryl didn't happen. And they accused the people they blamed of being horrible, with evil motives. But the reason Bethyl didn't happen and Caryl didn't happen is because no such thing exist in the story!

    That's all.

    No controversial reason. Just that Bethyl and Caryl were only figments of some fans imagination.


    Fans have invented Richonne, but it isn't in the story. The show isn't out to get the Michonne fans either. The original material has been around for 12 years and no one cared. But now people have identified very personally with Beth, or Carol, or Michonne, and want something very personal to be validated by the show.

    Never expect anything of television but entertainment. It never promised more and it can't even live up to that quite often.

    • Love 3
  3. Okay, I don't know if anyone has seen this yet, but I noticed a post on FB last night, stating that the katana was covered in blood BEFORE Pete killed Reg. I FF to that moment, and it was hard to get a still shot, but it is definitely red before he slices Reg's throat. Soooo....what does that mean? 


    1. Production error? 

    2. It's simply walker blood, Rick didn't get them all? 

    3. Pete killed someone else on his way to the party - Tara? One of his kids? One of Rick's kids? Spencer? (Doubtful, as someone let Daryl and co. in.)


    Has anyone else seen this? Thoughts?



    I'd go with #1. The production for this show is very good but they slip up occasionally.


    Anything else would just be too random.

    I don't think it would be "random".

    Abusive people thrown out of their home often do the "If I can't have my kids you won't either" of the "Get revenge on the ex who left me ha-ha I just killed the kids to get back at you". I see plenty of those stories in the news.Or the suicide by cop but first kill loved ones with twisted belief that we'll be together forever now.


    The show mad a point of showing that Jessie was there, alive, so they didn't want us to speculate that she had been killed.

    It's even possible that the reason so few people were seen at the meeting was so viewers would not hand wave it and say "well, I'm sure the kids are back in the crowd somewhere we just didn't see them"

    Could also be Judith and Carl, because they were shown before it got to the point that Pete shows up, and that would be a diabolical way to punish RIck---I blame you for taking away (because a guy like Pete would never accept his own responsibility for that)  my family so now I took away yours!"

    The scene at the bonfire ended too quickly to hear anyone say how the fuck did he get the katana?  which should have been a huge alarm bell for Michonne if no one else.

    So the blood is not just a random mistake IMO by the props dept.; blood on any other object might be, a gun or a knife,...but the katana was a distinctive weapon that they knew viewers were aware that it should be in the house or with Michonne no other option.

    • Love 1
  4. OMFG - that show!  I tried a couple of episodes, and even though I will watch anything Alaska or Pacific Northwest related, this was too much for even my lowlife standards.

    I first found it accidentally and I thought it was cruel, somebody stranded mentally disabled people in the wilderness. I thought that was so mean. Then I realized that's just how these people talk.

    I had to keep watching till the "house" was built because that was some of the worst car-crash viewing available. "7 heads are as good as one!"


    Schadenfreude is gud.

    • Love 2
  5. I don't mean this as an insult to anyone, but I grew up definitely lower middle-class, and my mom had to use canned soup and canned sauces in general to make up meals after she got home from work.  I've read a few posts about parents who choose all-organic, and frankly, that was a pipe dream to many of us in the late 1970s.


    I don't understand what this canned soup discussion has to do with this thread, and yes, I'm happy that my wife and I can afford to make my own kids authentic marinara sauce, fresh pasta, and deli sausage when I follow my Italian roots.  


    What's more likely?  Being able to grow or find all of the ingredients for a perfect mushroom sauce to go with fresh tuna and fresh pasta, or having to use close-to-stale mushroom cream soup, processed pasta, and canned tuna for a meal during the ZA?  I can't be the only one who understood what "bring me back a pasta maker" meant to the cook at ASZ, right?

    Oh, we have had plenty of canned soups and sauces, and we were just being silly; sometimes we do stray off topic here but we find our way back. The mod allows us a  little leeway and then reminds us to stay on topic.

    Nothing personal was meant; please don't think we are that serious about Carol's casserole. Stop over at the Small Talk thread if you want to read about the stuff our moms made for us growing up.

    We do understand about what would be the likely menu in the ZA, and canned soup would be a lucky find. I know I wasn't alone in thinking Rick should have let Carl eat the canned dog food (we had quite a discussion about that!).

    Some of us also grew up "lower middle class" or even lower; if we joke about it now it is because we are able to laugh at ourselves and how we made it just fine anyway.

    This forum tries to be a little more lenient about flow of conversation, but speak up if you feel offended.

    • Love 6
  6. I feel like Rick's tiny bandages need an ode written to them.  (This is going to be a really long 7 months.)

    Stay on closely, Tiny Bandage,

    Count the headlice on my hairline

    Tape me down in strips of Curad

    I've had an ass-whippin' today...

    • Love 9
  7. On another note, I wonder if FPP's immaculate white shirt (despite the blood and gore flying around him) is supposed to be symbolic?

    It symbolizes the magical powers of ASZ, where garage floors are pristine even when motorcycle parts are strewn everywhere, and Rick's tiny bandages stayed on even when drenched in walker blood, and so forth.

    • Love 1
  8. Am I the only one who thought MMB was on something?  It was like she couldn't find words and kept tripping over herself in her speech?

    I saw an AL interview where he does the same thing, I think season 5/6 the media and fangirl thing has grown into a Frankenstein monster and you have to edit every thought coming out of your mouth. When you think about the people in the Bed and Breakfast where LJ was staying being made to sign confidentiality agreements, it would make me feel very unable to speak naturally.

    Or, she was hopped up on goofballs.

    • Love 1
  9. Father Pee Pants is Cousin Oliver, Scooby-Dumb, the little red head boy from Different Strokes, Ted McGinley and every annoying kid bought in at the 11th hour they hired to try and save a sitcom because the previous cute kid grew up all rolled into one package. Just die already.

    Actually, he makes me think of Vicky, Capt.Stubings niece.

    I think it's the voice.

    • Love 3
  10. I do think we'll have a time jump like with the prison, and in that case, there probably wouldn't be a conversation, but maybe just a lot of "yes, sir," "right away, sir", etc. from Nicholas to Glenn.


    And from Glenn to Nicholas: "Don't forget to wax my, car, two coats Biff!" while Tara (newly awakened from her coma) looks on in amazement at Sasha and Eugene entering her room with their tennis rackets, glowing with the success of their mixed doubles match. That's when Tara hears a crash and a "whoopsie" and sees Rosita knocking Daryl's briefcase over as he straightens his tie. When Daryl says "I always wear a suit to the office", poor Tara passes out again.

    I'd eat it all except the Burger King, I'd choke down Carol's tuna casserole, but cry about my life afterwards. Why is canned cream soup so damn nasty?

    Do  you know someone who makes tuna casserole with canned cream soup? Or did I misunderstand your post? Because that would be a travesty and would make anyone hate tuna casserole. Made the right way it is good; canned cream soups ruin everything they touch.

    I don't eat soup that comes out glop! sploosh! slop!

    I won't eat raisins; like Bit O'Honeys they are better used for mortar.

    I would eat mushrooms and olives (yum) but only the burger king Rodeo burger. The rest sucks.

    • Love 4
  11.   I am trying to figure out if the gate didn't close only because Father Gabriel was careless, or if there was something jamming the mechanism.

    I thought it was a walker finger.


  12. Bullshit, just bullshit.


    99% of the shows out there have sex scenes, either rahter explicit or 'strategically placed sheets 'or just aluded to. TWD had almost none in the past three seasons and it is simply unbelievable - and rather puritane in that reverse way where it is okay to show a child being killed cold bood (Carol and Lizzie), a child almost being raped (Carl and those white trash folks), legs and arms being amputated with any tool at hand, gore, canibalism, babies in danger, mentions of past rape and abuse.


    But consensual sex between adults? AS IF.


    In this show being horny became the biggest taboo ever, and  I kinda of think that all those folks in charge were never prepared to deal with fan interaction. I mean, was anyone really surprised that some called Andrea a whore? That's 'fandom' standard reaction to women haveinga  normal sexual life, while Shane was never called a man slut was him? But Kirkman and CO probably never expected that and just gave up on all sex - unless, of couse, the implication is rape - like Gareth's mother in the Teminus flashback.


    Richonne will never happen, because they are too scared of normal, heathy sex. Never mind sex between a white guy and a black woman.

    "Richonne will never happen because they are too scared of normal healthy sex."

    I'm not sure if that means Glaggie has been happening for 4 seasons because they have abnormal, unhealthy sex, or because Richonne can't be a couple like Glenn and Maggie are because with Richonne the actual sex act must be shown more often than with Glenn and Maggie.


    99% of the shows out there that have sex---- either explicit or strategically placed sheets, or just alluded to---are shows where characters are able to continue personal hygiene and contraception.

    They also don't sleep with 14 other people, in barns or on the side of the road or in storage pods.

    The cast members have talked about how gross the personal cleanliness issue was, and the lack of privacy. I suppose we can exclude the characters of Rosita and Abraham. Who do it right in front of everyone.But most of the other characters seem to have a little remaining self-respect.

    If the 99% of other shows had characters that their viewers knew go for months at a time without toilet paper or soap, those show would not titillate people but be a joke.

    Now CDB have showers---but live together in homes provided by someone who videotapes people, has people listened to with parabolic mics, while people are fighting, spying, sabotaging, stealing ...I guess they might be a little wary.


    But maybe Richonne won't happen because it is made up by fans; just like Bethyl was invented by fans and Caryl was invented by fans. None of those imaginary relationships were ever part of the story. The story has been good enough to make it the top cable drama and will be on for at least 6 seasons. That was all achieved without having to shoehorn fanfiction fanservice to keep people watching.  That is what we can know for sure.

    • Love 4
  13. Were those over Jessie as the new love interest, or fallout from Beth's suicide-by-cop?



    Was it just me, or did AL seem a little formal when talking about LJ/Morgan? He usually goes way overboard, no matter who he talks about they are "magnificent" but he seemed a little too polite and brittle about the addition of Morgan...perhaps a bit nervous about the big fanlove for LJ.  Or am I imagining this?

  14. Killing Pete wasn't about Jessie.  It was about Rick keeping the community safe from a known danger to it.


    I know people keep saying that they wouldn't go the way of an unknown bite like they did Bob, because they don't do things twice on the show.  Kind of like you wouldn't think the older sage gentleman who was reasonable would meet his maker by having a katana slice into his neck.  Whoops, that was done before, wasn't it?

    That's like the people saying "we've already done the abused woman storyline with Carol". Oh. So it would only happen once. Okay.

    That would ignore plenty of abuse against women that we have seen for all these seasons. In any catastrophe, war, civil unrest, even populations force into nomadic life by drought or hurricanes etc., women get set upon. In a world with no law or jails where even cannibalism happens, women are going to have little luck defending themselves. Not just by gangs of criminal strangers, being abused by partners, or by men they are in a group with like Grady Hospital?


    I did even see posts during The Distance episode about how we'd already seen the group searching for shelter and starving...at the beginning of Season 3. If Maggie and Glenn had really been pregnant back at the prison, would that be unacceptable because we already did pregnancy and a baby?

    I'm surprised there weren't complaints when Bob lost his leg, that we already had Herschel lose a leg, and Merle lose a hand.

    • Love 4
  15. We have to remember that it isn't just what Rick wants to do; it's what can you do.


    Carl had to argue with him to even consider letting MIchonne in as she was surrounded by walkers, he left Orange Backpack guy to his fate, but he also stopped Carl who wanted to help Eyeglasses Guy, and he also refused to go back and look for Andrea.


    Not just RIck but anyone might want to do the generous thing.

    But in the real world right now we don't let bloody strangers with visible weapons just stroll in the house,

    we don't pick up rumpled hitchhikers

    or let our kid intervene if they saw someone being killed by a bloodthirsty crowd,

    we might not go back for a person we knew in the middle of a fiery riot or invasion.

    During a ZA multiply your restraint by 1000; if you have a child and a baby to keep alive, even more.


    Whatever he really would have done before the ZA, or whatever he would really do in a perfect world, or what he would do in the ZA---it's about risk. Saying what he said to Jessie wasn't saying he wanted others to die, or be left abandoned, or risking Carl and Judith's life.


    I would compare it to what a lot of people say after a funeral.


    All the people there say "Let me know if there's anything I can do" or "Call me if you need something.". But they say it as a social convention. They won't really step in and stand by you if you called them on it.


    I think part of what Jessie was asking, was Are you just saying you'll make sure me and my sons are okay or are you saying it to sound sympathetic and polite? Like cops and ER staff and neighbors always said to DV victims? And then I take the risk of leaving this guy after you encouraged me to, and then you'll say You're on your own lady!


    So he was saying No, this is not the cop telling the DV victim "so you let us know if you need something---we mean that in a general way but not really". Rick was saying This is not how I'd say it as cop talk; I give you my personal commitment.



    • Love 9
  16. 3. The food. The fact that these people just leave casseroles on the floor is mind boggling to me. It just shows how soft they are. The never had to eat dogs or worms.


    Even back at the beginning of Season 2 Glenn was yelling at Maggie how could you waste an egg like that?!

    Also, when Aaron was introducing himself and Darly to Morgan did anyone else say in their head "And this is my other brother Darly?" 


    Then Daryl says And we'll do anything for a dollar. Anything.


    I bet that's Production's plan if they get into a contract dispute with NR.

    Daryl will spill his bike, NR will go down, and Gary Bussy will get up.

    New levels of horror in TWD.

    They could replace him with "Merle and Daryl's cousin" played by Nick Nolte's mug shot.

    • Love 3
  17. I'll have to check Aaron's statement. There are also people saying that one of the exiled ASZhats is a woman but Deanna said it was 3 men.

    Okay, this is weird. Deanna clearly said 3 men were exiled; Aaron just definitely said it was 2 men and 1 woman. So I am already thinking Deanna lied? Would she not want to admit she exile a woman ("effectively sentencing them to death" was her way of comparing to Rick saying he killed people).

    • Love 1
  18. I'll have to check Aaron's statement. There are also people saying that one of the exiled ASZhats is a woman but Deanna said it was 3 men.


    I thought Aaron said they exiled the three early on. Was last month said by somebody else?

  19. ooooohh..... Carl and Enid... so THAT'S why Carl didn't hear Pete downstairs!  (Bad Example:  Making things up on TV forums for over 10 years)

    My wish for the Season 6 premiere:

    Judith starts talking. A lot.

    • Love 4
  20. I still can't believe anybody has ever survived surgery performed by Pete. I mean, I like to drink. I like to drink a lot. But as drunk as Pete constantly is, I wouldn't even trust the guy to fry an egg. I'll bet the percentage of people who die after injuries plummets now that he's gone. And if Carol ever wants to try her hand at surgery again, she can help out the one or two that did survive by removing all the cigarette butts that he accidentally sewed up inside of them.



    So, so, SO what ^^CletusMusashi^^ said.

    I'm out of thumbs but I had to post a LIKE for this. Aaron said they had a doctor who had done amazing things. He did not say successful things or helpful things.

    Attaching an extra head on somebody would be amazing. Amazingly wrong. It's like another Seinfeldism---What do you think of the baaaaayyybeee?

    • It's...really...something!
    • It's breathtaking!
    • It's some baby!
    • Love 3
  21. .  I am certain that the 3 people kicked out of Alexandra are most likely the ones in charge.  But why did they not come back to Alexandra right away and take over.  Its not like they couldn't because the Alexandrians are clueless.  Or are they making their way back and picking up like minded crazies to help take over?

    I think it explains the Richmond incident.

    The ASZ people who just went on runs still went as far as 53 miles out; how far would they go to lose someone?

    What if ASZ banished 3 people and had them taken 100 miles away and dumped?

    The exiles got moving back to ASZ, Rick and group were right behind them.

    When CDB were talking they first mentioned that the trip from Atlanta to Richmond took 17 days. Then they were on the road again and talked about 21 days.

    The ASZhats said they exiled 3 people "last month". That would put them a week or less ahead of CDB who were just heading north when Aaron came.

    • Love 2
  22. I haven't seen it in a few years so I probably added to it in my head. 


    This is what I meant (from the TWD Wiki):

    That part where Carol urges him is when they all hear a twig snap and are "what was that?" and Glenn says was it a walker? and then they want to get going, and Carol says to Rick Do something! and he says "I am doing something! I'm keeping this group together!" (Well, except for Andrea).

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