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Posts posted by kikismom

  1. Actually it was when they (Rick, Daryl, Oscar and Michonne) were going to get Maggie and Glenn from Woodbury.  They'd left the car on the road to walk through the woods and were met by a bunch of walkers.  They ran to a building and went inside.  There was a dead dog in the middle of the room, and a lumpy bed.  Said lump was a crazy hermit who thought they'd come to rob or kill him.  He started screaming for the police, which was agitating the walkers outside, so Michonne calmly put her katana through his torso.  They ended up tossing the old man's body out on the front porch to distract the walkers as they escaped out the back.


    Oscar was rather horrified by all of this.


    I am absolutely wrong on this!!!

    My apologies to everyone who had it right. (I give out thumbs it's all I can do! :-D)


    That was back when RIck would still say I am a cop!


    Chinese hash? I thought that was something else.

    Never trust any recipe that calls for a can of undiluted campbells mushroom soup.

    I think Daryl thought the lump was a fox and was actually disgusted enough to cover his nose.

    Like Daryl saying the barn smelled like horseshit. One would think he'd be noseblind.

    • Love 1
  2. Interview with Gale from Time about working on two shows and a small teaser for the finale. Very small and not specific, but not positive.




    Question about her response:

    When she says no one will be able to predict, do you think she means no one- not even the comic book readers?

    Yes. They have to! No matter what they claim about

    sticking to the comic, it would make every ep a fore

    gone conclusion. They would just be pantomiming .

    Changing it up also means comic readers will watch

    the show, more tv viewers will read the comic--$$$!

    Where would the tension be about this finale---and

    next fall premiere---unless they do something people

    will talk about all summer? I expect a significant

    death. There is a spoiler out that sounds good but it

    says not one word about some major characters.


    • Love 1
  3. Plus the gun going off was kinda the opposite of quiet...

    The gun going off was at the end and they were so ass deep in walkers by then

    Maybe one should think twice about backstabbing a guy with a loaded shotgun...facing their friend...oh what the hell am I thinking?

    Talk about Father Gabriel running back to the church and leading the walkers; they've done it themselves. (and they did it at the quarry, didn't they?)

    .At what point will they have a little brainstorming session and say one day there won't be some poor soul's life and home to wreck like we do every place we go, or a car or a hollow tree...maybe we should figure out a way to deal with that. y'know, before we die.

  4. No, it was Indifference.

    Cuckoo pants indeed.

    They run from the car, Tyreese finally pulls his personal shit together and joins them. They head for a remote cabin, walkers were in pursuit already. Had been since the car and following Tyreese.

    So the poor dude inside is the one with the self-defense alibi.

    He was minding his own business, they broke in. Michonne ran a blade through him and out the door he went as human food to distract the walkers while they went out the back.

    Tyreese and Daryl gave her a couple funny looks, Daryl because she went for it while the cabin guy had a shotgun and it went off of course and almost blew Daryl's head off.

    I totally get that they wanted him to be quiet. But how would they feel if someone broke into the prison? Multiple stranger someones with weapons? They would grab a gun if they had a chance to defend themselves! THEY were the home invaders! So what happens next...

    ....they get home in time for Woodbury to break in, refuse to leave, and threaten their lives with weapons! I said it before, karma. Karma will get you.

    • Love 1
  5. I know this is the spoiler thread but I used the tag anyway (and hope I don't get exiled) I have been reading a particular persons spoiler post but have mainly kept it to myself because I didn't want to look like Father Pee Pants and reporting crap that's not true. However, they have been right the last 2 weeks (it's where I read about the death of Noah and Aiden) 

    Disclaimer - I cannot verify any of this information but this is what I read


    W is for wolves

    Daryl will not die but he will disappear for a quite a few episodes

    Carl loses an eye. Nicholas tries to kill Glen and fails, he (Nicholas) grabs Enid and Carl loses an eye trying to intervene

    Father Pee Pants is exiled (don't know why) captured and used as bait to get the ASZhats to open the gates. They do not and if this is true I will rejoice because according to the spoiler, FPP meets his well deserved demise

    The finale will end with the wolves on one side and Rick and the ASZhats on the other with Deanna looking to Rick for what to do next


    Sounds great (especially the one we would all rejoice).

  6. You know what I like and this will illustrate how white trash I am, I love me the sharpest damn white cheddar on the planet. Oooh yum yum and you know how people pair food with wine? Coca cola goes well with a nice sharp white cheddar. MmmMmm good. =)


    I love sharp sharp needle sharp laser sharp white cheddar. I want it so sharp it makes me shake.

    Never apologize.

    • Love 1
  7. I think I have to take issue with comics readers being post-adolescent fanboys in their parents' basements. A lot of us here are comic readers. I don't even have a basement! :)

    I am genuinely sorry. I didn't mean everyone but I sure wrote it bad.


    I think I really mean that, say, a bazillion people watched Star Wars movies but there's a sub-group that renovates their house to look like the interior of the Millenium Falcon----know what I mean? They would buy a special issue on Admiral Akbar....but if you made a 2 hour, $170 million movie about Admiral Akbar...the studio (or the conglomerate that owns it) would buy the rights. remove the human sex with aliens scenes, add song by Justin Beiber. Because when you go to a wide audience you don't want to make it appealing only to die-hards. A small group can support a comic. Expensive productions on screen have to allow for wider spectrum of tastes.

    My apologies.

    • Love 2
  8.  as many people as may only watch for Rick or Carol or Daryl or Michonne,

    there are other viewers who are drawn to those that many insist are "worthless" and "there to die"......

    ...  otherwise it's mostly just Desperate Housewives

    no kidding.

    • Love 1
  9. So who among us likes to hear how incompetent we are? And these are the people who are living in the ZA in relative luxury. They are obviously a bit delusional but they've done well so far. You have to break these things gently...


    Jimmy Carter told people things they didn't want to hear; look where it got him. 

    Are any of us sure how "they've done well so far"?


    There are people in our real world right now who are living in relative luxury; they are obviously doing well.

    A lot of them need to be told about the things they are delusional about, the things they don't want to hear.

    But nobody's breaking it to them, or perhaps just breaking it to them too gently; look where that's gotten the rest of us.

    • Love 5
  10. What Rick actually did in this episode:


    • Rick listens attentively as Glenn explains what happened on the run which resulted in the deaths of Noah and Aiden, and injured Tara.
    • Rick talks briefly to Carol, who tells him that Sam (1) has a bolt on his closet door so he can lock himself in, if necessary; and (2) that a month ago, he'd found his mother unconscious and bleeding on the floor while his father, the surgeon, sat outside.
    • Even though he's armed and brooding, Rick settles for telling Pete to "keep walking" instead of popping him.
    • Rick goes to Deanna to (1) offer condolences for her loss; and (2) informs her that Pete is beating Jessie, only to discover that Deanna, THE authority figure in Alexandria, knew about it and did nothing to prevent it.
    • When Deanna asks how he intends to stop the abuse, Rick suggests separating them.
    • When Deanna asks "What happens when he doesn’t want to do that?" Rick suggests killing Pete.
    • When Deanna rejects that in favor of exile, Rick counters with "We do that, we don’t know when he comes back and what he does to them. Letting him go makes this place vulnerable. You really want to wait till someone in that tower has to take care of it? And that’s if we’re lucky."
    • Rick talks to Jessie in the garage and she reluctantly confirms that there has been abuse, but insists "I can take care of myself."
    • Rick just stands there as Jessie closes the garage door more or less in his face.
    • Rick sees the people of Alexandria out & about, as if the world never changed, as if it's not dangerous. He also sees Sam with the toy boat & red balloon.
    • Rick returns to Jessie's house and walks in without being invited.
    • Rick tells Jessie that Sam asked for a gun.
    • Rick offers to keep Jessie and her boys safe.
    • After Jessie asks Pete to go, Rick says "Pete, you and me are leaving."
    • When Pete gets in his face, Rick says "Step back."


    Pete escalates matters by swinging at Rick and shoving him into the wall. All hell breaks loose, and more than a little crazy ensues. And yet, there's very little that Rick says about Alexandria and their "system" that sounds wildly irrational to me...

    Rick: You still don’t get it. None of you do!

    (Outside the walls, a small herd of walkers have gathered. Sasha raises her rifle)

    Rick: We know what needs to be done. We do it. (Sasha fires) We’re the ones who live. (Sasha fires, twice) You, you just sit and plan and hesitate. You pretend to know when you don’t.  (Sasha fires)  You wish things weren’t what they are. (Sasha fires) Well, you want to live? You want this place to stay standing?  (Sasha fires, hitting a walker with a W on its forehead) Your way of doing things is done. Things don’t get better because you– you want them to. Starting right now, we have to live in the real world. We have to control who lives here.

    Deanna: That’s never been more clear to me than it is right now.

    Rick: Me? Me? You– (laughs) You mean– you mean me? Your way is gonna destroy this place. It’s gonna get people killed. It’s already gotten people killed. And I’m not gonna stand by and just let it happen. If you don’t fight, you die. I’m not gonna stand by–

    (Michonne knocks Rick out, then reaches down and picks up his gun; she does not look pleased)

    Thank you for the work you do transcribing. Excellent!

    • Love 5
  11. =O What eeees eeeet?


    Looks like jello mold with tato chips. and I can't think of the cereal embedded in the jello. FYI jello is also eeeeeeville



    Cereal looks like Cracklin' Oat Bran. Delicious, but I'm not paying $4.99 for a teeny tiny box.

    Aww no! Nobody got the joke! I even gave you a clue! Aunt Bethany???


    It's the Jello mold with---not cereal!--- DRY CAT FOOD!...that "Aunt Bethany" brought to the Griswold home in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation!

    • Love 1
  12.   Deanna's response was "Well what if he doesn't want to and won't listen to us?"  That statement alone shows how worthless Deanna is as a leader.

    If I was Rick that would have been the time for me to ask:

    1. So you don't know how to deal with someone inside the camp but you aren't worried about enemies outside the camp? Huh?
    2. I thought you said you exiled 3 men. Did they just smile and leave, or how did you manage that?


    Her leadership seemed wacky to me when she sighed : oh I hoped he would stop /I thought he would stop.


    She sounds like one of those women who know their kid is shoplifting or her husband is looking at porn or grampa with dementia is wandering downtown flashing people at the intersection. oh sigh I was hoping it would take care of itself because I don't want to be bothered actually.

    Yet she is full of energy and ambition for industry and commerce.

    I remember when Aaron showed the photo of their community, I thought the tall walls were concrete. That would muffle sound and be walker-proof, IMO. So imagine my surprise when CDB rolled up and it's just shitty corrugated metal sheets, which are thin and, if I'm not mistaken, often echo and/or amplify sound.

    I hope the finale is wind blowing a hailstorm sideways.

    • Love 6
  13. for me the premiere/finale is all about the desserts!  I might even make some home made ice cream....I'm thinking vanilla bean with red velvet cake batter because, you know, zombies.

    I'm thinking this, because, you know, Carol.

    And Aunt Bethany.



  14. If they banish him, he would know that Daryl is still out there.(with Aaron). Daryl knows the whistle they have used. He would know Sasha is up in the tower. He would have ways to get messages back and forth to people on the inside.

    If Rick is outside with Morgan and Daryl (and possibly Aaron on their side/dubious still?) that could be the suspenseful set-up.

    • Love 2
  15. I think they need to stop giving interviews which include you're going to cry, you're going to need tissues, you're going to get mad...

    It's like telling someone oh this is the scariest movie or the greatest song ever written. It just sets the bar where you aren't experiencing it,  you are busy comparing it with a measuring stick. Let me be heartbroken for real and cry spontaneously not because I was instructed to.

    • Love 5
  16. Personally, I can't think of a more humiliating death than getting munched by some Mickey Mouse-sounding motherwalker.

    I posted a comment on the Media thread with a spoiler tag in case I get blamed if it is on the mark about helium.

    Oh, someone tell me if this statement by an important cast member means anything or not!

    Ask.fm Q&A with Chandler Riggs; he is asked if he

    had a choice what way to die what would it be...and

    he said "Helium. The body mistakes it for oxygen and

    there is no pain." I'm not saying Carl will die---I'm

    saying it's odd for him to know that...and odd that

    is a subject of discussion in this show. The balloon,

    the big tank in the Andersons garage.

    • Love 1
  17. Wow, I can't believe they literally introduced a "Checkov's Gun". After years of surviving zombies the show better not try to shock us with Glenn being murdered at the hands of that lying punk.


    This was the first "off" episode since probably the hospital shows. Just wasn't feeling it.  I didn't like the short cut of skipping Deanna and family intial reaction to Aiden's death. Also I really hate the idea of Michonne turning on Rick. Lastly this show doesn't seem like its building to a big season finale of Rick's group  taking over....even Carol stood by and did nothing during the fight.


    One bit I've wanted to say all season. The credits have always been odd on this show. It took Melissa McBride a long time to  make the main credits. Now its the same with Sasha's actress. Why is Abraham's actor in the main credits and she's not having been there longer. Next season if she lives SMG better get bumped up to the main credits!

    I don't feel like Michonne turned on RIck. I think she just had to stop it before either someone shot Rick, or before Carl tried again and got knocked out himself, or before they all got thrown out the gate.

    YMMV though.

    I will tip that the discussion out by the car before they left with Aaron was very important. Remember she asked if his "yes" was real, was he really agreeing to go join ASZ. Or was he just trying to get the guy (Aaron) to tell where the camp was.

    She may have suspected then that he might have plans to take over any place. Then that ties in to why Michonne is one of the people not included in the "Quarry Threesome".

    Yes, the credits have always been odd. The things is, that is not decided by who is most important to us or in the show longer...but, sadly, how much clout your agent has. Even huge stars have epic fights over this. Like A-list movie stars. Some people barter also; less pay in return for higher billing. It is bizarre as you said MMB was there from the beginning but kept getting "also starring" like she was a guest.

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