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  1. Late to bed count but here. Bad choices in hand.
  2. Priorities! Making the needs of the future cult congregation are priorities of the heathens and the godless. The two boys are being groomed for greatness anyway. They can take over the cult congregation of converting the young, hot and foreign into the cult. Ick and his member are the only priority that needs to be addressed. Dani who? Oh yeah the lady who will do for Ick in a pinch. And the newest child is a girl right? Sigh.
  3. They seem to like and love each other. She comes off willing and into this. And home girl has FAB PELO. Fab. LOVE. They seem normal. We don’t come here for the normal and sane. We come for the insane but delusional over share famewhores.
  4. Clearly that God hates and rebukes us that we are subject to the vision of his smedium tiny chest. Shudder.
  5. I was a girl in the 90's and I wore some short skirts. Lol. I remember rewatching Fear with Reese Witherspoon and commenting how short her skirt was. I find an old pic of me a few days later in a skirt shorter. I miss that body. I haven't watched yet because I am job hunting and Ick makes me rage in the brain. Must be Ol Lucifer keeping me busy so I don't allow my hubs a sister wife. Except he already has one. Her name Is Electra, she's hairless Feline and bossy. Take that Ick. I take back not minding Nick. He is running a cult. Run Danielle. Far. Away. The other Dani is losing my sympathy. She is helping that fool run a grooming mail order bride enterprise and its creepy AF.
  6. Mike was no prize and people seem to forget-he like Mama Debbie's Boo, hold some very sketchy views. He had confederacy memorabilia in his house. He can't even use the tired "excuse" that it's about "Southern Pride" since Washington wasn't part of the union. He can take several seats. Natalie is a user, an opportunist and lazy but Mike is no prize. Two things can be true at once. I was settled down to watch SSW and chat it up with y'all last night but my hubs and one of his D&D friends got into a screaming match so the pooch, the cat and I tuned into that dramafest instead. I will see y'all Friday tho? I missed y'all.
  7. You are Klassier with a Capitol K love. :) I don't mind Shane and Deep thinker Nick as much but then again I am a graduate of the Love after lock up and Real Housewives PHD program and I minored in Dateline so my opinion may be biased. Ick is talented like that.
  8. If Dani was my disrespectful tush, she would have told him no headphones needed because there will be no noise but 42.3 seconds of Ick's heaving.
  9. I live in Miami so I know many women who are like Alexia. Judge mental AF until you point out THEIR shite. Some of it is part of the Spanish speaking Caribbean patriarchal culture. I am Boricua, it has taken years of therapy and self work to see how anti women the family I was raised in, IS. There is also an element of judgement in Latinos, especially in Miami of weed intake. Which boils my blood because the skyline of Miami was built off of cocaine. Weed and cocaine are not the same. Plus alexia's son smokes weed and it's not legal for recreational use here. If that sociopath has a medical prescription, it is not addressing his core issues, he's a sociopath whose mama has enabled him. All his life. Not a Doctor, just my couch potato opinion. I despise Leah but I loved that she said that to Miss I am super liberal and more lgbtq than actual lgbtq people.
  10. I agree with this. I think people have a reaction to it being viewed as a racial slur because anyone Latino who has said it around me meant it as a term of endearment. There is also the thing of America and how being white here isn’t a setback in any way or form. But if it offends you or anyone then it shouldn’t be said. Any word that is viewed as derogatory and is something one can’t change (example born into, born that way, gender, etc) it’s worth it to listen and work to change the language. I find Alexia a total Asshole who is classist, elitist and a misogynist. I am sure she suffers from other isms afflictions as well but I haven’t seen them yet. She’s also quick to be offended if anyone says anything about Cubans that is less than flattering. I enjoy Marisol because she is ridiculous and in on the joke but I will enjoy her more if she stopped enabling Alexia. I have never cared for the self proclaimed Cuban Barbie. Adriana will always suck the energy out the room / it’s her thing. Larsa? She’s filled with some hot, pompous air that came from the fake butt but seems to have spread to her face and brain cells, killing them off slowly. But I won’t lie, Miami is the only franchise that I enjoy anymore.
  11. If Shawn is naked in any way shape or form? I am done, there are limits.
  12. We all need to plan an all star party. Our families are so judgy.
  13. Planning skylar’s making of a corpse doll? oh mike. He’s eye candy (and I will deny this under oath Sammir) and no just smug?But stop rapping please, it stains the eye candy, Ugh just smug came on my screen. I will take Mike’s rapping.
  14. I am here for my folks. My children and husband pretend I don’t exist fridays from 830-1030. I order their Uber eats and they pretend I am not watching this. It works.
  15. Babes. We been here awhile. Let’s not be pretend to be innocent virgins. There is never a new low. It changes every second of this show. Need reminding? Prostrate. Milking.
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