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Everything posted by WearyTraveler

  1. This is where things get wonky. I think most book readers saw Jon's resurrection coming, so, the show confirming that was expected. But, the show has also killed Barristan, Doran, Myrcella and Trystane who are still alive in the books. Martin has said the show has killed people who have a role to play in his next books (if he ever finishes them). The show has butchered the Dorne storyline and they are doing Jaimie no favors. I think Bran getting out of the cave might be one of those things the show does that may not be in the books, like merging Sansa and Jeyne Poole's storylines. I think book Rickon is being kept alive to inherit Winterfell, but the showrunners might think that the audience would be more emotionally connected to Bran than to Rickon, whom we haven't seen for a long, long time, and never had anything important to do on the show. So, they may be merging Bran and Rickon's storylines. Until GRRM confirms it, like he did Shireen's burning at Stannis' hand, I'm not going to take it as book canon. I saw that and LOL at EW's soooper sikrit, BTS report. There were so many leaks regarding Jon's resurrection, they all looked rather silly insisting that he was dead, dead, dead. Also, Jon's resurrection is already on YT: Ghost is HUGE!!!
  2. I don't think they did it because of his fans. If you read the books, there's plenty of clues as to why Jon would be resurrected
  3. That's probably true, but if he had sat down to write sooner, or accepted some help, he might have done the reveal himself. I would have preferred to have read it in the book (where it will probably be a bit different)
  4. Hell yeah! He's ALIVE!!!! (and boy, is KH pretty!)
  5. Pity, I don't think the guy has any malicious intent. It's not as if he's shouting from the rooftops all the info he got. Only those who wanted to be spoiled were spoiled and he had fair warnings throughout. I don't mind being spoiled, I don't find that it reduces my enjoyment of the show, but to each her own, I guess.
  6. Perhaps is a sanctioned way to manage spoilers. The fact that the first 4 episodes of s5 leaked still stings, I think. It appears that FD is spoiling stuff fairly close to air date, so maybe they figure this would be a way to calm spoiler hounds without too much risk of everything spilling out way before it airs.
  7. The first thing that popped into my head was Dany's Red Door from the books, then The House of Black and White's door. Maybe one of them will be referenced?
  8. Yeah, at the beginning of this video DF says he had already spoiled the opening scene on Wednesday, so I skipped that part
  9. I agree. At the end DF seemed to be quite happy that he was right
  10. All right, I'm back; so... Winterfell Sansa and Brienne The Iron Islands Final Scenes at The Wall
  11. Spanish is my mother tongue, so, I've watched the video and here are a few more details as reported by Frikidoctor. The Wall King's Landing Mereen Braavos Winterfell Ok, I'm gonna take a break from watching, pausing, typing, and go walk my dog (who looks like a direwolf!) and then I'll come back and finish.
  12. "...learning how to yield it"? Did they mean "learning how to wield it"?
  13. Maybe the wolf escapes. Nymeria managed to escape Joffrey's wrath, after all. I just don't want any more wolf killing. I know it's terrible but I have more of an emotional attachment to the direwolves than to their owners, except perhaps for Jon, but I've always felt that Jon isn't going to die for real until perhaps the very end of the series.
  14. I have been wondering: if the rumors that Rickon dies are true, would Shaggydog become Sansa's direwolf? I have always felt that the fact that Sansa had no wolf was partly to blame for her misfortunes, if she were to get a replacement direwolf, maybe that could be a turning point for her in term of starting to get some victories. Thoughts?
  15. I'm so worried for Ghost it's not even funny! I want to see Jon's resurrection, not so much for seeing Jon coming back to life, but just to have the relief that Ghost continues to live too!
  16. I took an acting class once and one of the scenes I had to do involved a character who appeared to be strong slowly becoming more and more vulnerable as she had a conversation with another character, effectively revealing herself as the conversation progressed. The coach's suggestion was for me to start shedding coat, jacket, hat, scarf, and jewelry as the scene went on, accompanying the soul baring with actual physical baring (it wasn't suggested that I get naked, though :D ). I can see how this Melisandre scene is similar to that. She had been unwavering in her faith and her belief in the Lord of Light, even when things didn't go as planned (see Blackwater). But now she's lost Stannis, who she truly believed to be Azor Ahai reborn, apparently, and when she comes to the Wall she finds Jon dead; a person she had actually seen waging battle at Winterfell. It's all crumbling for her. She's tired of carrying the glamour, she's tired of the illusions, and her God seems to be sending her false visions. I totally bought it. I also agree with poster upthread that it would be the best possible outcome if Jon resurrects on his own, so to speak, and this is what gives Mel her faith back. It would be even better if Mel recited the whole Azor Ahai prophecy as Jon is coming out of the flames and her faith starts returning. She can start in a low voice and increase the volume as the resurrection takes place (what do you mean it's too dramatic? It's just perfect! Perfect, I tell you!).
  17. Yeah, and there are fast ships and slow ships. That galley where Jaimie, Myrcella and Trystane were looked pretty heavy, so, it was probably on the slow side. For all we know the Sand Snakes took a lighter, faster boat, and were actually waiting for Trystane at KL. That wasn't the part that bothered me about the whole Dorne storyline.
  18. Dragons, Valeryan steel, dragon glass... Plus Azor Ahai was a man, not a Walker (according to the book's lore) and he managed it. I don't think Jon needs to be a Walker to defeat the Walkers. Plus, in the books we already have Coldhands, who seems to be a wight that didn't completely turn, for some reason. I doubt the books will have two Coldhands characters. And while D&D certainly take plenty of liberties with the story, I don't think they'd do a deviation as large for a character as important as Jon. His story has been one of the most faithful to the books (with some exceptions) so far.
  19. You've counted Littlefinger twice: with the Lannisters and with the Starks. Personally, I think LF is on team LF. Whatever works best for his interests is what he will do. Right now that seems to be taking the North through Sansa. Even since the series started, LF has had a hard-on for the Starks (plotting to blame the Lannisters for the assassination attempt on Brandon, and betraying Ned). I think it's clear he wants all of Westeros. He controls the Vale, he's Lord Paramount of the Riverlands (can't remember if the show gave him that title when they gave him Harren Hall), and now he's gunning for the North. He wants to exact his revenge on the Tullys and the Starks for the slights he believes he suffered at their hands. As for Daenerys getting new ships, I don't think the Martells are known for their fleet. It's more likely that they'll have the Ironborn connect with Dany by having one of the characters we know take on part of Victarion's role in the books.
  20. I should further clarify that I didn't claim the word fuck was too modern, I claimed the dialogue, for some characters, was too modern. What I meant was the whole sentence construction, not just the one word. For example, Sand Snake number 2 telling Sand Snake number one "You're a really greedy bitch, you know that?". Or the entire conversation between the two Dothraki taking Dany to their Khal; that played more like a couple of misogynistic contemporary guys who've had too much to drink than two Dothraki warriors from the book. Also, I said that when a character that doesn't use foul language in the books does so on the show, it takes me out of the story. Jaimie is a good example of this. I don't think even his own inner monologue has foul language. Not until Tyrion tells him about Cersei sleeping with everybody, and even then, it's mostly just him recalling Tyrion's words.
  21. But Dany is Targ+Targ, while Jon would be Targ+Stark. If magic is coming back to the world again, as several characters keep saying in the books, and I believe in the show, as well, Jon's Targ side could be getting stronger. I was the one who mentioned the language. I didn't mean to imply the show had never done it before, only that in this particular episode, the dialogue took me out of the story, as it has done in the past (which I didn't mention). It's even more jarring when they give this sort of dialogue to characters that don't speak like that in the books, like Jaimie. Book Tyrion does use crass language in his internal monologue, though not very much with others, particularly the highborn.
  22. This is the way I hope it happens in the books and on the show. I think the books heavily point to R+L=J= Azor Ahai= Ice and Fire (the title of the series). And I feel Azor Ahai's rebirth has to be something huge, given the very real, scary threat that is the WW army just beyond the Wall.
  23. Did that happen before the dragons were born? Because if it did, that could be a plausible explanation.
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