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Everything posted by JMO

  1. Agreed, Autumn. Everyone has a right to an opinion. But not to badmouthing. Personally, I like to research things before forming an opinion, and I try to be careful not to base a strongly held opinion on a supposition. Which doesn't mean I always succeed. But I am sincere in saying that I try.
  2. While I would have loved for CM to return to its cerebral roots, I am not naïve enough to deem it a possibility---not at this point in the game. That cerebral quality attracted a great many loyal and devoted viewers, present company included---and we are obviously still watching. The more casual viewer has long since moved on, but has been replaced by a smaller, but younger, group of viewers who like action. For CBS, that’s the best of both worlds. They're not about to abandon it. So I’m not at all surprised that the network decided to replace Morgan. He was the action hero, and none of the remaining characters would have been able to fill that role and still remain in character. (Cue the tired chorus of ‘but what about NinjaBarbieGoldenGirlJJ?!”). I wish a Morgan replacement wasn’t necessary, because I would prefer to see more of the other characters (Reid). But I get it, and I expected it. Also, I’ve learned from those who have experience in the business that it is simply wrong to think that Erica Messer is behind the decision. That privilege resides with those higher up in the network. She simply preserves her employment by making the most of what’s given her, and that includes promoting the hell out of it. She is a middle manager, with limited independent authority, who has bills to pay and a family to support, and is, therefore, going to do what it takes to get her job done. On the spectrum of life histories, that’s actually a success story, and I will go on record as saying that I don’t think it is deserving of denigrating comments, and I would be very happy to see no more of them.
  3. My frustration about the idea of MGG moving on is two-fold. Firstly, I love Spencer Reid, and will sorely miss him. And, secondly, when MGG moves on, I would like it to be toward other things that I would enjoy seeing him do. But he and I don't have the same taste, and he keeps making movies I don't like. So I'll hold on to Spencer for as long as he will let me.
  4. Yes, to everything you said, Normasm. If they do bring Morgan or Emily back, however, I hope it is not at the cost of focus on our remaining team members. Of the escaped serial killers, the one I think would be most interesting would be the Fox, because I think he profiles the team at least as well as the team profiles him, is capable of adapting his approach accordingly, and would make a very worthy cat-and-mouse opponent. For me, the real interest of Mr. Scratch is what he's already done to Hotch, and the fact (in my mind, anyway) that Hotch hasn't actually acknowledged it to anyone. We don't need the character to come back for that to play out. Hotch can flash back after a team member has been in mortal danger. If this is truly to be the final season, it could be the factor that causes him to accept that promotion up the ladder, and away from the front lines. Mostly, I just really, really, really want to see grown-up Reid. Every week. Written consistently.
  5. JMO

    The Bullpen

    I'm sleepy, or I might have come up with more: She's discovered she really doesn't like tea Her mother is ill, and she wants to be near her, in DC Interpol is working with the FBI on some new theories re: serial killers and their profiles Declan needs her, stateside she helped catch the escapees once, she can help catch them again
  6. JMO

    The Bullpen

    Well, if it was Paget, and if she was coming back full time, I could handle the additional profiler. It's only a problem when she comes back as a guest star, because they feel a need to focus, and it throws off the balance. Alas, I fear they think too concretely. So, male profiler out, male profiler in. Wouldn't I love to be proven wrong!
  7. This is an interesting exercise, trying to select 'good' escaped serial killers for the team to pursue once again. The first thing I realized is that, for all the effort to make them twisted and cruel, most of our prior unsubs aren't particularly memorable. It's the ones who were less 'creative' who stuck with me. Then I realize that some of the memorable ones probably aren't in prison, but in psych hospitals. And the I realize how many of them are actually dead, often at the hands of the BAU. So, since so few of them stood out to me, I looked to an episode guide for help. And that's when the next problem arose. So many of these unsubs have such specific victim profiles that they're not all that scary to the general public. The writers have gone to such lengths to 'make sense' of what is, essentially, senseless, that it removes a lot of the suspense. I don't think it actually works that way in real life. I think serial killers have lost (or never acquired) their regard for any human life. They may have male/female preferences, based on whom they consort with, but they don't go after 'brunettes with green eyes who wear Chanel'. Of the unsubs who are not dead, not commited, and who are remotely memorable, I agree, I like the idea of Owen Savage. I think Reid would still think of him as the kid victimized by bullies, but Owen has probably hardened quite a bit in prison. If Reid approaches him with his guard down, that could put our favorite genius in quite a bit of danger (which is always a good thing). I like The Fox, because having a family annihilator on the loose would be scary, and especially if he targets the BAU---either as a family, or each of the actual families. (Bye, Will!) The unsub in The Internet Is Forever, except I can't remember if he survived the BAU. That was a haunting episode, especially when they all watched on line as the murder was happening. The cannibal in 'Lucky'. The son from Remembrance of Things Past, who learned serial killing from his father. The two genius friends from 'True Genius' who might make an interesting partnership and challenge for Reid. Mr. Scratch, with his specific hatred for Hotch. Cat Adams with her love/hate relationship with Reid. That's only nine. From eleven seasons. Slim pickings.
  8. JMO

    The Bullpen

    Don't think I've ever seen this put into words better, Normasm. I was less excited about the news than I'd expected to be. I think they might have finally beaten it out of me.
  9. It's so hard to absorb the magnitude of the fire, even having seen the videos. It's a miracle that that there's been no loss of life. Praying that remains so. And then, there's this: http://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/we-understand-what-theyre-feeling-syrian-refugees-in-calgary-step-up-to-help-fort-mcmurray-fire-evacuees
  10. I'm liking the Tara Lewis character a bit more than I did at the beginning, and I can see how she can fit into the team. But there is a-----for lack of a better word---'heaviness' to her, or to her portrayal, that, for me, weighs down every scene she's in. Don't know why that is, because she does smile, and she does joke a bit----but that's how I react each time. So I don't really want to see her with Reid. I'd rather see him with someone who brightens the room a bit more. All we have to do is find her for him.
  11. He's had some upper arm muscle for years. The rest is just ribs and scapulae on a skinny torso. Topped by quite the hair-do.
  12. As per my usual, I fell asleep early on, and then awakened to a helicopter, running around in the dark, and an explosion. To my mind, nothing good has ever come of a CM episode featuring helicopters, running around in the dark, or explosions. They mostly just substitute for plot. So I went back to sleep. When finally watched through, the episode generated only random thoughts: The conspiracy plot, or, rather, the DOJ’s reaction to it, was too hokey to create much tension. I tried to buy into the plot anyway, and found myself very sorely missing the element of righteous anger that I think would have been Morgan’s response to the arrest of his unit chief. That part of the team’s personality has disappeared with him, sadly. The rest are far too controlled emotionally. We get an occasional spark from Rossi or Reid, but it’s not enough. We need someone on screen who reacts the way we do, serving as the audience’s representative to whatever is happening. I hadn’t realized it until he was gone, but I think Morgan did that. I actually think Cade did very well expressing Jack’s trauma at being invaded by a group of armed agents, and seeing his father arrested, and again at the end, when Jack went somewhere inside himself, keeping his father at arm’s length. Henry was cute, but poor Michael was mostly edited out. Maybe he was teething. I think it would have been absolutely fascinating to have Tara and at least one other BAU member stuck in a prison ward with some of the serial killers they’ve studied and/or put away, and have to outwit them in order to escape. Could easily have filled a whole episode. But to have Tara realize where she was, and the prison doors open, only to be rescued 15 seconds later----just a waste of opportunity. So was the prisoners’ exchange of clothing with the wardens, and then the SWAT team---Interesting, but resolved in under a minute. I would have liked to see an episode where the BAU has to figure out who is who through their wits alone. Speaking of the prison scenes---- did anyone else find it odd that our Kevlar-vested team wasn’t offered helmets and/or other body armor, when they accompanied SWAT? Especially when a team member (Hotch) put himself at the front of the group? On the other hand, they really should all just have stayed outside with Rossi. It’s not like they were profiling in there. Speaking of dangerous things----our team watched helicopter full of fuel and explosives fall from the sky, on fire………and then they all walked toward it. BOOM! Not interested in the Rossi/Hayden thing at all. Way too manufactured. I liked JJ’s barely controlled anger with Antonia, but would have bought it more if she’d (JJ) shown some of it closer to the time of Hotch’s arrest. Yes, they screwed up on Diana’s fear of flying. Which was sadly amusing, since it seemed obvious they were trying to delve into the show’s history, and prove they were capable of continuity. Reid was great with Asher. From his description of autism/Asperger’s, and his demeanor when providing it, I sensed a distancing of the notion that Reid has either. Put another way, I think MGG would have played Reid differently in that scene, if he thought Reid was describing traits that he himself possessed. Since that aligns with my impression of Reid (having neither autism nor Asperger’s), I say, YAY!, and let’s put that notion to bed, permanently. There have been better season finales, and there have been worse. Since it might also have served as a series finale, I guess the final implication that the work will continue is a good one. I just wish the writers didn’t equate ‘finale’ with ‘blow the budget on helicopters and explosions’. I would so much prefer an intriguing battle of wits.
  13. If I didn't have a major obligation running into the beginning of next week, we'd find out about Spencer a lot sooner!
  14. Not prolific, just forgetful. Those have come out in dribs and drabs over the course of a year or so. I just keep forgetting to put them here.
  15. I had to go back quite a bit to see the last time I remembered to post a link here. It's been quite a while. So, here they are, in reverse order, with the newest post-eps first. At least those episodes will be fresher in mind., All are a single chapter, unless noted otherwise: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11913462/1/Role-Play (Devil's Backbone) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11849666/1/The-Toast (Between Derek and Sandman--Morgan's wedding) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11832835/1/Brothers (Derek) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11749195/1/My-Brother-Pretty-Boy (Entropy) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11622606/1/The-Banishment (Reid, during the three 'Reid-less' episodes, three chapters) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11623851/1/Out-of-Character (Awake) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11610110/1/Encyclopedic-Memory (Target Rich) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11584593/1/The-Night-mare-Watch (Night Watch) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11233361/1/Heaven-Sent (The Hunt) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11140998/1/Hot-Coffee (Rock Creek Park) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11246161/1/Earthbound (Nelson's Sparrow) Some older episodes, but new stories: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11533776/1/The-Liar (The Gathering) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11407181/1/Aftermath (Penelope) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11371799/1/Elephants (Elephant's Memory) and the behemoth, and ongoing, 'And When I Wake': https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11265173/1/And-When-I-Wake I'm only on fanfiction.net. Keep meaning to post at AO3 as well, but I think that's going to have to wait until my retirement!
  16. JMO

    The Bullpen

    Yes, I'm pretty certain we saw him still in the office after Hotch came back as unit chief. I'd try to be specific, but I'm binge-watching season 1 of West Wing. How I love an intelligently written show!
  17. JMO

    The Bullpen

    I don't think anyone else can move into it, because it's still as messy as she left it. Speaking as one who has spent the past few weeks packing up her office, and then unpacking it again. Only tossed half of what needed it on the packing side, now need to toss the rest on the 'unpacking' end.
  18. JMO

    The Bullpen

    JJ doesn't have an office. It's called 'JJ's old office' because she now inhabits the bullpen. As of last sighting, her old office was uninhabited.
  19. JMO

    The Bullpen

    Testing, testing.... Re: offices. Rule number one----never give one up! If your team owns an office, move someone in there ASAP, before it's given away! If you can get an extra from another department, take it--which is what they did in procuring Morgan's office. On the other hand, they moved JJ out of her old office, and into the bullpen, when she became a profiler. And then, inexplicably, per (the awful) '200', left the office empty and untouched. If there is a rhyme or reason, it's attached to leadership. So, if Reid were to be asked to step up as a leader, then he would get an office. Otherwise, probably not. Frankly, he's the best positioned of all of them to be able to maintain focus in the middle of a busy bullpen. Absent the leadership question, looking solely at talent and ability, I would leave Reid where he is (not to mention that it's also where I can see him without doors and blinds in the way). I'm not surprised Garcia has her own space. Can you imagine her computer works (and wires) sitting in the middle of the bullpen?
  20. Fell asleep on it last night, but that was more a reflection of my day than the show. I've just watched it through. I think it's as good an episode as we can expect from CM, or any television program, for that matter. Profiling!! We got profiling!! And we were presented with a fascinating guest star who interacted, sequentially, with each of our team members. Well, except Garcia, who was acceptably toned down and yet had some significant contributions to the case. Although she wasn't spared a ridiculous request: a list of 'single men who live alone and have a profession that requires attention to detail'. The Reid-meter was in the 'happy' range throughout. Years ago, I fell in love with Baby Reid, but now I love the MAN. And he showed up last night, courtesy of the writing hand of Sharon Lee Watson. I love his righteous anger, even if it sometimes gets him in trouble. This episode, I loved that he overcame his own repulsion to stand still in the face of her regurgitating into his hand. I loved that he solved the cipher, even if it was a bit over the top. I loved his involvement in the take down, even if the whole scene was strange. There was more to love than hate, and I can forgive a lot of plot hole for the sake of some decent Spencer Reid. It's my guess that Antonia Slade actually told our unsub to kill himself, rather than him choosing to do so because of something else she whispered to him. He shot himself once in the head, just as she would have. The questions that remain for me: Re: the cipher. Is she supposed to be as much of a genius as Reid, that she could come up with the idea? Are we supposed to see her as so talented with reading people, and inspiring dependence, that she was even able to get under the skin of the team members? If so, I'm not complaining. I like the idea of a complex, worthy, adversary. Were we supposed to read something into her words to JJ? I thought that whole exchange was bizarre, because, as Droogie pointed out, she was speaking the truth to the other BAU agents, but I don't see this as truth. I don't see JJ as that self-impressed, nor ambitious. I think it's all she can do to be a mother and come to work. It would have been interesting if Slade had gone that direction with her, but maybe Slade doesn't have a frame of reference for that. Which, of course, might prove to be her Achilles heel. Biggest question: If they are capable of producing an intelligent, thought-provoking episode about profiling, with a good mix of team members, why don't they do it every week? Are they blind to the difference in substance and quality? Or are they aware, and just throwing a bone to the former demographic, to keep us hanging in there? I'd really like to know, because I'm really not all that willing to hang in there for one or two quality episodes per year. I've been cleaning out the house and I find I have a lot of books to read! For me, the battle of wits was far more engaging than gore, or torture, or helicopters, or explosions. I'm hesitant to get excited about the final episode, because I fear some of those items may come into play once again. I think, for now, I'll just luxuriate in this one.
  21. JMO

    The Bullpen

    The 'natural progression' I referenced was the changing nature of the fandom, and what the current fandom considers entertaining. Eleven years ago, television was a different animal altogether. At the outset, CM was intelligently written, and aimed at 'mature' audiences. Very few parents would have been watching CM with their teens, never mind allowing their teens to watch it alone. Then, things began to change. Now, there are things shown, and words spoken, on network TV, that once were only found on premium cable. Concurrent with the evolution of programming, we had an electronics-mediated cultural revolution, followed by a social media revolution. The 'minds' watching the show now are younger, simultaneously more sophisticated and less mature, and it has become nearly impossible for their parents to supervise either their media consumption or their social media activity. They are young, and vocal, and saying things that are different from the things we're saying, because that's what that generation likes. The people who run the show are getting positive feedback about what they present each week, because a significant percentage of the audience has changed. And that's the natural progression. As to the issue of being respectful, I hope you were purposely exaggerating the burden it imposes. All it really requires is not calling names, not casting aspersions, and not assuming malintent. I think of it as good playground behavior.
  22. JMO

    The Bullpen

    I appreciate your comments, Booky, and I'm going to encourage all of us to express our opinions about the show, and those associated with it, in a respectful way. It's most definitely possible to put forth a criticism of the product without ridiculing the producer of it (eg 'MESSer'). And an opinion expressed respectfully, and clearly, with specific examples, goes a lot further toward change than one that clearly comes from a position of anger and disrespect. I don't know if anyone from the show reads this board. But, if they do, I'm sure they skim right past anything that looks like it is full of vitriol, but not substance. While I am as frustrated as anyone about the direction of the show these days, I also realize that there is an audience to whom it appeals. If the demographics are skewing younger, with only a slight decrease in total viewership, that means that more older fans have left, not-quite-fully replaced by younger fans. It's not surprising, then, that the show would decide to tailor itself to appeal to the new demographic. It's just disappointing to me, because it offers less for me to enjoy. That's not anyone's fault. It's a natural evolution.
  23. Actually, the reason I think the conversation should have been with Hotch isn't just because of their friendship. It's because Hotch was that young father who wasn't as present to his wife and child as they needed him to be, because of the job. He's the guy who famously forgot about 'the tests' that uncovered 'the condition' Jack had, whatever it was. On the other hand, because the job ended up costing Hotch his family, maybe it was a subject Rossi might not have wanted to bring up with him.
  24. I have a feeling we have JM to blame for the topic area, even if we have the writer to blame for the execution. JJ didn't say she agreed or understood. Her comments were based on what she knew of Rossi, and had nothing to do with Hayden. I do think it would have been a better conversation for Rossi to have had with Hotch, and wish the writer had gone in that direction. Mostly I wish the whole issue of Rossi's family hadn't been in the episode. But, since it was, Hotch would have been my first choice as a sounding board. I thought JJ's perspective would have been more interesting if she'd brought up how her husband looks at the job she and Rossi share. But that would have been diluted by the fact that he has a similarly risky, demanding job. Or maybe they could have used Reid, who grew up with a single mother, having lived through abandonment. It might have spurred Rossi to think about exactly what kind of parent he would have been, and whether he would really have been present to a child. And, if not, what his neglect or absence might have done to said child. Hmm.....I think I might feel a bout of FF coming on....
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