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Everything posted by JMO

  1. I very much doubt anyone at CM willingly suspended the star of the show, lesson or no lesson. There is mention of the writer going to his agent, who went to CBS brass, but there may well have been a role of the union as well. No one should have to feel unsafe at work. So, especially if this is a pattern of behavior (arguing that has finally become explosive), or tied to other behaviors, I can see the whole thing unfolding as it did. But, beyond that, I don't think anyone was working as a team here, with their eyes on the prize (the making of a TV show that has given them all a very nice, steady salary) ---not the writer, not the actor/director, and not the show runner. We don't know the full story. Nothing would excuse a physical assault. But 'kicking' is just so 'second grade', I can't help but think there's a longer tale to be told, one that we will probably never hear. It's entirely possible the writer put more creativity into his complaint than he does into his scripts. Whole thing just makes me sad, for the juvenile behaviors and because the season is tainted now. PS Without even knowing what it was, my vote is with TG's creative decision-making over VW's, any day.
  2. Not rating best and worst episodes, because I just can't. But I can say that I think MGG is best at drawing emotion from the actors. I watched Moseley Lane again today, and I can't applaud enough his choices in casting the mothers and fathers of the victims in this episode. I've always found the unsubs quite off-putting, but the rest of the cast was outstanding, and largely because of the choices Matthew made. Looking at Matthew's other CM offerings, I see some additional work to be proud of. I think he brought all of his fellow cast members to excellent performances in Mr. Scratch, especially, Thomas Gibson. (I much preferred Morgan's 'death' in Mr. Scratch to his 'death' in "Derek'). And he even drew something special out of Shemar in 'Lauren', when Morgan attends to the dying Emily. Some of his other directorial episodes were 'misses' for me. But, when I think about significantly impactful scenes in CM episodes---well, they all belong to MGG.
  3. MMC, for Chrome, you can type chrome://plugins into your browser, and a menu will come up. Just click 'disable' for Adobe Flash. It's been a while since I used Firefox (not ever on current laptop), so I don't remember. But you can Google it. It was easy, that much I remember.
  4. I think Flash is the primary culprit in more hold ups than any other process. I keep it in disabled mode, for both FIrefox and Chrome, and turn it on only if I really want to see something. It's supposed to go away in the not-too-distant future, I believe.
  5. I have an HP as well. Was the only one I could walk out of Walmart with the day my Toshiba gave up the ghost. (After giving me ten good years) It gets pretty heavy use, but more for documents and presentations than for media. I don't love Windows 10, but the computer is fine for what I need.
  6. Just a suggestion to try a different browser before spending money on a new computer. If things are hanging up, it's more likely to be the browser than the computer. I love my iPad, but only for browsing and reading. Hate typing on it.
  7. This 'doesn't-feel- a-need-to-'recover' Catholic is officially offended. If we're keeping politics out of it, can we do the same for religion, please?
  8. Not so wise, just experienced (read 'old'). As for my friend, we are still trying, and determined!
  9. Maybe I'm the only one, but I actually understand why Reid (and the others) would miss Morgan so much. I've lived through precisely that kind of circumstance, with a good friend who needed to move on, also for family reasons. We worked so well as colleagues, we were able to build our service with a common vision, and we were able to trust one another's judgment, which put each of our minds at ease when one of us couldn't be present. Having (barely) lived through the opposite, I was well aware of the treasure I was losing, and wary of who might come next. That kind of anxiety would be heightened for the members of the BAU, who are dependent on one another, not only for success, but for the preservation of life and limb. That kind of trust is not easily won, nor lost. My colleague and I both still live where we lived before, we're Facebook friends, and we run into each other once a year or so, and make promises to get together for coffee----and then work, and life, gets in the way. It's never the same when you have to plan social occasions. They're too easy to miss, especially when the job you do is so demanding. And it's not the same as knowing that your work family---the one you left yesterday, the one you spend more than half your waking life with----will be there, just as you left them, tomorrow. Which is not to say that I think moping is appropriate, nor resentment of the replacement. I will be sad if that's how they handle it. But I get them noticing the hole in their fabric. Mostly, I've decided not to get upset about Season 12 until......well, until Season 12.
  10. Very nice, Reidfan. A wonderful tribute.
  11. Somehow, I feel like a little bit of our collective human conscience has left with him. I had the good fortune to hear him speak in person one time. He managed to take the worst of humanity, and use it to challenge everyone to create the best of humanity. And he really believed we had it in us. RIP
  12. I have mixed feelings about it. I love Emily Prentiss and I do miss her. A big part of why I came to like her so much is that she had such unique relationships with the other members of the team, especially Hotch, Reid and the departed Morgan. But if she is only coming back for one or a couple of episodes, I fear they will become the 'Prentiss!' episodes, detracting from Reid the rest of the team. I feel this way mostly because, to date, they haven't seemed to use her returns to do anything other than pit her against the bad guys. There's been very little (as in almost none) depiction of her interaction with the other team members. There was the girls' night out that turned into a team night out, but it was done as a montage, and it completely sidestepped the interactions I've always enjoyed so much. For me, her returns have been wasted opportunities and resulted in frustration. So, if she's coming back, as looks to be the case, I hope those particular writing responsibilities are placed in the right hands, and the focus is on the characters we know and love. Then, I will get excited.
  13. Normally I'm with those who would like to keep this forum a politics-free zone. And I'll honor that by not stating my particular views. Having said that, I think we are at a critical point in human history. I don't think there is a single member of this board, in any part of the world, who won't be, or hasn't already been, affected by the vote in the UK, whether or not we realize it yet. The same will be true of the November vote in the US. Despite our borders, we live as a single human race, on a single planet, and we are all going to rise, or fall, together. I understand and respect that there were those in the UK who were fully informed about the issues and the potential effects of their vote, and thus submitted their choice, in either direction. But, as Old Dog points out, there were also a host of voters who didn't understand, and didn't research, and voted anyway. This can happen in any long-standing democracy. We are so used to the privilege, and we take it so much for granted, that we don't use it responsibly. So I encourage all to make sure it doesn't happen in your country. If your party or your candidate makes a promise, ask how they will accomplish it. If they make a threat, ask 'why'. If they are telling you something you want to hear, make sure they, and you, have something to back it up. 'Opinion' doesn't really count, in research. Facts do. Make sure yours, and those of your candidate, are correct. Research, vet, question. Vote responsibly. As the button on my lanyard says, 'Vote as if your life depends on it'. Because it just might.
  14. JMO

    The Bullpen

    Very sad. Condolences to his parents. Looks like he was an only child.
  15. I completely agree, Droogie. I can easily see the mature Reid as unit chief material. The job of developing and implementing strategy suits his strengths. And just imagine how quickly he'd get through those reports! I do think he would work better if the team still had a liaison, because I can't see him spending a lot of time worrying about the media, or about how the locals are perceiving things. As to Harry Bring---he seems to be a mixed bag. He's figured out that social media can do wonders for public relations. It's great that he interacts directly with fans. Even if no one from the show pays any real attention, it seems like it would be a different viewing experience when you feel like you have a direct connection to the people involved. (Non-tweeter me does not.) I do think Harry enjoys shining the fans on a bit (like with the season 13 teaser--is it real, or is it designed to keep people watching through season 12?). But I wish he'd get a clue about the trolls. Some of the things they've done (eg, impersonation, libel, slander) would be actionable in real-life circumstances. He really shouldn't be giving them any kind of platform for that.
  16. Agreed, Autumn. Everyone has a right to an opinion. But not to badmouthing. Personally, I like to research things before forming an opinion, and I try to be careful not to base a strongly held opinion on a supposition. Which doesn't mean I always succeed. But I am sincere in saying that I try.
  17. While I would have loved for CM to return to its cerebral roots, I am not naïve enough to deem it a possibility---not at this point in the game. That cerebral quality attracted a great many loyal and devoted viewers, present company included---and we are obviously still watching. The more casual viewer has long since moved on, but has been replaced by a smaller, but younger, group of viewers who like action. For CBS, that’s the best of both worlds. They're not about to abandon it. So I’m not at all surprised that the network decided to replace Morgan. He was the action hero, and none of the remaining characters would have been able to fill that role and still remain in character. (Cue the tired chorus of ‘but what about NinjaBarbieGoldenGirlJJ?!”). I wish a Morgan replacement wasn’t necessary, because I would prefer to see more of the other characters (Reid). But I get it, and I expected it. Also, I’ve learned from those who have experience in the business that it is simply wrong to think that Erica Messer is behind the decision. That privilege resides with those higher up in the network. She simply preserves her employment by making the most of what’s given her, and that includes promoting the hell out of it. She is a middle manager, with limited independent authority, who has bills to pay and a family to support, and is, therefore, going to do what it takes to get her job done. On the spectrum of life histories, that’s actually a success story, and I will go on record as saying that I don’t think it is deserving of denigrating comments, and I would be very happy to see no more of them.
  18. My frustration about the idea of MGG moving on is two-fold. Firstly, I love Spencer Reid, and will sorely miss him. And, secondly, when MGG moves on, I would like it to be toward other things that I would enjoy seeing him do. But he and I don't have the same taste, and he keeps making movies I don't like. So I'll hold on to Spencer for as long as he will let me.
  19. Yes, to everything you said, Normasm. If they do bring Morgan or Emily back, however, I hope it is not at the cost of focus on our remaining team members. Of the escaped serial killers, the one I think would be most interesting would be the Fox, because I think he profiles the team at least as well as the team profiles him, is capable of adapting his approach accordingly, and would make a very worthy cat-and-mouse opponent. For me, the real interest of Mr. Scratch is what he's already done to Hotch, and the fact (in my mind, anyway) that Hotch hasn't actually acknowledged it to anyone. We don't need the character to come back for that to play out. Hotch can flash back after a team member has been in mortal danger. If this is truly to be the final season, it could be the factor that causes him to accept that promotion up the ladder, and away from the front lines. Mostly, I just really, really, really want to see grown-up Reid. Every week. Written consistently.
  20. JMO

    The Bullpen

    I'm sleepy, or I might have come up with more: She's discovered she really doesn't like tea Her mother is ill, and she wants to be near her, in DC Interpol is working with the FBI on some new theories re: serial killers and their profiles Declan needs her, stateside she helped catch the escapees once, she can help catch them again
  21. JMO

    The Bullpen

    Well, if it was Paget, and if she was coming back full time, I could handle the additional profiler. It's only a problem when she comes back as a guest star, because they feel a need to focus, and it throws off the balance. Alas, I fear they think too concretely. So, male profiler out, male profiler in. Wouldn't I love to be proven wrong!
  22. This is an interesting exercise, trying to select 'good' escaped serial killers for the team to pursue once again. The first thing I realized is that, for all the effort to make them twisted and cruel, most of our prior unsubs aren't particularly memorable. It's the ones who were less 'creative' who stuck with me. Then I realize that some of the memorable ones probably aren't in prison, but in psych hospitals. And the I realize how many of them are actually dead, often at the hands of the BAU. So, since so few of them stood out to me, I looked to an episode guide for help. And that's when the next problem arose. So many of these unsubs have such specific victim profiles that they're not all that scary to the general public. The writers have gone to such lengths to 'make sense' of what is, essentially, senseless, that it removes a lot of the suspense. I don't think it actually works that way in real life. I think serial killers have lost (or never acquired) their regard for any human life. They may have male/female preferences, based on whom they consort with, but they don't go after 'brunettes with green eyes who wear Chanel'. Of the unsubs who are not dead, not commited, and who are remotely memorable, I agree, I like the idea of Owen Savage. I think Reid would still think of him as the kid victimized by bullies, but Owen has probably hardened quite a bit in prison. If Reid approaches him with his guard down, that could put our favorite genius in quite a bit of danger (which is always a good thing). I like The Fox, because having a family annihilator on the loose would be scary, and especially if he targets the BAU---either as a family, or each of the actual families. (Bye, Will!) The unsub in The Internet Is Forever, except I can't remember if he survived the BAU. That was a haunting episode, especially when they all watched on line as the murder was happening. The cannibal in 'Lucky'. The son from Remembrance of Things Past, who learned serial killing from his father. The two genius friends from 'True Genius' who might make an interesting partnership and challenge for Reid. Mr. Scratch, with his specific hatred for Hotch. Cat Adams with her love/hate relationship with Reid. That's only nine. From eleven seasons. Slim pickings.
  23. JMO

    The Bullpen

    Don't think I've ever seen this put into words better, Normasm. I was less excited about the news than I'd expected to be. I think they might have finally beaten it out of me.
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