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  1. I felt sorry for both Jaspar and the other nurse whose birthday was forgotten. I know St. Denis isn't realistic, but Portland has more than 20 sushi restaurants.
  2. I would have preferred original cast members rather than guest stars like Kim Kardashian, ScarJo, and even Meryl Streep in the skits. I suppose it's possible people like Jane Curtain politely declined to be in skits, but it would have been fun.
  3. I'm with you, txhorns79. I hope this isn't a 'jump the shark' episode.
  4. Have you watched Shrinking? Harrison Ford has been showing his acting chops, especially in season two.
  5. Anyone else annoyed by the latest Jennifer Coolidge Discover commericial? It's on all the time, and a little Jennifer Coolidge goes a long way in my house.
  6. I think it's fairly obvious that Alice isn't ready to stop therapy with Paul.
  7. Cynthia Enviro's voice was much lighter than I expected it to be given her Broadway experience. It sounded very youthful and appropriate for her character in part one. I wonder if she will use a more mature sound in the second part. I was completely impressed with the entire thing and will have to watch it a second time to catch everything I missed. I think they kept the intent of the original in Defying Gravity. They were both trying to escape from the flying monkeys and guards. It's more interesting to me if Glinda is really tempted to go with Ephaba at that moment.
  8. Episcopalians typically use the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. I'm sure Kevin decided not to risk a simple mistake that migt cost him the game. The KJV is very different from newer translations.
  9. I think Holly was giving the champion a real challenge until he found the Daily Doubles.
  10. I wish Folgers would go back to embracing their pleasant little nostalgic jingle. Ever since they started "not giving a damn about their reputation", I've found their commercials really unpleasant. If I was ever tempted to buy Folgers, that temptation has ended.
  11. I think I remember the same thing happening in the first season, at least occasionally: one of the main ghosts would miss an episode. This was a charming episode. I'm glad Pete is going to use his power for good. He is one of my favorites, but I agree, he has been getting a little too full of himself.
  12. I think there was some symbolism in Jen crawling out of the grave and walking towards the sunrise.
  13. Woo Hoo!!! 3/5 this week. I will bring some healthy oatmeal cookies with chocolate chips instead of raisins.
  14. Week 3: 2/5 Week 4: 2/5 Consistency, thy name is mediocre. I
  15. Yikes. 1/5 for me. I'll bring some zuchinni bread this week made from the last giant squash in my garden.
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