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  1. It's not easy to find local honey, which is the type that helps with allergies. If you read your labels carefully, often the honey is sourced elsewhere. However, please buy honey. It's the best way to help the bees. If you haven't heard about the afflictions that bees face, please read up -- buying honey helps the people who want to help the bees.
  2. At my company, they can't hire anyone. The word is out. No one wants to work there. They interview but no one accepts the offers, or, if they do, they are only leveraging a counter-offer from their current employer. I've never seen anything like it.
  3. OOHHH!!! Diabolique just starting on TCM!! Subtitled. Time to turn off the computer.
  4. I admire you. Today I left work thinking that if I were to quit, I'm not sure I would say anything ...just feign amnesia and forget to go back. But I did draft a request to be reassigned to another supervisor.
  5. A three-year-old boy went with his dad to see a litter of puppies. On returning home, he breathlessly informed his mother, "There were 2 boy puppies and 2 girl puppies." "How did you know?" his mother asked. "Daddy picked them up and looked underneath," he replied. "I think it's printed on the bottom."
  6. I'm developing a pet peeve about so-called "service" animals in people places.
  7. I believe it's the same dagger. LF gave it to Bran, Bran gave it to Arya, and now Arya gave it to Sansa.
  8. Oh, I'm familiar with the 10-year rule for resumes. But the drop-down menu was something new to me. I don't remember if I could have skipped the question, but I'm not going back to that site.
  9. I get the jingle stuck in my head, which is super annoying when I'm trying to sleep at 2 a.m.
  10. No one invites me anywhere, so I don't need a shirt. Saved $12!
  11. It's the faux sincerity that annoys me. She should be reading stories to children at the library.
  12. I read it somewhere. This fan Wiki gives his age as 12,000, so there's that. http://gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki/Night_King
  13. Are you assuming that no one else has tried on that pair of shoes? Or that they wore socks? Are you thinking that the minimum wage salesperson is invested in customer hygiene?
  14. At my current employer, nepotism reigns. Relatives get all the plum assignments and job security. It's a privately owned company, so they can do whatever they want. We haven't mentioned age discrimination. I was at a job site today, and started to create a profile. They had a drop-down menu to select the year you graduated high school (I don't think they can ask that, but bear with me). The menu ended before my year. Clearly, a subtle way to screen out the older workers. And, I am assuredly not a senior citizen.
  15. I think there are only a couple of reasons (maybe even one) that will allow you to quit a job and collect unemployment. Did you look into that?
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