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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. He's right. Production has really mucked this season up. It's kind of amazing.
  2. Unless I'm mistaken the only person in the house who wants Paul out is Jessica. This cast is absurd.
  3. Terrible. Also, she might not even have the votes to get Dom out over Jessica if they're on the block after the veto. Still not clear why Alex didn't just let Elena win if this was her grand plan.
  4. Mark is the only person who has correctly identified Kevin as the stray vote.
  5. I don't fault Alex for not wanting to work with Jessica. She's been absolutely horrible to Alex the entire season.
  6. Jason thinks Paul is a floater. I can't listen to this clown anymore.
  7. The outsiders are just as dumb as Paul's toadies. Jason is comically bad at this game. Yes, backdoor the girl with the broken foot. Jason is a genius.
  8. Starting to wonder how Cody passed the psych eval to get on this show. The guy has the personality of a door knob. I'm guessing the only reason he was cast was because of his sociopathic tendencies. This season has a Boston Rob Redemption Island feel. Bunch of toadies falling in line behind the "famous" guy.
  9. Jessica is so bitter and jealous of Alex.
  10. Best part of the episode is we're one hour closer to this season being over. Not a big fan. Lost most of the big personalities early. Too many secret advantages and idols that mess with the gameplay. Sarah has been the best player but she bores me to tears. Haven't seen an edit telegraph a winner this blatantly in a long time. This ep in particular just felt rushed with the double boot. Didn't really flush out all the angles before tribals, but whatever. Andrea gets blindsided out of the game every time she plays. I swear. Cmon girl.
  11. Cirie was so impressive tonight, but I'm still scratching my head why she voted Sierra. The Brad, Sierra, Debbie alliance might be my least favorite ever. Somehow Brad is currently the least odious of the bunch, which says a lot.
  12. Tony: “Sheep being led to the slaughter." Sandra: “That’s what you get for plotting against me. That’s what you get and the queen stays queen.” Tony: “You guys are suckers if you allow that to happen.” Sandra: “That’s what you get. Take your ass home.” [beat] Sandra: “Byeeeee, Tony. Say hi to Ciera for me.” I could relive this scene forever.
  13. Kinda odd we didn't get a single confessional from Michelle after the big move at the previous tribal. She's either very boring or not long for the game. Outside of David and Ken the Gen X tribe just bores me to tears. Also wish people would stop referring to Taylor and Figgy as a "power couple". Just because two idiots are making out doesn't make them a power couple.
  14. What's funny is this is actually untrue. Most millennials don't even own a television. They grew up watching things on their phones and laptops.
  15. Really not feeling this cast. Maybe a tribe swap will spice things up a bit. Great gameplay by Michelle the "missionary recruiter", though. She could be one to watch. Hannah is doing her best Aubry impression. Meh.
  16. Looked like a waitress at a cheesy BBQ restaurant.
  17. A woman finally beats a man. Too bad that woman loathes other women. Our long national nightmare is finally over.
  18. Paul to Nicole: "Are jury questions before or after they vote?" And he's supposed to be the smart one.
  19. Nicole: "It was a dating show for James, always chasing her around. I think Victoria played a better game" Nicole has a lot of nerve. She spent the first 70 days giving Corey handjobs in bed.
  20. James has made a few moves you can point to. He got Frank out on his HOH, flipped on his alliance and voted Zakiyah out. That move kinda helped turn the tide against Paulie. And he's likable for the most part. Victoria was a piece of furniture who crawled up Derrick's ass for the duration.
  21. I'm no fan of James' game but Nicole saying Victoria played a better game than him. Just pure stupidity. Nicole really is just a phony, hateful little bitch at her core. There's a reason why she has no real friends besides her mom.
  22. She told Corey she's taking James. I just think Paul doesn't really understand the game at this point. He wasn't really a fan of the show until he was cast.
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