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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. James has very little chance of getting to the end, though. Mostly because the comps at the end of the game are all mental (both HOHs and POV), which he has no chance of winning. He's basically a sitting duck at that point. I would be really shocked if he lasted past the second DE, which is where he went out last season.
  2. It bears repeating but James is totally full of shit. Everything out of his mouth is either a fabrication or gross exaggeration. He made up the story about Clay and Audrey hooking up. (I feel like he made up something else about a S17 cast member that has since been debunked.) We watched those two for what, 50 something days? There's not a snowballs chance in hell Meg was ever interested in him romantically.
  3. Wow, Nicole is delusional. All the women think Corey is a douchebag (rightly so), and Paul/Victor don't like him much either. I don't think he can beat anyone at this point.
  4. Victor wouldn't come back and target Natalie. He would target James. And who cares because fuck James.
  5. Michelle is scared of Nicole because she thinks she's "playing like Dan". LOL.
  6. Here goes dumbfuck James talking about what America wants. Shut the fuck up, you dope. You are a shit player.
  7. I actually think she could beat James. There would be five women on the jury, and I think she would at least have a shot to get Paul and Victor's votes.
  8. The returning juror could change things but right now Victor/Paul have agreed to target James and Corey/Nicole next. Natalie still isn't really on their radar.
  9. James is under the delusion that if they send Paul home that Victor won't go after him. This guy is just forever clueless.
  10. I don't like James but Paul or Victor going is what's best for his game.
  11. So, Meech doesn't get to vote this week? That means there's only gonna be three votes. Even if Paul or Vic come down and Corey goes up, will James even vote him out? I saw in one of the updates that James said he trusts Nicole and that her parents really like him.
  12. I think that has more to do with the fact that no one respects Michelle enough to target her. I tried to like Meech but she's just not good at the game. Pretty sure every one of the remaining HGs view her as the easiest to beat at the end. I'd die of happiness if the next two boots were Nicole and James.
  13. DR is always trying to influence. Vic said last week they tried to get him not to nominate Paulie. I really cannot believe Natalie suddenly likes Nicole. They have no relationship, and Nicole has been absolutely nasty to her behind her back. Pissed!
  14. Paulie says it would be his preference to sit next to Natalie. Vic: That preference is dictated by me, not you.
  15. Voting ended Friday for the one Nicole just won. The way I understand it is voting ends Friday morning, then they give the CP out Friday afternoon. That's assuming our votes even count, which I have serious doubts.
  16. I think Victor wins the next CP, especially after this move. His edit should be pretty big. I wouldn't be surprised if Paulie got to Meech. She's an absolute basket case.
  17. Nicole: "Derrick would never turn his back on his alliance." Does this idiot even remember her own season?
  18. Talk about Jokers ratings. Paulie says James had one of the worst ratings. Fact check: Pants on fire.
  19. Does anyone know why there's an episode next Friday? I'm seeing people speculate that it's another battle back comp. Julie hasn't mentioned anything so I doubt that.
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