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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. The only saving grace is that a player this out in front this early usually doesn't make it (Derrick notwithstanding, though even he wasn't this active this soon). We all thought Paulie was going to run it all the way to the end last season and things collapsed on him pretty quickly.
  2. She's had something done with her cheeks including a metric fuckton of botox. She actually looks pretty good all things considered.
  3. There's been so little game talk this season, and most of it is initiated by Paul. Very strange. Bit off topic but I just saw a picture of Elena before all the plastic surgery. She looks like a totally different person.
  4. I agree with Christmas. I view Elena as a much bigger threat than Cody. She actually has a social game. Mark would be down the list for me. No one trusts him and he's not good at challenges.
  5. I'd be willing to bet that Paul lets Elena know the plan at some point before the eviction. He'll make up some lie about Ramses and say they have to vote him out now, and Elena will buy it because of course she will.
  6. Jessica has moments of clarity. She was saying just yesterday that she doesn't trust anyone and that it wouldn't surprise her to see them vote off Ramses. Yet she refuses to do anything about it. Cody coming back into the house has killed her game.
  7. Alex would've been the perfect nom. She just put Jessica up!
  8. There was no reason to put Ramses up in the first place. You don't use someone who has no allies in the house as a pawn.
  9. There's always a cam on Jessica and Cody. The only time there isn't is when they're having sex.
  10. Cody is just saying that. He doesn't trust Mark at all. Him and Jess have spent a lot of time talking about how untrustworthy he is.
  11. Kevin told him not to say it came from him. But that he should totally tell Jess. Jessica said a few hours ago that she doesn't trust anyone and it would not surprise her if they voted Ramses out. Maybe you should use the damn veto then!
  12. I've had them on all day in the background and nothing has happened. Probably because Paul has been sleeping.
  13. He is an enormous sack of shit.
  14. Jason and Kevin talking about how Cody makes up stories about his service in Iraq. Jason says the story he told last night was lifted from a movie.
  15. I question Elena's taste in men. I'm pretty sure Paul isn't interested in her one iota. Pretty sure he has a girlfriend on the outside anyway.
  16. Someone will probably ruin the blindside. There's an enormous amount of time before Thursday and these people can't keep their mouths shut.
  17. I'm not terribly upset about losing Ramses. As much as I dislike that Paul is getting his way once again, Jody is back to their old egomaniacal ways and I can't wait to see the look on their stupid faces as they get blindsided. Again.
  18. Paul telling Jason they need to keep Josh because he will go after Cody, Jess and Mark. Ramses needs to win veto or he's toast.
  19. The way she's talking it sounds like Jessica thinks Paul is immune from being nominated.
  20. Cody tells Jason he's taking everyone's disloyalty extremely personally, except this time he's not wearing it on his sleeve. Asks when is everyone going to start playing their own game instead of Paul's.
  21. Replacement nom almost doesn't matter at this point. Paul wouldn't go home against these two even if they did put him on the block. Another reason why these noms were terrible.
  22. Paul and his minions will vote out Ramses. It won't even be close. If they wanted Josh out they should have put up Matt. Terrible move.
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