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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Kat is butthurt because Nicole told her she's not with the cool kids. Kat [to Cliff]: Nicole was saying how the house is all against us, and they are picking us off one by one. I get what she was saying but I think it was kind of a low blow of her to pull me into that.
  2. I think the thing I can't stand most about Tommy and Crustie is the outright phoniness. It's really disgusting to watch. At least the rest of these losers know they're scumbags and don't pretend otherwise.
  3. Anal entering Raven territory at this point.
  4. DR probably clued them in. They are production favorites. I absolutely love that Nicole told Bella she was uneducated.
  5. Kemi and Ovi’s conversation about the treatment of Nicole should make the show. Too bad it won’t.
  6. I dunno, part of me has some sympathy for Jackson. He's talked about his addictive personality, how he's struggled with body dysmorphia, how he used to need to pop 4 Xanax a night to sleep. The way he is constantly eating is classic behavior of an addict. He's got a lot of demons underneath the meathead veneer. I was just thinking with how vindictive and hateful these people are, this is going to be one bitter ass jury once they start turning on each other.
  7. Tommy is basically Andy Herren but with abs and doesn't buy his clothes from Baby Gap.
  8. Tommy might be the biggest two faced rat fuck piece of shit I've ever seen on this show.
  9. Jess to Kat/Kemi: It feels like there is already a group. Jessica is sharp as a tack.
  10. Christie is such a phony piece of shit that I'm actually questioning whether she's actually gay.
  11. I love that the girl who had unprotected sex with a Neanderthal she just met and can't spell Julie has the audacity to call someone else stupid.
  12. Kemi looks great in her camp uniform. She's the best looking female in the house. I think Jess has it.
  13. This is why I loved Jesse from BB15. Her title was simply: "Unemployed". Which is generally about 99% of the people cast on this show. Most employers don't give you three months off to go on some silly reality show. Nick might be a licensed therapist but he's certainly not employed at the moment.
  14. I hope they bring Have Nots back after the comeback twist is over. Jackson would lose it as a Have Not. The guy eats more than a horse.
  15. I'm fine with Jessica going this week. She's annoying and absolutely clueless. Another casting dud.
  16. I actually quite like keeping the evicted HGs in the house after they've been voted out. They should let them stay all season.
  17. Another boring week. But I can't say I blame Nick for playing it safe. With a battle back next week you can't really make a big move against your alliance right now. That being said him and Bella are sitting ducks next week.
  18. These people are really terrible. Jack accidentally spilling Gr8ful to Sam was hilarious though.
  19. Yeah, I'm pretty sure David would try and link up with the Jackholes. He basically told Ovi this a few days ago.
  20. The Jackholes sure got golden edits. Shocker, I know. David's DRs were the only enjoyable thing about this episode.
  21. Not to be rude but I don't find her very attractive with or without makeup. She's got a serious butterface going on. Her personality isn't great either.
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