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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Kelley Wentworth sure talks a big game for being a two time loser.
  2. Yeah, and I believe he could only play it for himself. There was a lot going on in that scene so I think people missed that part.
  3. Gabby crediting Christian for having a big brain when he once again had nothing to do with this move. That was all Davie. Christian gets voted out with an idol if Davie doesn't clue him in.
  4. Alec was reportedly disinvited from the reunion show because he violated his NDA by being active on social media before it was permitted. (He posted a picture of himself with Kara. Are they dating?)
  5. F3 is an interesting group considering what we know at this moment. I can't imagine what happens. Mike and Nick being aligned late makes sense on some level but I'm not sure where Angelina fits. Possible goat, I suppose. I can't see a scenario where Nick doesn't win though, if that is the F3. Mike White just doesn't have the edit. I could be wrong but that would shock me. Angelina at least has been a major character and does have some kind of arc going on. Gonna be fun to watch play out.
  6. Gabby is an annoying character and not in an entertaining way. There's nothing remotely interesting about her. Besides filling the quirky nerd archetype I truly wonder how she made it through the casting process.
  7. Did Gabby seriously try the Michaela hair flip when Carl got voted out?! GTFO!
  8. I don't understand Gabby's dog and pony show at tribal if she was just going along with voting out Elizabeth. Aggressive tear wipe! Good episode. Anticlimactic boot.
  9. Reading her bio, I was shocked to learn that not only did Angelina go to Stanford and was elected student body president but is also married. I wonder how her husband feels about her using her very average looks to get out of speeding tickets.
  10. I don't really understand what part of the NDA Alec violated. The season had already wrapped shooting, so he's not spoiling anything. What does it matter at that point that two randoms post a picture together? As for the pre-jury male who leaves sequester, my money's on Carl. He's already crying about missing his family. Feels like Dan and John make it deep, just based on the edit thus far. Spoilers seem to suggest the same.
  11. RHAP didn't do them this year, which is unfortunate. It's normal but give it a few weeks and you will eventually lose interest. What you'll come to find out is that the minutiae of their day to day lives is just as boring as ours.
  12. TLDR. I love Kaycee and she deserved it, blah blah blah. Thought he had Fessy and Scottie's votes. Was unsure of Haleigh. Knew Sam would vote for Kaycee over him.
  13. Not a word from Kaitlyn. An entire segment devoted to showmance bullshit.
  14. The finale is always rushed and it doesn't need to be. Just show part 1 and the start of part 2 on the Sunday episode.
  15. Well then maybe the strategic mastermind shouldn't have brought the person who was nice to everyone and won a lot of comps that far to the end. Also, BB and Survivor are social games at their core. A big part has always been being nice and getting people to like you. It's nothing new.
  16. Tyler constantly bringing up his power app that no one on the jury remembers or cared about was bad. Also saying he never told anyone about it and then awkwardly mentioned that he did tell Sam just probably pissed Sam off even more. "I didn't tell anyone oh oops except for Sam but she doesn't count." I also found his reply to Bayleigh utterly ridiculous. Where he concocted that story is beyond me. Not that Bayleigh was ever going to vote for Tyler but that was stupid. Tyler really should have changed course at some point and realized what a threat KC was, and how Angela or Brett or Sam would've been better to sit next to at the end. That and not spending every waking minute with Angela the last half of the game. His social game was the best in the house but then jury started and it was nonexistent. But fear not Tyler fans. I'm almost certain he will be back.
  17. You could tell Bayleigh didn't want to say yes. So cringeworthy.
  18. Pretty sure Angela doesn't even go to the jury house. They're all in a hotel now and they get them back together to film the jury roundtable (which isn't even at the actual jury house). Basically my point is Bayleigh never liked any of those people and was/is still bitter she wasn't aligned with "cool" people more like her - Angela in particular but she also meshed well with Kaycee.
  19. I don't think Bayleigh ever wanted to be in that alliance. Apparently she was best friends with Angela the first week before the feeds came on, but then started showmancing Swaggy and got roped into that ridiculous alliance by default. She wasn't even part of the initial FOUTTE alliance. It was Swaggy, Kaitlyn, Fasyal, RS, Haleigh.
  20. I didn't get that impression. Whistlenut (forget his name, Jason?), Elena, Mark all trashed Josh as a joke and laughingstock. There was a lot of anti-Paul sentiment but I was definitely surprised that Josh pulled off the win.
  21. I still think Tyler would be favored to beat Kaycee. Handicapping the votes (which is never easy): Tyler: Angela, Haleigh, Sam KC: Bayleigh, RS Scottie, Brett, Fessy I'd say all lean towards Tyler. JC will vote for the person who doesn't evict him.
  22. Delusions of grandeur post show is my favorite part of Big Brother.
  23. I would've liked to have seen a longer interview with Angela. Julie ripped her in the press earlier in the season for being a mean girl in her goodbye messages. But Angela was too busy awkwardly hugging and telling everyone how much she loved them for what felt like an eternity. Just fucking leave.
  24. Brett wasn't much better. I thought maybe getting blindsided out in epic fashion would tone down the douchebag persona but nope.
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