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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. I feel like they added that to show there was someone who wasn't anti-Tyler. That doesn't mean Haleigh will vote for him over Kaycee. These jury segments are always misleading. People read way too much into them.
  2. Bayleigh is still a raging bitch. Glad that Fessy gave it right back to her, stupid as he is. Too much Blandgela/Tyler showmance bullshit. The veto competition was a bit of a letdown. Way too simple for F4. Meh episode on the whole.
  3. No wonder why his family disowned him.
  4. Hard to predict votes but I’d be surprised if Tyler beat Kaycee. I just don’t see where the votes add up for him. Kaycee will definitely get some brownie points for evicting the hated Angela.
  5. I'd like to know what's so great about this season because I just don't see it. I can't recall a season where I've been this disengaged, not even last season with Paul and his minions. Different strokes and all but no one outside of LevelTyler has won a veto since week 4. It's been predictable and boring basically every week since then. Even people in the dominate alliance were just waiting until it's their time to go (Brett, Sam, JC), which everyone predicted a long time ago. Not taking anything away from Tyler, Kaycee, Angela - they've done what they needed to do to get to the end together and done it well, but it doesn't make for a very entertaining gameshow to watch.
  6. Tyler: You're the best player in the house, Brett. Brett: Apparently not. JC complaining because he was outplayed by the person he trusted. Too bad, so sad.
  7. Is it really anyone's game to win though? It seems pretty cut and dry to me. Highly unlikely Sam and JC win anything so F3 will almost certainly be Tyler, Kaycee, Angela. Kaycee beats both Tyler and Angela. Tyler beats Angela. I'm pretty confident in those predictions. Then again I didn't think Josh would beat Paul so who knows lol.
  8. JC still delusional is hilarious. If Sam does indeed go this week, I hope Tyler is the one to evict JC at F4. We could see another Austin situation where he refuses to leave the house.
  9. [Putting on my tinfoil hat] I've been suspicious that AFP was legitimate ever since stank ass Frank won. Also, Vegas is full of shit. There's no way Derrick got more votes than Donny. Production is probably shitting themselves that casual viewers will vote for JC, but I don't expect them to let him win. I could see top 3 being Tyler, Brett, Haleigh. Brett isn't wrong about Angela. She is drawing dead to win against everyone. Turns out being a total bitch to everyone isn't a winning strategy.
  10. Saw this posted elsewhere but apparently no one outside of L6 has won veto since week 4. That combined with some boneheaded moves from Footy is how you get a pagonging.
  11. He realized that all his bravado was bullshit and he's not in control of anything. Great moment.
  12. Possibly my favorite moment from this season will be JC sitting on the couch basically hyperventilating after Tyler put him on the block. JC is proof that it doesn't matter if you can see all the angles and correct moves when you can't win anything. I picture them like most BB showmances. They'll date for a few months until the famewhoring dries up then go their separate ways.
  13. I'd bet on him staying loyal to his alliance. He doesn't really have any other hand to play. He lost the game a long time ago.
  14. I don't think Tyler ever wanted a showmance with Kaitlyn, but that doesn't mean he wasn't into her. And we must have watched different feeds because I remember Tyler crawling into bed with her plenty when it didn't serve a game purpose. He's clearly into Angela (as much as horny 20 somethings who are locked in a house together for three months can be), I just think they have atrocious chemistry. It's actually uncomfortable to watch. But that's just my view of things. Also, the utter lack of chemistry could be because Angela is just a really awkward person.
  15. Oh dear. Glad the replies are giving it to her.
  16. I disagree. I thought he was clearly into her, and said on more than one occasion that she reminded him of his ex. Could have been for game purposes but I thought they had good chemistry. Having not turned on the feeds at all this week, if Brett or JC wins HOH who are they targeting?
  17. Was just thinking how fast these last two weeks are going to go. We're gonna have four evictions in the next 7 days. 2 tonight, surprise (taped) eviction next week, then the live eviction next Wednesday or Thursday to get it down to F3 for the last week in the house. I wish I could bet money somewhere on Tyler dating Kaitlyn after the show longer than he dates Angela.
  18. Only two more weeks of this dreck. Although watching Brett and JC get voted out will be enjoyable.
  19. Why on Earth would Brett ever throw the veto in a double eviction? I don't think he was stupid for aligning with them. I do think he is stupid for not making any kind of side alliances until it was too late. We give FOOTY a hard time for not seeing the obvious but Brett is guilty of that. I posted over a month ago that he had no plan for the endgame.
  20. My standards for reality television shows is a lot lower than yours, especially one that allows people such as JC to still play it.
  21. Lets hope it's better than his GBM to Scottie, because that shit was awful and not helpful in the least.
  22. I was too. Was it in poor taste? Probably. But who really cares. I found it infinitely more interesting than the usual "this has been the most amazing experience, like, everrrr, and I love you all soooooo sooo much. You are all the most amazing human beings this planet has ever known."
  23. Yeah, Dick said production would often supply them with recently expired meats to save money. Nothing has changed.
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