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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Tyler was always more Hayden than Derrick. Tyler's problem with the jury is twofold. 1) they are somewhat bitter and angry with him for a variety of reasons, which is why I don't understand why he doesn't sit down the person that's leaving and put in work. That's exactly what Derrick did. And 2) they don't respect his gameplay. He's done a good job selling himself as a wishy washy do nothing. It's more than just Scottie saying Tyler is a coward and can't make decisions for himself. This thought has been echoed in some variety by Bay and Fessy. The jury probably thinks Angela is the brains of that duo. Kaycee beats him in a rout. I don't even think that vote would be close at this point. His best/only shot is dragging Sam to end.
  2. It's been obvious for about a month that Brett was screwed once Footy was gone. He had no plan for the endgame. I don't understand what he was thinking.
  3. Has Jeff met the first kid yet?
  4. What a snoozefest of an episode. Tyler/Blandgela fauxmance gets more uncomfortable with each episode, if that's possible.
  5. Agree. And I'm mostly just poking fun at the people who claimed they were. Personally I don't expect a bunch of mostly young and immature reality show famewhores to be good people. And that's OK. I don't watch this show to see everyone sitting around singing kumbaya.
  6. Angela is such a stupid twat she's got me feeling bad for Sam.
  7. But wait, I was told L6 doesn't bash people. They are all great people and never get personal. They just care about the game.
  8. I agree but Tyler did have Bayleigh snowed. I don't think he ever realized that she was buying everything he was saying. He didn't imagine how so utterly incompetent Footy was.
  9. That's harsh! But to be fair, I don't think the model from LA who brags about how many boyfriends she has is going to give the YMCA community pool lifeguard from Buttfuckville, OH the time of day outside the house.
  10. Love the editors dragging out that HOH comp for almost an entire half hour because they have nothing else to show. That "showmance" is so cringeworthy. They have absolutely terrible chemistry.
  11. I still think Angela is a better bet. Brett is charismatic and could convince the jury he played a bigger role in everything than he actually did. Bayleigh would vote for Angela over Tyler. Not sure about RS. She left her a nasty GBM. Yeah, Haleigh is done. I’ll eat a hat if she survives this week.
  12. The worst possible outcome. Again. Another predictable week. And all the stupid battle back did was delay the inevitable another week. I should stop hoping for something interesting to happen. Can’t even get an ultimately meaningless replacement nominee.
  13. If they are bitter against him then he did something wrong. That's kinda how the game works. The point of the game is to win the game (H/T Herm Edwards). It's not to play the flashiest and best game according to the viewers. Also, I disagree that he's done nothing to make people bitter. Claiming loyalty to the entire house isn't smart because it leaves you open to people being bitter when you turn on them. He acted like a complete dipshit after Bayleigh was backdoored. Prancing around all smug in sunglasses. And for no reason whatsoever other than he was butthurt because he thought she was the hacker. What he didn't realize is he still had her snowed and could have kissed her ass all week and put all the blame on Angela. Obviously I think Tyler has played the best game and deserves to win, but if he gets to the end and doesn't win I'll be fine with it because that's how the game works. And as much as I've criticized KC I don't think she's played terribly. Sometimes it's better to not be the one driving the bus. There are many ways to play this game effectively and she's put herself in a very good position. Tyler should realize that.
  14. Tyler’s jury management has been pretty bad. That’s part of the game. No one deserves to win. If the jury doesn’t wanna vote for you (hi Paul) then that’s a direct reflection of your gameplay. I find the term bitter jury kinda silly. If the jury is bitter against you then you didn’t play the best game.
  15. What better way to represent the LGBT community than by prying the bathroom door open while someone is on the toilet, kissing on someone who is sleeping, and accusing everyone in the house of being in the closet.
  16. I'd be the biggest Blandgela fan in the world if she turned on Tyler. I rooted for Gina Marie when she made a move against McCranda, so I have zero standards on who I will root for.
  17. That's the thing, rooting for Haleigh or Scottie to win HOH (the two people alone in the game) doesn't mean I'm rooting for Footy. I'm rooting for something different to happen.
  18. I've never understood rooting for a big alliance on a reality show like this. The most entertaining seasons of Survivor and BB is when power and alliances shift and you don't just have one group of people picking off the other side. I would feel the same way if this season was reversed somehow and it was Swaggy's side picking off LevelTyler. But different strokes for different folks. I guess I just tend to root for the underdog, which are basically the people who don't have the numbers.
  19. Oh please. Will and Dan would never hide in the HOH room with the door locked after making a game move.
  20. I had high hopes for her coming into the house, but she really doesn't do it for me. She was invisible the first month and then this bitch persona came out. Also can't stand how she talks a big game but then hides in her HOH after she makes a move. She's done that twice this season. That's not how you win the game. She could be a real contender but her attitude is so shitty she is basically drawing dead to win against everyone. There is no one in the house I can see her winning against, despite the fact that she has played a pretty solid game strategically.
  21. She definitely did, and she also wanted to target Sam after she won HOH but her alliance convinced her that Fes/Hay needed to be split up. Watching the feeds last night she seemed more concerned about the Range Rover and fake engagement ring comment and whether they were all talking shit about her in jury. She asked Scottie multiple times whether everyone was badmouthing her. He was just like, nah, it was super chill.
  22. Is there any question what Fessy said about Angela is true? The way she was freaking out about it all night just made it seem more obvious. But the real reason I believe it is Fessy isn't creative enough to make that up on his own.
  23. I can't believe he lost it. He got his balls the fastest and his hand was like a foot away from the thing. I thought that comp was going to be over quickly. I don't think it was rigged for Fessy. That was just a quick thing they could set up and take down because there was an HOH to play later. It was the same veto that Josh won last season in the double eviction.
  24. Blandgela won't shut up about what Fes said about her in his speech.
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