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Especially if she's sitting next to two Rebas. There's no way this jury votes for arrogant and annoying Reba scum. So we got that going for us.
I can only speak for my own waning interest in this show but the season being way too long combined with the same people winning every competition made it extremely boring and anticlimactic. I'm not really much of a live feeder, it doesn't interest me (though I enjoy reading y'alls updates), I watch for the strategy and there was very little to watch. We needed Cory/America/Cirie/Felicia to win a single competition the second half of the season to spice things up but it never happened. It's been a Jag/Matt coronation for the last month. Credit to them for dominating but it doesn't make for compelling TV.
I think Cirie played an absolutely terrible strategic game. Her alliance had a stranglehold on the game and imploded in spectacular fashion due to a series of awful moves. Jag should be long gone. She's responsible for her poor position in the game.
Wasn't Jenn City also a DJ? I realize BB isn't pulling the best and brightest but my word it seems like they don't even try sometimes.
I would love to meet the casting director responsible for Bowie. Like, how do you interview thousands of people who want to be on this dumb show and... you land on her? Just totally inexplicable.
Imagining Bowie giving a pitch on live TV about why she deserves to win over Matt or Jag would be so off the rails awkward and cringe. It's actually making me uncomfortable thinking about it.
Jag is the first HG to be voted out and then later win back to back HOHs. This season is officially off the rails stupid. It's comical how bad the production twists have panned out.
People were initially drawn to her because she was one of the only HGs who was openly against Cirie/Jared/Izzy in the beginning of the game. I think she's pretty bad at the game and also a bit of a famewhore who only got with Cory because she wanted a showmance for the airtime/social media engagement after the show ends. That being said Matt saying she gives off cheater vibes is really gross and is definitely something an incel would say.
This season sucks badly enough without the Cory and America cringemance every episode. I wanna puke in my mouth any time these two are making out. Does anyone find this crap endearing? And sadly, we know nothing about America's strategic game, instead all that's been conveyed to viewers about her is that she's extremely horny. Cirie saying she's trying to blend into the wallpaper is why she is extremely dangerous to keep around. Seems like she's successfully fallen into the background after losing her top two allies. I'm rooting for her but she's going to need to align with some of the meat shields to last to the end.
Jared leaving would actually help Cirie's game tremendously. With him gone she's basically a lone wolf and can use her best skill - her social game - to navigate the game. As we've seen, she's not a strategic genius. She's actually really bad at it.
I doubt they had a choice. CBS needed to fill the schedule with a quasi popular show that doesn't cost anything to make. They don't care about gameplay.
Matt and Meme are the only two from this wretched cast I can get behind. This season really sucks.
She was the 17th HG. She didn't take anyone's spot. And to your last point she's been talking about leaving since the second week of feeds. She's been miserable playing this game for a while.
People talk about quitting all the time, especially after losing their best friend in the house and being somewhat on the bottom of the power structure. I don't think Cirie will quit and I don't think Jared will nominate her. Everyone needs to chill lol.
I'm hoping Jared goes next week in the double because I'd like to see Cirie play this game alone. She's always worked best as a lone wolf with friends rather than in a big alliance. I think she could be extremely dangerous in that role.