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Everything posted by zillabreeze

  1. I live in Texas. Had a really nice co-worker that got together with a buddy to buy a moderately priced house to rent out. The very first renters paid the security, first and last. That was it. It took a solid year to get them out and then the place was demolished. They were so insensed that they were evicted that they smashed the fixtures, spray painted walls, clogged the drains and poured bleach all over the lawn. Slumplording is not for me, I'd end up in jail for going BSC on some tenant.
  2. I remember her! BSC! I always wonder how their kids don't lose their minds! If my elderly mother was doing that crap, I'd haul her tablet, bank statements and butt into court and try to get her declared incompetent.
  3. So, my JJs are backed up on DVR. Rerun with janky teef, no child support paying dick. Gots bucks for Disneyland season passes, but can't be bothered to work full time. Maybe I am misremembering, but isn't a theme park entrance fee just the tip of the iceberg? Last time I went to Six Flags, seems like a bottle of water was about $5.and a taco was about the cost of a Michelin starred steak. JJ reamed out the deadbeat dad, while he just flashed us his oh so charming crapped out teef. Shame! People! Its called Shame! Apparently, no one has it anymore. Everyone just airs out their skid marked drawers in front of the whole world. I wish I didn't have a sense of shame. What does it feel like to just happyass along looking like a moron, but not giving a damn? Just a few weeks ago, I paid my water bill online. I didn't hit the last "confirm" button and payment didn't go through. When I saw the yellow door hanger from the city, I wanted to DIE! I mean I just wanted to move in the middle of the night in case my neighbors had seen that yellow paper! How easy life must be when you have no sense of shame or embarrassment.
  4. There you go getting all picky and OCD. Have you learned Nothing from our court shows? You should just ignore little legal details. Apparently, after time they will resolve themselves.
  5. Doesn't every resto on a coast claim to be "world famous" for some kind of seafood? Fish and shellfish aren't that hard, but I've seen them screwed up. I've had a rubber calamari in Boston and a cat food flounder in San Francisco. Both "high end" places. Give me a $10 chowder in a breadbowl...
  6. There was an episode where some ridic stage mother trotted out her little pagent show pony. Instead of giving the slap down she deserved, some talent scout came on and made an appointment. I don't see him ever bringing these fools back to reality. He just fuels the famewhore fire.
  7. See, that's why Zilla/Hunter Inc. ain't never gonna get rich as slumplords. We'd be spending too much time in court and/or jail. However, we would go all Noriega on they ass and pump awful music up in there till they cried. Shut off the water. Cut the 'lectric. It would be my life's work to make life hell when you are squatting free when I OWN shit. Texas is the gawdawful worst for "tenants rights". But just try me.
  8. We've got a local resto called "Leftys". They buy the lobsters that are culled out and sold cheap because they're missing a claw. They pull out the body meat, mix with Ritz crackers & spice and stick it back in, then bake! Heaven! Just a few years ago, it was $18. for a whole lobster, sides and bread. Up to $27. now, but you still can't get a table on Fri/Sat nights. It's not rocket science.
  9. Those "renters" held the house hostage, squatted and extorted cash to just get the hell out. Unless I misheard, they made a deal in court to leave on one date and still stayed longer. Apparently, no property owner is allowed to break even. My ornery ass would be so creative and obnoxious that I'd have them running for the hills, throwing cash at ME just to get away. Once again, confirming that I should never attempt to be a slumplord. Until I heard that the floor was a "slab", I assumed the damage was to the floorboards from those huge cretins lumbering around. But even concrete has it's limits, so maybe the "slab leaks" had help....
  10. So, like, I don't know, like, why, like, Schill puts, like, the silly IG ho's on, like, the show. They don't, like, hear anything he, like, says. In fact, he's just encouraging their idiocy. They want media attention and he gives them just that. That stupid "cash me ouside" fool actually turned it into a lotto win. Good job, Schill. A true intervention would be to have (his Good Friend) Heidi Klum come on and give them a good Project Runway Beat down and tell them they ain't all that and better get an education instead. Now that! I might pony up a Pay Per View fee for. I'm beginning to wonder if the old perv is just getting his stiffies around these "young, beautiful, troubled" girls.
  11. That's all I want, too! I FF through team stuff and pause only if I see tears, blood or flame. It seems like a lifetime ago that I watched this show and actually jotted down interesting food combos or ideas. I even purchased and used a couple of early cookbooks.
  12. I always think that, then am amazed when they find a baby daddy's, god-aunt's, ex "finance's" grandmother to sucker into a co-sign.
  13. Oh no, you are not alone. I just CHIPPED a front tooth once and wouldn't leave the house except to go to the dentist. I was adding up all of the defendant's "Head Accessories" (R.I.P., Mitch Hedberg), the tats and nails and that would have been a good start on a new toof. Besides that, I thought our litigants all knew how to sucker someone into co-signing for CareCredit and stiffing the bill anyway.
  14. At least you're getting to see some JJ. DirecTv and my JJ provider are still fussing with each other, so I haven't been getting any JJ for the past two weeks I've been doing all my research and the very next time Dish gets into a pissing match with a network, I'm cutting the cord.
  15. I know the "oh my god, the (food, clothes, house) is so different here!" is for drama, but it's just too unrealistic in the interweb world. Of course, I'd also like to believe these really stupid people aren't walking amongst us, so there's that. Once in awhile, I travel with other people and it's okay in short bursts. Travelling alone is my Utopia, skipping a tourist trap without guilt, eating weird stuff at ridiculous hours and just letting the day unfold without any real plan😍😍😍
  16. 🤣😂🤣😂. Thank you for that!!! It was really fun!
  17. My one foray into quilting was enjoyable and a long time ago. The biggest shocker was the cost of quality batting! 🤯🤯🤯 Nicole is not spending that kind of cash on anything except her elusive dick.
  18. SC and the writers were in fine form last night! I'm fairly new to the show, and at the risk of irritating mods....what I "hope" happens every night is more camera time on the drummer, Joe Saylor....lawdy, he's pretty!
  19. 😂🤣😂🤣. I literally have Friends on in the background while I'm reading the forums! So now, my earworm when I see Laura is gonna be "smelly feet, 🎶 smelly feet🎶. I hope I don't end up PM'ing you some unkind words later....
  20. We have some kind of giant tree roach in Texas, too. You can stomp on them, actually hear them crunch, but lift your foot and the bastards run off!
  21. 🤢🤢🤢. I can't even stand myself after 3-4 hrs in the flying Petrie dish. Love your screen name, BTW. I sobbed like a little girl when she died on WW.
  22. IKR? His level of commitment to the part is impressive! Azan & Mo could barely hide their disgust, but Prince Al is is just acting up a storm. He might be the next Omar Sharif! I have a fairly good poker face, but pulling those stank airplane trip, no socks wearing boots off those old feet would have had me blowing chunks. Jeez! Laura step away from the bleach bottle! As one "mature" woman to another - IT AIN'T WORKING! There's 50 softer blonde colors right there at the Walgreens, next to that new fangled invention called "conditioner". Too much jiggy jiggy is gonna end up with a whole bunch of broke off hair all over the pillows.
  23. My newest favorite lawyer commercial is for a class action suit against a medication that has apparently caused "gangrene of the genitals...."
  24. "And the Oscar goes to ....Aladin for best actor in a catfish scam!". I'll give it to dude, he needs to open Tunisian LoveRat University. He's very good at this. Not sure what his end game is, but whatever he's after, I bet he'll get.
  25. Don't we kinda need to call BS on Chickengate? That little family compound Corey lived at before had a wee bit of a "preppers" vibe. I'm not really buying that Corey had never been around a deer or wild turkey being cut up.
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