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Colored Francie

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Everything posted by Colored Francie

  1. I'm concerned about Tyrion's high profile. Doesn't he have a price on his head? And now he's up front and center as the "vice president" in Mereen while Dany's gone. Shouldn't word have gotten back to Cersei by now that her brother has re-surfaced?
  2. If you think about it, it only feels like "longterm". For most of the show, Ramsey was just his father's attack dog, doing his bidding or holding Winterfell down in his stead. He was valuable in that sense, so his father's men probably left him alone. He's only recently become "Lord Bolton" with all the power it brings, and I suspect that very soon, as you suggest, one of his men will off him.
  3. Anyone have any idea why Osha would be included in a "gift" to Ramsay? She's a wilding/freefolk woman, and she has absolutely no role in helping the Boltons secure their hold on the North. I'm praying that she is part of some long con by the North houses (with even Karstark in on it and playing the role of willing conspirator), but if that's not the case, then maybe.. She sweetens the deal because she can be tortured/raped. (But wouldn't the Umber know that there are plenty of folk around Winterfell who Ramsay may have for that same purpose?) This would mean Smalljon Umber is an awful asshole. She can be tortured for the same info Rickon knows, but without harming Rickon, the vastly more important player/puzzle piece.
  4. Bran says that is is his father and his uncle Benjen. --- I have been waiting a long time for Roose Bolton to die an awful death because of what he did to the Starks...and then it happens and it's not satisfying at all. Gah. This gives me no hope for Ramsay's eventual comeuppance. He'll probably just get shanked by the Karstark.
  5. Something I've wondered since reading the book. We understand from Claire that Black Jack can't get it up unless he's causing someone pain. Why, then, would he ask Jamie if he would go to bed with him? Should we believe that, in certain instances, Black Jack can get it up on his own, without torture or coercion? If Jamie had acquiesced, would Black Jack have had to make it feel like a rape to go through with it? Or would the knowledge that Jamie didn't really want it be enough for him to get turned on?
  6. Confession: I was kinda pleased to see that - although his choice of lover was absolutely fucked up - Tywin still had an interest in "horizontal refreshments" as they called them in America's Civil War. I found Charles Dance's Tywin pretty sexy. Anyhoo, he always went on and on about his legacy, I wondered why he never re-married and had more children to be disappointed by, and I think the romantic in me wanted to believe that it's because he adored his wife and was heartbroken over her death, never wanting to be with another woman. It does make me wonder if Shae was the first woman he got with in Kings Landing. Who else could he choose? Maybe a noblewoman. But probably not a servant girl - too likely to be a spy. Same for any of Littlefinger's ladies.
  7. I was so incredibly happy to learn Varys' role in Tyrion's breakout - his betrayal (understandable though it was) was the one that hit me the hardest in terms of Tyrion's trial. At the time, it also didn't seem to suit Varys' plans, since he makes a big deal about doing things "for the good of the realm" and he told Shae when he entreated her to leave that he really thought Tyrion was the person who could really help the realm, or WTTE. Agreed about Jaime freeing Tyrion being a plot twist, but not a hole. I'm surprised, though, that the possibility Jaime might intervene never occurred to Cersei - or Tywin. Cersei knew about him visiting Tyrion, and both Tywin and Cersei know how much Jaime loves his brother. I can see the paranoid Cersei asking for more guards to keep Tyrion in. On re-watch, Arya's scenes leave me just as conflicted as ever. The Hound makes quite an impressive argument about there being no safety in the world, but I'm kinda with Brienne when she scoffs at the idea that Sandor is "watching" over Arya. I still can't get a bead on Arya's thought process. She goes down to see him after he's fallen over that cliff - when she didn't have to. Bloody and broken, when he complains of wanting wine, she reaches for her water pouch (which he refuses). If he'd kept his mouth shut, perhaps she would've given him the coup de grace. It can be read so many ways, but ultimately, what I *do* know is that Maisie Williams and Rory McCann acted their asses off. Bravo.
  8. That's part of the reason I think he took advantage when she came in. I suspect he was already thinking about breaking Tyrion out (what would the rest of his page be...); which would probably mean losing Cersei forever (though I think she could eventually forgive him). Of course, her declaration probably fired him up, as well. I think he knew it would be the last time.
  9. I don't think this is true, for no rational reason than that it would break my heart, as a Bronn-lover. Rationally, though, I think if Bronn were on Tywin's payroll, he wouldn't have gone to the trouble of making the visit to Tyrion in the cell. It's amazing how this show - writing, acting, characterization - can take a character I am absolutely hating and make me feel sympathetic toward her. I was almost fist-pumping her confrontation with Tywin. I tend to agree, but that whole bit about Mance letting his folks kill and pillage mercilessly makes a mockery of his noble intentions. While they are fighters, can't he find some way to show the "Southerners" that they're basically a huge group of refugees? So, was Jaime manipulating Cersei? Or was he just going for one last roll-on-the-slab, since he's got to know that Cersei's going to know exactly who let Tyrion escape, and while she probably won't do physical damage to Jaime, I doubt she'll let him touch her again. Tyrion murdering Shae made me teary. It was such a betrayal on her part (I understand feeling scorned, but c'mon, to implicate him in a trial where he might be put to death?!) and he seemed truly broken by doing it. I was worried about a mid-level leadership vacuum at Castle Black, but I’m really not sure I want it filled with Stannis Baratheon. Although his asking Jon Snow for an opinion about what to do with Mance showed him to be more flexible than what I’ve seen in the past (Davos must be continuing to rub off). While certain storylines have merged (Jon Snow & Stannis), and perhaps Arya and Tyrion & Varys could meet up in the Free Cities, I worry that characters will be even more flung far and wide next season. I was surprised it took Brienne so long to realize that young girl was a good candidate to be Arya Stark. Wouldn’t she have had a description from Catelyn at some point? Otherwise, girl wandering around near the Eyrie in boys’ clothing should have been a good tip-off, I think. A Show kept me too busy to mourn for Oberyn. I'm kinda grateful for that. Farewell, my beloved (to watch) Tywin Lannister. His relationship with Tyrion was one of my favorite things about this series, and I'm sorry to see it go, as well as Charles Dance. But here's one thing I didn't like about the send-off, which is the same problem I had with the ep of Joffrey's murder. In both instances, I felt A Show really piled on the hateful things about the characters, almost to make it so you couldn't be emotionally torn - or even neutral - about what was going to happen. At the wedding, Joffrey just kept going after Tyrion, with the remarks, the dwarf show, and the cup bearer thing. I felt like, OK, we get it, you're evil, we hope you die! With Tywin, we had the convo with Cersei (which made him look weak - something I've never felt before in any of his scenes), and the Shae reveal, and the bargaining with Tyrion. He just didn't feel suitably...Tywin this episode. I have to agree with whoever said the Brienne-Hound fight actually topped Oberyn vs. The Mountain. My emotional investment in both characters had me twisting in knots (of course, I wanted Brienne to win, but not kill the Hound).
  10. Because of crazy work deadlines, I haven’t been able to watch the episode until tonight. But I’d already been spoiled a couple of weeks ago by a loose-lipped book reader praising Pedro Pascal on Twitter for his performance even though she knew the “outcome [sadface]”. I guessed that meant death. How is it possible that I can KNOW something is coming, but still be gutted by it?! But what a fucking death. I was shaking for about 20 minutes after it was over. It’s not just that he died. But the way. The SAT word “ignominious” that I’ve never had a use for otherwise comes to mind. Not just that The Mountain bested him, with Tyrion’s fate in the balance, but that as that pain exploded for Oberyn, he also had to listen to the taunts of the Mountain confessing the awful things he did indeed do to Elia. Also, Oberyn’s emotion absolutely doomed him, but I didn’t see them being pride or arrogance. I saw it more as anger. The 20+ years wait for justice, the adrenaline of the moment...this is the same man who named his 5th daughter Elia, but would say her name and get sad and then get angry. Who couldn’t hear the Rains of Castamere without picking a fight. Fucking hothead. Meanwhile, on the other side of the episode.... Shouldn’t Sansa and The Hound have been a bit concerned about revealing their identities to folks in the Vale? They both have prices on their heads...why would they assume those rewards wouldn’t be of interest to folks? Even in the little mini-trial I thought Baelish referred to the fact that the Lannisters have friends even in the Vale. Grey Worm and Missandei’s scenes were incredibly compelling to me. I like the characters well enough, but tonight they hit me really hard. There’s something so tragic and poignant about their clear longing for each other. Even if they were having sex, how about a scene with ONLY the two of them?! No sex workers, no Lannisters, no contortionists. Although she did a great job with what she had, I felt it was a waste of Indira Varma. All my thoughts and dreams and desires about Pedro Pascal have already been said. See Martell, Oberyn aka Red Viper of Dorne. But this Tywin deal is the other head-scratcher for me. I guess in this instance he thinks he’s putting “family first” through Tommen and not the wisest of his offspring (it was very cool to see him kind of defend Tyrion in that deleted scene with Pycelle). I do think that there’s a certain sense of Tywin giving up on Tyrion, though, especially after Tyrion’s decision to ask for the trial-by-combat. Like, OK, you’re going to be a hothead and do this and spite this deal I made with Jaime - you get what you deserve. Fuck. I'm still reeling.
  11. If Sansa helps Littlefinger cover up Lysa's murder, his obsession with her as Catelyn 2.0 is going to go into absolute overdrive. In that situation, I would hope she's learned enough to know how to manipulate him to her ends. If Sansa could manage to escape somewhere, would Highgarden and the Tyrells be a safe place? Perhaps they might help her start a new life there? Or would they not be able to risk Cersei's wrath if she found out? I actually feel really bad for young Robin Arryn. I agree with someone who posted that he might actually be a normal kid - one who doesn't understand the consequences of making bad people "fly" and who has been programmed by his mother to fear most things in the world. Perhaps Baelish won't be a total asshole, and will send him somewhere as a ward.
  12. IIRC, The Hound did talk about the fact that is was his brother who burned him, but I think he said what was even worse was that his father covered it up. While the Hound is one of the most cynical characters on the show, I don't get the sense that he's carrying around a ton of resentment for his brother. YMMV. I was so incredibly excited when Oberyn volunteered to be Tyrion's champion that I jumped off the couch! And because I'm so excited and happy, I am guessing the show is going to go in the opposite direction and completely break my heart. I'm really afraid for Oberyn, but even beyond that, I'm not sure how much he has to do on the show. If he manages to kill the Mountain, he could go for Tywin next, perhaps. I would love to see how he he would try to kill Tywin. But the guy doesn't seem meant to stick around - he hates King's Landing and almost everything about it, including that it's currently governed by Lannisters.
  13. House Martell - Dorne sounds fantastic (all except for that one lower house with the sigil of the vulture with a baby - WTF); they were the only ones to resist the dragons and the Targaryens; they try to avoid hurting little girls; they don't like rape; and though they may not be people of color, they're certainly people with color, so I'd hopefully fit right in. And I am adoring Pedro Pascal and Oberyn Martell.
  14. When I think about a Mountain-Oberyn fight, all I see in my mind is Brad Pitt's opening scene in Troy: skinny Brad Pitt goes up against HUGE dude who laughs at him, but Achilles just gets really close. takes off in this jump, and stabs the guy right in the carotid. Done. Tyrion described Oberyn in the first episode as being a "renowned warrior" but I'm not sure who or where he's been fighting. Also, the dude is pretty "old" for the story, if the grey in his beard is any indication, or his clear remembrance of the trip to Casterly Rock.
  15. Season 1 Mountain is the scariest-looking to me. Even without the lovely pic with Lena Headey, this new guy screamed circus sideshow more than fierce warrior. The killing of the common folk "fodder" was quite over-the-top. These people are just awful. Re: Tyrion's champion, I'm actually more disappointed in Jaime than in Bronn. If Jaime knows he can't do it, I think he should be racking his brain or roaming the countryside trying to find someone who can - and if that person doesn't exist, he needs to just do it, for his brother's sake, and die in the attempt. I think I'd rather die trying to save my brother than to stand by and watch him perish. How in the world does Baelish explain away that he just came home with a lovely woman he's calling his niece, and by the way, his new wife just died?!? If any of Lysa Arryn's men have half a brain, they'll see through this story. Taking my thoughts about the trial-by-combat to the Completely Ordinary Speculation folder.
  16. This assessment is just fantastic. You're absolutely right - for all of the description (and praise) of Tywin as this cold bastard, he actually burns quite hot when it comes to Tyrion. I also thought it was farfetched that Tywin could have missed Tyrion's intelligence all these years. And there's no way he didn't know how great a job Tyrion did as the Master of the Pipes and Sewage or something in Casterly Rock that he described to Varys in season 2. I got the sense that Cersei knew something was up when she saw the exchange between Jaime and Tyrion. I'm sure she was ready to whip out her Plan B of just getting him killed in his cell. I'm also realizing now, that Tyrion must have thought he had SOME sort of fair shot at this trial. If he didn't, wouldn't he have just called for a trial-by-combat at the outset?
  17. Agree with the first three sentences. But I don't think The Wall is an option when you kill the king in this particular way (as opposed to how Jaime did it). I think you've got to die. That's why I think Tyrion will get off - three votes. Connected to this...Olenna Tyrell seems unsentimental, shrewd and calculating, but not vicious (despite having Joffrey murdered). Why, then would she let Tyrion Lannister be tried and possibly executed for Joffrey’s murder? Does she have some backup plan that will save him in the end?
  18. I don't think Baelish will kill Lysa and Robin, but he will have to keep her quiet (in terms of secrets, since she's not quiet otherwise...). Even as remote as they are, I just don't think you can kill your highborn new bride right after you get married. Her troops would probably murder him almost immediately, even if he's technically the new lord.
  19. And when the scene ends, he's on top of her, with one hand she's gripping the fabric draped over Joffrey's slab, and says "Don't." At this point, I'm prepared to give myself over to the director's explanation of the scene and accept that it wasn't a rape. This will be especially necessary if there's no fallout from either Cersei or Jaime in the next ep. But it could have and should have been directed and edited quite differently to avoid what so many, many people saw as a rape.
  20. Woot! SO EXCITING! I'm proud to be a Davosi. My burning questions: -Where does Bran now know he has to go (based on that crazy vision)? I'm wondering if it's going to shock us all, and NOT be north of the Wall. What if he decides he's got to go to King's Landing? -I'm also hoping that Locke takes long enough on his hunt that he actually happens upon the attack on Castle Black and lends his hand to its defense (all the while planning to murder Jon Snow and the boys after it's over)* -Of course, there's no way that Tywin would allow Tyrion (a LANNISTUH!) to be executed for Joffrey's murder, right? Right?! *OK, sorry, that wasn't a question.
  21. The hour didn’t fly by for me, but I was actually quite tense, not wanting it to end (and expecting someone I liked to get killed at any point). I am firmly on Team Dirty Jaime. I wonder if Tywin waited to forge that sword after Jaime’s safe return (or if we’re supposed to believe that cold open was something in a different time period, perhaps after he arrived at King’s Landing). I really would desperately love for Danaerys’ new adventure in Mereen to have a different flavor than what we’ve seen (meet with slaver city-lords – threaten – overthrow – throw the newly freed slaves on the heap with the others – repeat)…but the fact that this city decides to welcome her with its dead slave mile markers suggests we’re in for more of the same. Sigh. It doesn’t even make sense. Do they just have so many slaves to spare that they can afford this hideous decoration? Aren’t those slaves ( in their way of thinking) valuable property, if not precious lives? And why piss Dany off? Don’t they know she has DRAGONS? Perhaps because we didn’t visit Dragonstone this ep, there’s no sense that all the great houses received this missive from the Night’s Watch about the White Walkers. I would’ve liked someone to reference that. When Tormund Giantsbane is scared of someone, I am REALLY scared of that someone. I think it’s been about 20 years since Inigo Martell’s (tm White Stumbler) sister and her kids were murdered. Why is he seeking vengeance NOW? Maybe he’s actually a vampire, and he needs to be invited. I found it interesting that even though Ellaria Sand flew to try to stop Oberyn’s confrontation with those Lannisters (Lannister soldiers?), in the aftermath, his knife tricks seemed to make her pretty horny. Add me to the chorus of folks heartbroken over the cold open with the sword re-forging. And I thought it was Robb’s sword. Realizing from the forums that it was Ned’s just made it worse.
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