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Everything posted by Elizabeth9

  1. On Intervention, Grandma does get yelled at for giving the addict money. I agree that they need more intensive help- I'm just not sure about James' willingness. He'd have to be transported several times a day (and we all know how much he loves that). If it was inpatient, there would have to be a way to get him out of bed to attend the group in the first place. You have to be at a certain level of functionality to be in treatment. While it may not seem fair, it's the reality, and someone like James is simply not functioning on any level. He seems to go to the bathroom on himself and then ask for help- how would that work in a group setting? I'm not trying to be mean- I've seen anorexics denied treatment simply because they were so medically unstable the treatment facility could not accommodate them at that time. Treatment centers have a limited staff and aren't equipped to deal with an 800+ pound total care patient. Someone like James may have to lose a certain amount of weight just to get into a treatment program.
  2. Oh sorry- I was doing a lot of fast forwarding in this episode. You're correct.
  3. Ashley Ferrell brunette psychologist from Minnesota
  4. James was in a controlled environment- the hospital- twice, I believe. How did James react? He had food snuck in. He either gained weight or stayed the same. As someone who as been inpatient for eating disorders, James would have lasted about 48 hours. Quite frankly, they don't put up with a lot of bullshit in those places. Did you ever see "Addicted To Food?" They didn't play on that show. Either you're there to get well, or you're a distraction to those who are...and you can leave. At what point do you draw the line? Other people need the resources, too. I'd say the same thing about a heroin addict, aborexic or alcoholic. Some people just don't want help, regardless of their addiction. its not fair to act like James didn't have chances. He did. In fact, he had more help than most of the people on the show (inpatient hospitalization). He CHOSE to continue in his addiction. THAT is what people are judging... not his size, his rejection of world-class treatment, Althewhile abusing his family and acting entitled while doing so. It's hard not to be appalled at that level of behavior, and I'm usually the one telling people not to judge the folks on this show:
  5. Why are they even soliciting money in the first place? Such a sham?
  6. Yeah, big difference though. Zero sympathy for a surgeon who "pretends" to not know that a fucking friend fish sandwich from McDonalds, of all places, is unhealthy. Like I say To my addict/codependent friends- you may choose to be in denial, but don't expect me to pretend right along with you.
  7. That's denial on the part of the surgeon. Not a lack of understanding. Two different things. She had the intellectual ability to understand that friend fish was not healthy. She chosen not to. Agree not everyone can be fixed- see the rest of my post.
  8. I think what a lot of people fail to realize is this: James' unfortunate story, like the people who have died after being featured on Intervention, is a part of the addiction narrative. Many addicts simply will not ever accept help. Clearly James was offered help- intensive hospitalizations, during which he still ate what he wanted. Dr Now did the right thing by walking away. James will die, probably sooner than later. This is an inevitable outcome if we are going to seriously discuss any kind of addiction. Not everyone gets well. Im sure they all jumped up (obviously figuratively) and said the right things to get approved for the show- we will do anything, James is ready to change, etc, etc. Who's to say any of these people are willing to do any of the work? TLC is probably more concerned with capturing a little bit of drama and the all-important naked shower scene. However, I doubt anyone knew this episode would turn into...this. But- it IS a potential outcome when working with a severe addict. Lisa is obviously severely damaged and on a certain level, I feel sorry for her. But she knowingly brought two kids into this mess when she wasn't even divorced, and groomed them to be little enablers/indentured servants too. Poor Bayley has probably never had the opportunity to go on a sleepover or learn about who she is as a person because she's too busy wiping her dad's ass. As a mother, Lisa had a right to do better by her. If SHE wants to choose to live that life, fine- but let the kid have a life of her own. As for people not being "smart" enough to learn about nutrition- that's just BS. My 8 year old niece understands that sugary cereals are not healthy and snacks are okay if you eat a dinner with veggies and protein . No ones asking them to understand organic chemistry. In college, I was in Americorps and one of the things we did was teach nutritional classes to area residents (including teen moms). These were farmers, coal miners, people with a HS education. Everyone undersoood perfectly fine. Even the developmentally delayed in group homes can be taught about cooking and foods to a certain extent. This is merely an excuse. O one can save someone like James, or for that matter, someone like Lisa. Maybe if they agreed to a long term inpatient program, maybe. But it's doubtful they'd agree. Just let them go and liberate anyone else like Bayley from the situation. That's all you can do.
  9. That's always how I see that last fast-food filled drive. They're going out with a bang.
  10. I feel like a broken record here, but the same shit happens every week so I really have no choice. Just send the person to therapy right away and save: a) 90 minutes of our lives b) things like potentially hazardous situations for producers c) people wasting 20 months, at which time they could damn near reach their goal weight. Obviously we have a person with a significant history of sexual abuse and the recent loss of a family member and then she's going through a divorce. OH, while simultaneously giving up her oldest and most effective (if not only) coping mechanism. She ate because that's how she knew how to stop feeling like shit. Not because she likes fried chicken, not out of gluttony, not because she doesn't love her kids. Because that is how she deals with feelings, and until someone comes along and gives her some other means of dealing with them, she will continue to eat and that will be how she gets trough tough times. Once she was in therapy, something clicked and she was finally able to lose weight.
  11. Agreed- I just think there's a time and a place for the whole "it's a choice" arguement. Maybe for Pauline or Penny, in month 11, when they've been offered nutritional counseling and therapy and group support and surgery and they're STILL making excuses. But on day one of treatment? It reminds me of Intervention- if anyone watches that show. At the Intervention, no one discusses why the person is an addict or whose fault it is- the goal is just to get them into treatment. If Now had them in therapy right away, they'd be figuring this stuff out all along.
  12. Wait...why not save the neighbors the PTSD and shower year round in the garage if that's an optio ??????
  13. I never expected extend any of them to amount to a hill of beans. I just wish they made less money for this fucking circus. These morons could make $50 grand and still think they were well off (not now, but you know what I mean.) one of the reasons I stopped watching is I can't see the house Jenelle (who, rightfully, should be in prison somewhwere) is building, when I'm working two jobs to remodel a badly damaged house myself. And the caveat is that she will STILL find a way to fuck her entire life up again and again. I just can't with these people (except Chelsea).
  14. EXACTLY. BED is an eating disorder! (which will bring out the people who say things like "maybe they just really like food" and "they just don't understand about calories." Spare us. They. Weigh. 600. Pounds.)
  15. Just when you thought the whole Nicole story couldn't get any more...I honestly don't even have words. Nicole, dear, as nosy as we all are...some things are private.
  16. That's my point. Now was being combative about it, and there's no point to that. The person is there to get help. They don't feel like they can stop on their own. We can sit here all day and argue if it's a choice or not (sure as hell didn't feel like one to me), but in that moment, the patient felt helpless and didn't know what else to do- that's why she was at the doctors to get her stomach surgically altered. When I had gone for help, if the first thing the counselor wanted to do was argue about my eating disorder being a choice, I would have gotten up and left and never gone back. I wanted HELP. Because I COULD NOT STOP. I was there for someone to tell me how to stop, not lecture me. I already knew I was fucking up my life every single day. No one knows the insanity of fucking hating doing something WHILE you're doing it and despising yourself for doing it, but still not being able to stop- unless you're an addict. Fortunately I was met with a comprehensive, multi-faceted plan- that's where Now is lacking. Notice what has happened in literally EVERY episode this season: Now talks to them, tells them to lose 30-50 lbs. stop fucking eating. Family, stop fucking enabling them. Here's a list of healthy food. BYE! Next weigh in: no (or minimal) weight lost. Following weigh in: same thing. Now: you need to see a therapist. Person goes to therapy. Next weigh in: significant weight lost. Happens every week. Telling someone to stop without offering additional help isn't enough. Now may be an expert in medicine, but his treatment approach needs some tweaking. Offer therapy from the start. Listen to people- don't assume they're all full of shit lying addicts.
  17. Being overworked is another problem, I suppose in both social classes (middle and low). Low income people often work several jobs because one ain't paying the bills anyway, and these jobs don't want to give anyone 40 hours a week- so they string together an existence on 2 or 3 part-time jobs (often exacerbated because of the time it takes to bus it in between jobs). And middle class people (me) also often work more than one job, or they're on salary and that means they have to work however long it takes to get something done. At the end of the day, it means less cooking, more fast/processed foods and less exercise.
  18. It just struck me as odd that he was so insistent that it was a choice to overeat. If it truly is a choice, why physically alter the human body to prevent the person from overeating? Isn't the implication here that the person cannot stop themselves, so a doctor must come in and create a physical barrier to prevent overeating? This would imply that it's NOT a choice- that people simply cannot stop to the point that doctors like him are in the business of performing surgery on them to prevent them from overeating. Now knows it's not that simple. If it was that simple, he wouldn't have a practice. He wouldn't have a job. People would simply realize the error of their ways and stop long before things like porch showers are involved. He was being argumentative and unnecessarily so. People need to stop blaming everyone else- YES. They need to realize that shit has gotten completely out of hand- YES. They need to take some responsibility. But let's not pretend that some lecture on diet and exercise can save them. They need serious intervention. They're in a nightgown, in the back of a minivan, with all the seats removed, and they're still hurting for space. They're shitting in a bedpan in a Burger King parking lot. They're taking up a row of airline seats. Don't get coy and act like the little speech on diet and exercise will turn this ship around- especially when you're going to eviscerate their intestines and stomachs for thousands of dollars, because that's how you make your living. Now knows they've bypassed the choice stage. He was just being obstinate.
  19. YESSSSSSS I said the same thing in another thread, as an ED sufferer who has undergone treatment twice. There's only one difference between a bulimic and someone like Nicole. She needs just as much help. When she was describing her trip to the grocery store with love and adoration, all I could think was- classic ED behavior. All emotions deaden or go away...except those involving food (and/or losing weight). Then the person can become incredibly emotional. I think most of these people can benefit from some sort of intensive treatment program. Every week they show up and see Dr Now. He tells them to lose weight. They don't. Month two- no weight loss. Go see a therapist. Month three- what do you know- weight loss????
  20. Pure ignorance didn't get me 14 years sober. Ho much time do you have free of any addiction? Its odd to perform surgery- massive surgery on medically sensitIve people- if you think they can make a choice to change their lives on their own. Why do the surgery? Why not just do a food and exercise program?
  21. Like when Nicole acted like she didn't know she had to lose 30 lbs.
  22. My dad died in 2014...guess my days of accomplishing things are in the past? Holy mother of god. I never thought they'd top Erica, yet they managed. A man wearin a shirt that says "EXERCISE? I thought you said extra fries" while showering his baby momma on the back porch with a garden hose. Her calling everyone bastards, hurling Subway bags, demanding multiple types of fast food in the first place, the drug bust...TLC, where does it end???? And yet they still managed to put a positive spin on it as it ended. I don't even know what to say! All I could think about was, if they had gotten this kid into a halfway decent foster home during her own parents' drug bust, would we be watching this juggalo circus? Was this preventable? How on earth does she have sex? My god, she's only 23? That apron must be painful. And reserve me a seat to hell...if she had fallen in the first hotel room and they'd just all have left her there, I'd have that 90 minutes of my life back. Oh, and the piercings were not a good idea. Christ on crutches, what are they holding onto for the season finale???
  23. They never really said why they cut Megan Michelle. Blending, I would guess.
  24. Maybe it means she is only planning on having kids to guys who are deadbeats from now on?
  25. I'm trying to figure out DCC sorority girls. Off the top of my head I know of... Mackenzie Weeks- Kappa Delta FSU KaShara- Alpha Delta Pi- unknown school Kelli- Alpha Delta Pi nicole B- Kappa kappa Gamma U of Idaho Brittany Evans- Delta Gamma at Ole Miss Collin- ADPi at Clemson Samantha- Kappa Alpha Theta at SMU Vivian- Kappa Kappa Gamma at UNT Khayln- Alpha Kappa Alpha at unknown school Ones I've heard of but haven't personally verified: Charlotte- Kappa Kappa Gamma at Stanford Kelsey B- Kappa Alpha Theta at TCU Jordan- Delta Delta Delta at TCU Anyone else KNOW of any?
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