4.6k -
48.0k Excellent-
I think you could ask for $45 to give you room to bargain if he balks at it.
I've stifled the urge to punch Micah in the nose through my TV; so I can understand why Isaac might've had the same urge. Veronica has posted quite a bit about being in an abusive relationship without giving a lot of specifics; however, if Micah dumped her out of the car in the middle of nowhere and left her, he certainly meets the criteria for abusive.
Gardner's son died there during a family vacation. According to NBC Nightly News, there were initial reports that the boy died of asphyxiation and the coroner came forward to specify that the death is being investigated but that there were no signs of asphyxiation and those reports were false.
Yes, I realize that. I mentioned Ethan's anger issues because we've seen it on the show and it seems like he's not the only Plath brother with that problem. From the articles, it seems like Micah's nose wasn't just broken, but 'torn' which I presume means he had a skin laceration, too. Not sure M's pretty looks are compatible with a crooked, scarred nose.
Slightly more info on the fight which was apparently revealed on a podcast. It seems like the breakup with Veronica happened around the wedding, too. At one point, she was apparently left by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere and a production assistant had to go fetch her. The camera crew filmed the wedding but was apparently not filming at the time of the altercation. These kids are all so screwed up. Not surprised, having seen Ethan's anger issues; that they resort to fistfights. https://tvshowsace.com/2025/03/21/welcome-to-plathville-micah-plath-lands-in-er-after-brutal-fight/
They were both annoying. They said they were bougie and weren't joking. Her utter disgust at the idea of having to wait to finish out a basement and his insistence that cabinets and fixtures in a brand new home would have to be trashed so he could get exactly what he wanted was so over the top for a pair looking to buy their first home. Heck, she complained that a newly remodeled shower wasn't big enough despite the fact that it was 2-3 times the size of the typical stall shower. That they were buying a designer dog from a breeder was not surprising, these two were all about status and showing off. Remember the olden days when most of us bought our first homes knowing that the place wasn't perfect? When we expected, down the road, that we'd paint or remodel or even add on to the house rather than expecting nothing less than perfection from the first day? She also needs someone to show her how to apply false lashes as she seemingly was having difficulty keeping her eyes open due to the size of them. Very distracting in her talking heads. At the end, they were talking about putting up a fence for the dog-to-be and the discussion centered around how the fence needed to be black to fit with their style and aesthetic. Glad they're not my neighbors.
Milestone Moments: All The Celebrity Vitals
Notabug replied to OtterMommy's topic in Everything Else TV
Considering it was Michael Scott, the village idiot on the show, who wanted the butter; I don't think the viewers took it as being good medical advice. Pam didn't either, and flatly refused. -
Milestone Moments: All The Celebrity Vitals
Notabug replied to OtterMommy's topic in Everything Else TV
My favorite episode, I watched it today in George's honor. "Pam, please come and rub butter on my foot." -
When the initial call went out to the ER that a mass casualty was occurring; there would've been an automatic all-page, probably sent to every member of the medical staff. This would be a signal for every one available to come to the hospital. In addition to ER docs, general surgeons, urologists, neurosurgeons, ear nose and throat, orthopedists would've come in to handle what they could. As far as letting second and third years be in charge with the attendings nearby; yes, that is how it works. Robby made it very clear that they were to do what they felt comfortable doing and to get help when they weren't. Back in my second year of residency, umpteen years ago, I did a 4 month general surgery rotation, a requirement for my OB/GYN residency at the time. At night, the chief residents (5th years) took call from home and were called in only if needed. Otherwise, our call team was an intern and a second or third year resident; meaning that there were plenty of nights when I was the senior 'general surgeon' in the house. This was a level one trauma center and we got lots of transfers from the hinterlands of auto accidents and a lot of farm accidents, too. I recall the chief resident telling me; 'You know 15 minutes worth of stuff to do to anybody. Intubate, place the central line and tap the belly. I'll be there by the time you're done.' Nothing that intense ever happened but there were more than a few nights where I was watching the clock hoping the hands would move a little quicker. At that point, I did know how to do (and had done) all of those procedures and, if I'd had to do them by myself; I'd have jumped in and done what was needed. This is what the job requires. It wouldn't happen nowadays, but, after my first few months of internship; I was sometimes alone on call in the hospital. The chief residents took call from home. And, yes, I performed more than a couple crash cesareans with a nurse and a med student assisting because we couldn't wait for help.
Absolutely. Every hospital ER has both day and night shifts and much of the staff would rotate between the two. Residents are required to get experience working nights and weekends in addition to day shift and would regularly do a rotation on the night shift. Same thing with attendings like Robby. Sometimes the more senior attendings don't have to work as many nights, weekends and holidays as the younger docs, but they'd still be expected to do some off-shifts. Nursing is a little different as not all nurses rotate shifts. Working days is usually based on seniority, so the nurses who've been there a while might not be required to rotate to nights. There are also those rare birds who really love working nights and opt to stay on that shift permanently rather than rotate to days.
Well, that's unfortunate.
Langdon wasn't taking Lithium, a drug used to treat bipolar disorder. He was taking Librium, a benzodiazepine, in the same family as Valium. Besides being sedating, benzodiazepines are muscle relaxants and I believe he said he got addicted to them after being prescribed Valium for a bad back. I expect he was taking the Librium mainly because it was easy to access since it is commonly prescribed for alcohol withdrawal. I think they are referring to the Health Unit Coordinator, AKA HUC; the position that used to be called the unit secretary. HUC's are vital to the function of all hospital units and none more so than the ER. They keep track of staff and patients, answer the phone, handle inquiries from patients and families and friends. They call in specialists for consultations, they contact staff to try to fill openings when someone calls off or extra help is needed. They are on top of where each piece of equipment is stored and whether it is in working order and who to call and where to go if something is needed. They make sure the patient's basic data is entered into the electronic medical record and a new chart started or an old chart retrieved for a new encounter. They keep the train on the tracks. We used to see quite a bit of them on old ER; but not so much on this show.
I looked up the Red Cross transfusion protocols when type-specific blood is not available and it seems that they also recommend giving Rh neg blood to male pediatric patients due to the risk of developing antibodies which can affect future need for transfusions. However, the Red Cross says that, even if a trauma patient who is Rh negative receives Rh positive blood, their chances of developing antibodies is about 20-30% after a single unit. Their major emphasis is on avoiding giving Rh positive blood to women of childbearing age if their Rh status is not known and advise that this group be given priority when Rh neg blood supplies are limited. They maybe don't use slap bracelets at mass casualty emergencies, but putting color coded wristbands or tags on patients to triage them for care is routine and all hospitals have a system for doing it in a mass cas. In real life, there is a meeting between docs and administrators and the doctor in question is not allowed to participate in patient care while the situation is investigated. He would also have to turn in his ID badge, cell phone, parking pass and anything else that could be used to enter the hospital without detection. There would be a formal hearing at which the accused could have an attorney who would also be able to defend themselves and refute the evidence. The hospital is also legally obligated to notify the state medical board of the situation with the physician and, if the evidence is compelling enough, the doc's license to practice would be suspended pending resolution of the case. Usually, that involves the doc going to an accredited rehab and providing evidence of ongoing outpatient treatment for addiction and undergoing routine drug testing. At the point Langdon reappeared, the ER was using medical students to treat non-critical injuries. Whittaker and Javadi are both med students. Robby has worked with Langdon closely for several years and, at least up to that point, it seemed like Langdon had shown no signs of impaired medical judgment; Robby let Langdon stay because he knew the alternative was to let critical patients wait even longer for care. In a dire emergency, you do what you need to do.