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  1. Does anyone who lives in Potomac know what the property taxes are on a house like the one Ashley owns? Potomac is an expensive area and I imagine taxes are no joke.
  2. I hope that lump sum helps Ashley pay off her house. I do not think she is at a level of celebrity where she can handle a $13,000 per month mortgage and simultaneously raise 2 boys on her own. The Thunder from Down Under probably is paying some child support, though.
  3. I'm happy they are not together because he probably would take her down with him. I love Cynthia, but that fool kept investing in Peter's "businesses" even after their divorce. She becomes a giggling puddle of goo around that man though only God knows why.
  4. It always seemed like a fake business to provide them with a storyline for the show since neither of them had anything interesting going on in their lives.
  5. I imagine that Slade was never going to do better than Gretchen. She is quite pretty and a former housewife. I thought Joe was also quite cute though they might have been a fake couple for the show. I have no clue why Gretchen did move on from him, ASAP.
  6. Remember, when Gretchen's dad stepped in some dog doody and said he stepped in a big pile of Slade? Those were the good old days. I do not understand having a child with a man whose credit history is probably a big pile of Slade and deserted his child, but it's good for them, I guess. You rarely see a couple with a 16-year engagement. I remember when Gretchen proposed to him on the show. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/slade-smiley-outdid-himself-anniversary-195305491.html
  7. I lived in Seattle and enjoyed it there. Unfortunately, the exorbitant cost of housing is what made us move. This was over 10 years ago.
  8. I would say that any woman with any real wealth, money, or power should stay far away from these howives shows. They have become nothing but a collection of assclowns. Right and Charisse is not an important socialite but is too boring for this show.
  9. Good Lord, nobody cares. My frustration is with Robyn and Gizzy, not you @ZettaK Charisse is well connected in their local basketball world because her ex-husband was an important coach. We all know this. On the show, she is about as charismatic and interesting as a wet turd while Karen is reality tv gold. We know the show is about as fake as Juan Dixon's love for Robyn, and these women are not important in Potomac's important social circles and never will be.
  10. Those people did Ashley wrong and I am here for it. She looks like the Minecraft version of Ashley with a bad wig.
  11. This feels more like it came from the marketing dept of MAFS than a real post from an ex.
  12. This woman needs her driver's license taken away for life before she endangers herself and others again and again.
  13. I always hated the way Carrie was a total doormat around Big. I wonder if it is because many people found Charlotte to be the "pretty one"? Carrie is such a jerky friend, it's a wonder that everyone always seems to adore her.
  14. She probably has a mountain of legal bills and needs the money.
  15. Thank you. The center of this show for me was the relationship between Michael and George Michael. I always appreciated that Michael would try to be the good father he never had and George Michael was such a sweet guy, even though he came from a family of assholes. I always wondered if Jason Bateman's bullying stemmed from being a former teen heartthrob who was jealous of Michael Cera's boyish good looks (at the time)? Nevertheless, finding out that Bateman was such a jerk to Cera on set wasn't very reassuring. I also wondered about the dynamic between Lindsey and Michael. In the original series, the minute Lindsey found out that she was adopted she went to hit on Michael and he rejected her. That must have made their brother/sister very awkward going forward. The fact that the new seasons had the elderly-looking George Michael fighting his father for an annoying woman that neither of them cared about really destroyed the dynamic.
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