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Wiendish Fitch

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Everything posted by Wiendish Fitch

  1. How awful, 53 is too young. Friedman was a delightful actress (she's so cute in Smudge, a short Christmas movie barely anyone has seen). She was also a firecracker of a person, which I always respect.
  2. I agree, it's just creepy. Natalie Cole (RIP) got a bit of grief back in the day recording "duets" with her late dad. Regardless of how one feels about it, at least they were genuine recordings of the man himself, and she wasn't playing God and trying to Black Mirror him back to life.
  3. I agree. I think I lightly chuckled once or twice, but that's it. I'm far, far from anti-critic, but I don't always get them. Still, May December is beautifully made and acted. Julianne Moore obviously did her homework: she got Mary Kay Letourneau's cloying voice and lisp down pat. I normally have an irrational dislike for Natalie Portman, but I thought she was quite good, capturing Elizabeth's pretension and dogged determination. It's a shame that, only in recent years, most people finally agree that Letourneau (who died in 2020) was a horrible person who did a disgusting, reprehensible thing. As recently as the 2000s, dudes were joking (or not) that Vili Fualauu was "lucky", which... no words. We've made progress, but it sucks that progress often comes too late.
  4. One thing I liked about Eccleston's Doctor was that he was allowed to not only be wrong, but be framed as in the wrong. One problem with Doctor Who, post-Tennant (and probably during his time), is that the Doctor has become the Super-Duper-Gee-Whiz-Greatest-Thing-in-the-Whole-Universe that everyone is expected to kowtow to. Nearly all the characters salivate over how awesome and amazing the Doctor is, and they (the Doctor) are never, ever, ever wrong. I find that more than a little insufferable, to be honest. In the past, the Doctor was cool, sure, but they were allowed to be flawed, wrong, have problems, and not have everyone be awestruck by their existence. I agree with YouTuber hbomberguy that Steven Moffat is the most responsible for Mary Sue-ing the Doctor, and I hope this is rectified in upcoming seasons. That, and the show really needs to lighten the hell up and quit taking itself so seriously. The grim lighting, the dreary storylines, the ham-fisted themes, it's become such a drag.
  5. Y'know, I never used to hate Rose Tyler. I actually quite liked her... for a while. But then there was the whole "she's the love of the Doctor's life", and the way she seemed to be framed as the greatest companion ever (uh... no?), and now, in the new special... So, yes, consider me a new, official member of the "Shut Up About Rose Tyler!" club.
  6. I honestly think 'Twas the Night Before Christmas has some of the best music in the Rankin/Bass canon. I'm amazed that "Christmas Chimes" isn't a standard.
  7. "Interjections! Show excitement! Or Emotion! HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH-YEEEE-AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! Darn! That's the end!" That song's one of my favorites, too.
  8. The Kroffts sure made memorable shows, as long as you didn't think too hard about them (did poor Jimmy ever get home on HR Pufnstuf? I don't think he did!). Heck, they even got that fabulous legend Margaret Hamilton to costar on Sigmund and the Sea Monsters! That's some clout right there!
  9. I never cared for The Cosby Show. It always felt stodgy and dull to me. A Different World was way more fun. I'll take it a step further (though I fear this may be controversial): I think Benson was a superior sitcom, and, even if we never learned what a shitty human being Bill Cosby is, Robert Guillame (RIP) was head and shoulders above Cosby in terms of talent, humor, and charisma. Seriously, that voice, that smile, that impeccable comic timing, what wasn't to love about Guillame?
  10. Happens to the best of us. I am pretty strict about making a grocery list, and I will still forget at least one thing.
  11. I'm not even saying anyone has to like Rachel Zegler. You don't have to like anyone. What bothers me is how some people, to use the vernacular of the young 'uns, have made hating Rachel Zegler their entire personality. Meanwhile, let me remind you all that people like Woody Allen and Roman Polanski don't get even a sliver of the vitriol and hatred that Zegler has gotten (and most of us have known of her existence for barely 2 years). I personally hate the Disney live-action remakes, so I don't watch them. That's it. Others are free to follow (or not follow) this example.
  12. Even if you want to argue that Rachel Zegler's points were kind of dumb and reductive... what about all the dudes out there who seemingly do nothing all day but say dumb and reductive things with impunity (Sean Penn, I'm looking at you)?!? For the record, I disagree with Ms. Zegler that the prince in Snow White was a stalker... and that's it. That's all I'm saying about it. I'm not going to gnash my teeth about it, because while I have my flaws, I like to think I'm above snarling all day long about what some twenty-something has to say about a Disney movie. Get a grip, people.
  13. I loved Donna on Doctor Who. She is one of my favorite companions ever, maybe even my number one favorite. However, I do feel the upcoming attempt to "correct" her story feels contrived and unnecessary. I was fine with the bittersweet way her arc concluded. No, it wasn't perfect, not even close... but must everything be??? Must there always be an ongoing attempt to remake, reboot, sequel-ize, or continue stories just because fans grumble a bit? Can't we just shrug and say, "it's fiction, it isn't perfect, it is what it is?" I have to say, there is a certain arrogance to assuming that you can correct every story that either you or others disagree on. When I was younger and dumber, I tried "correcting" a problematic story through fan fiction (never published, thank God)... boy, was I embarrassingly wrong and off the mark!
  14. You got me! Yeah, I thought that was just lame.
  15. I'm really fed up with the trope of a character talking to a late character's ghost. I think it's meant to be all symbolic, cinematic, or whatever, but I find it tedious and silly. Once in a while they can do something cool with it, like in Netflix's Painkiller, but it's rarely worth it.
  16. Warning: Unmarked spoilers Back to the Future I know this movie gets discussed a lot, and people like John Mulaney love to snark on how messed up it is, what with young Lorraine lusting after Marty, not knowing he's her son from the future (though, for the record, Marty absolutely does not reciprocate). But I still think the movie works, because of one important detail: Some have asked why Lorraine and George didn't name their first son Marty, after the dude who helped bring them together? Well, I think George and Lorraine fell so in love, and were so committed, that they briefly forgot about that one random dude who kind of helped them get together in the first place, and so by the time their second son was born, Lorraine was like, "Oh, George, remember that boy Marty? I just remembered how nice he was and what a lovely name that is!" That's right, Lorraine did not have a death grip on the torch for that one dude she knew for a few days in high school. George was the one she loved and wanted. Hell, she probably even forgot what Marty looked like, which is why his very existence still makes sense in spite of the changes made to the timeline. That's my dumb theory, anyway, and I'm sticking to it.
  17. Mock me all you want, but I miss when movie posters were treated like art. RIP, Mr. Kastel.
  18. Hey, if that's wrong, then I will be wrong right along with ya!!
  19. I believe my state motto should be "Awww, you wanna make a left turn? Bless your heart!"
  20. The Take certainly agrees with you. And am I the only one who will always be relieved that they didn't pair Phoebe with Joey? That would have been too horrible and cliched to me. Plus, JMO, Phoebe (and pretty much every woman) is too good for Joey.
  21. Same! I never hated Phoebe and Mike as much as everyone else did, but Ross and Rachel can piss right the hell off.
  22. Re: Ina Garten My mom likes Ina Garten, and whenever she buys a denim shirt, she says she got another "Barefoot Contessa shirt". Something about Ms. Garten reminds me of my fifth grade teacher.
  23. Here's a doozy of a UO: I've always been "meh" on Tom and Jerry. I found the Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner cartoons vastly superior. Hell, I'll take the Ant and the Aardvark over Tom and Jerry (what? John Byner is a genius!).
  24. Get out of my head!! I feel the same way! I love to watch the Cocteau Beauty and the Beast around Christmas time. Does it have anything at all to do with Christmas? Lord, no! But it feels right for the season, so that's what I do! Seriously, watch whatever the hell you want at Christmas, what does it even matter?
  25. Write this down, JODI PICOULT! No, I wont' stop picking on her, why should I?
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