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Everything posted by Sake614

  1. Yeah I was decidedly NOT pleased with Renee's death. I think I railed about it for the rest of the season. But according to Kiefer, this is it unless and until they make the movie. I wouldn't mind him faking us out because I'm loving this season.
  2. Kiki always called him Mikey. She got from Morgan
  3. Was the show preempted on the east coast? Or in NYC? Oddly (mercifully?) it didn't record on my TiVo. It thought maybe D-Day ceremonies interrupted it, but Y&R was on, and it airs at 12:30.
  4. Color me confused. Donna mills is 73. Michelle stafford is 48. How does that make DM too young to be her mother?
  5. I LOVED the look on jack's face when Kate injected herself! And I think the person on the phone with Navarro is either the PM is his aide, who is just as conniving as Mark. In fact, I think they should hook up and let Audrey and jack reunite. But only if Kate's husband is still alive. Otherwise I want them together lol!
  6. I don't need every new character to be related to an existing character to make me care. What I do need is a lot more than I'm getting from this story. I need a REASON to care,and that means I need to care about whomever the person is tied to. If RC had done a better job introducing Nathan and infused him with a real personality, I might invest in his sister's return from the 'dead.' Even if he'd waxed poetic about his childhood memories of her, it might have worked. But he didn't. He came on with a score to settle and pretended to be some objective third party. In fact, Nina didn't even exist until Ron needed to create angst for Sam and Silas. So suddenly this 'deep dark secret' that Silas tried so hard to keep from coming out, and Ava kept threatening him with, was that he had a not-so-dead wife. Yawn,
  7. There weren't any that I can recall...
  8. Yes she does. Morgan told her yesterday. Her reaction barely registered on the richter scale.
  9. Don't even put that out in the universe!
  10. It doesn't have to make sense to anyone but Ron, and he probably hasn't even decided who Puke is yet. I was just throwing out Trevor as someone who has it in for Sonny. But if we're going to apply logic, then Anthony wouldn't have cared enough to watch Luke either. I know, it's Karpov! Hey, it's as good a guess as anything else...
  11. Trevor also had a thing for Kate, so that would be another thing he has against sonny.
  12. So were 99.99% of the women watching. And probably some of the men too :)
  13. Fluke shot Harry once without the silencer, then screwed it on and shot him three more times for good measure. That was the bang you heard.
  14. That's what gets to me about this whole Alexis 'leave the mob' thing. She KNOWS it isn't as easy as that. You don't just wake up one morning and say 'I'm going to walk away from the mob today.' The only way that works is in a body bag. And I doubt she's advocating for Julian's death, so why harp on It? I mean, I understand the desire and her concern. But all the 'everyone you love is in danger' rings hollow when you consider that she has no problem with either sonny or Ric being around her children.
  15. I honestly don't see john Stamos ever coming back as long as Ron is in charge of this show. They had a major twitter war last year when Ron wanted him to come back just to play drums for Rick Springfield. And he tweeted that he was NOT asked to return this year, so Ron can kiss my ass with his 'blackie is always welcome' crap. Because while the character may be welcome, it seems pretty obvious that the actor is not.
  16. I don't think they want it cancelled at all. Quite the opposite, they probably think bringing in 'popular' actors from other soaps is a good move. Shame they didn't focus on TALENT.
  17. She was there. She had a brief scene with fluke and then she was at the service standing next to Monica.
  18. As soon as Jones went home and took out the paper and pen, I knew exactly what was coming. What I don't get is why she left a suicide note for Gabby instead of her father? Or why she didn't try to talk to someone before making that fateful decision? Like others, I didn't like her at all when she first showed up, but over the last couple episodes, I warmed up to her. This is very sad and I'm not looking forward to Mills giving Herman grief next week.
  19. I'll second the request to get rid of Levi. Fugly and talentless. Was I supposed to drool over his wet body today? Because if so, it was an epic fail. I was begging him to put on some clothes. And WTF is with him calling Maxie, 'Max'? Did she get a sex change while she was gone?
  20. No, but it sure helps when watching this show! :)
  21. What happened to this thread? One minute it was 10 pages and now it's 3?
  22. He still did nothing for me, even in the flashbacks....
  23. I would love for today to be an April Fool.s joke, but I just don't see it happening.
  24. But Sonny sees it as justifiable homicide. Or more likely a community service. He rid the world of a 'cancer' who has made his and Carly's lives miserable for YEARS! He deserved to die. Didn't you hear him? Don't you feel sorry for him? He HAD to kill AJ! To protect Michael and to avenge Connie's death. Shoot me now...
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