17 -
65 Excellent-
Sheryl is a straight drag and she can leave any moment and I won't care.
I'm a public school educator and my son attends an elementary school charter. It's close to our house but would not be our assigned school. Our assigned school is not the best and further away. His charter is minority focused. I see both sides of the debate.
He was awesome in that Bloody Valentine movie. Thought he would do more stuff like that but no dice.
I think it's a fall/half wig or extensions. The top part seems fine but the bottom layers move more stiffly. I like Reba. I've been watching her in things since I was a little kid but the fillers aren't great and the lip injection is unnecessarily her-- I mean she had no lips but it was fine for her. I know I'm the lone wolf here sitting at a table for one but if Beau has to be matched up with one of the leads I felt like his chemistry with Cadsie was much better and more interesting. The other lead just doesn't pop the same with him and the whole thing seems forced.
I really like Dylan McDormick as an actor. I didn't mind him as much on season one of Law and Order, but I refused to watch season 2 because there was zero reason to keep that storyline going. They honestly should have cut him loose mid-season 1. He is knocking it out of the park here. He just has IT. Pure magnetism and energy. Jess's vibe was more insular and laid back but Remy is smart, flashy, and outgoing. He brings a good upbeat energy. Julian was clearly in pain those final 4 episodes and the vibe was so subdued and quiet. I don't miss Sheryll, I felt like she was a drag. I actually liked the last few episodes without her. I will miss Ivan as smart eye candy. He could have been used so much more. Bring on seasons 4 and 5
Kenya keeps being the voice of reason and I love it! I didn't understand Kandi's sex stuff when the play was about all representations of Black men. A better tie in would have been focusing on mental health or the play bill or expansion, etc. I've been watching every episode this season unlike the past couple of years where I hope around, don't finish, it tune out. I'm really liking the vibe so far.
I feel like I must be stepping into the Twilight Zone. I have been agreeing with and liking Kenya. Her analysis has been accurate and on point and she's less hateful now! Like she appears normal but with light fun shade and she dials it back instead of going for the juglar. I don't know if it's because she's "won" and has vanquished all the other old heads so she's now one of the OGs or what. Concerning the condo, I see both sides. I think Candy's side makes sense but she doesn't have to give Todd so much attitude and eye roll over it. She doesn't have to always emasculate him. She can do more to respect his opinion and compromise.
S14.E01: The Edge of Fashion
Imara219 replied to NotChristine's topic in The Real Housewives Of Atlanta
Same! I actually got what Marlo was trying to do and the business acumen behind it but I also got what Kenya was saying about the finishing touches. I wish those two worked together because that business would be mint. -
I mean Thanksgiving is so weird. Unpopular opinion: as a Black American I don't understand why we like this as a legitimate holiday instead of a for play holiday. I know I'm at a table for one but for now I enjoy Ayna and I like the show.
S01.E01: Sand Dunes And Don'ts
Imara219 replied to Meredith Quill's topic in The Real Housewives Of Dubai
I love Ayan. She looks like another Iman. I knew she had to either be Kenyan or Ethiopian. I respect her opinion on some things and her coming through with the 4 languages was 👏🏾. I actual like this show has more Black diversity and it was intruding seeing how it is presented on the show. This is real opulence and you could just tell. Honestly the show reminded me of Young, Famous, and African. -
TK and Carlos really lack chemistry and I don't understand why they can't just introduce a new love interest. The Carlos stuff was triggering concerning all of the police shootings of innocent people. It just feels like the show is justifying those types of killings.
If you are an American with white European racial roots committing and negatively analyzing how Rayna choose to process her white co worker causal using the N-word then yes you are a part of the Oppressor group, thats a fact. Structural racism and poverty is a reality. If you personally feel my comment wasn't for you then it isn't for you.
I mean I was pretty clear that the overall policing and constant "I dont understand whys.." And actual comment of "Black" privilege contributed to my comment and feelings.
Below Deck is usually my fun frothy show to watch so as a Black woman who occasionally uses the N-word colloquially and who has been on the racist receiving end of being called that word, this season was stunning. I can not fathom why non-Black people are holding on with clenched fists regarding the word. It's not difficult to understand. It's not difficult to process. As Colonizer Oppressors, you don't get to use that word in any context or tone. It isn't ever ok. It's a word off-limits to your racial community and that's just the bottom line. You don't have to understand it, you don't have to get upset over that, you don't get to police other Black people over their usage. All marginalized and oppressed groups do this with their language. Little people made demands to change derogatory terminology, Native Americans have come out and demanded proper affiliated language, Roma have said not to use the g word. We all accept it as is as decent common courtesy. Instead, I see people commenting that a Black woman is using her "privilege" to say the word but be upset 😔. Instead, non-Black people are trying to patrol how a marginalized group feels about the hatred they created and released. You don't have the right to do any of that. Instead of checking yourself you keep trying and failing to understand what the problem is. At this point, it appears several of you do not care because you don't like being held accountable. I was alright watching the season unfold because I have been in Rayna's place. I had to sit in my Administrator's office and listen to them tell me that the n-word was ok and just eat it. Yet the enjoyment of the season died reading these boards and seeing these comments and subconscious bias, microaggressions, and racism are present right here.
All.of.this! Who cares about eye rolls when someone is throwing out the N word causally? If a non-Black person uses the word in a laid back manner in your face that's a sign that they use it all the time. Also....there is zero. Zero. Justification or context for a non-Black person to use that word. Zero, zilch. It doesn't matter if a Black person uses it. It doesn't matter if your favorite (Black) celebrity or rapper uses it. If you are not Black you are not allowed to use that word. Period. Black Americans have pretty much decided that each one of us can determine how we feel about the word and our own usage but non-Black people are not allowed to gauge how we use it. Each Black American has to come to terms with their emotional and cultural connection to the word and how they chose to use it in their lives. None of that should be monitored by non-Black people. Don't whine that you can't say it and don't whine about context. It doesn't exist for anyone else.