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Everything posted by Empress1

  1. Ayonna’s mother is gorgeous. She legit looks the same age as her daughter. Black don’t crack for real (here’s hoping! I look good, ha ha). ”Stop doing dumb shit!” I love her. She probably took more of a friend role with Ayonna; Ayonna is too comfortable talking to her crazy.
  2. I keep a little cash around, but not $5K.
  3. That tattoo looks like Jon & Kate Plus 8’s Kate.
  4. She’s making it clap in her mother’s bathroom during a prison video visit while the kids her mother is raising are downstairs. I can’t.
  5. She always looks miserable. Her affect is so flat.
  6. Wait - this woman with the braids is Ayonna’s mom?! She looks 22!
  7. This little toddler is precious. Both Ayonna’s kids are cute.
  8. None of mine that I know of (I went to a small school, I’d know). One of my sibling’s classmates did some time for an accident she caused while driving high on coke. The other driver was injured. She’s clean now, I think.
  9. This one Rick reminds me of someone I know.
  10. This is what I don’t get. Tennie doesn’t work. One of her kids’ fathers is out of the picture, the other is dead. Did the dead one have a lot of life insurance? What does she live on?
  11. Horrible week at work. Going out of town for a few days though, which I desperately need.
  12. Yeah, he was all in with Abby. Their age difference might have become an issue eventually, but he loved her so much it took him months to accept he’d been ghosted. He hasn’t been promiscuous with women for most of the show at this point, since he started taking his job seriously. Agree. He’s not a leader, yet. People don’t follow him the way they follow Bobby, and it also seems like he cares too much about being liked. Leaders sometimes have to make calls the people under them don’t like, and I don’t think Buck has the confidence to do that. He could get there, but he’s not there yet.
  13. The bald guy (brother or BIL?) has a healthy dose of skepticism. I like him.
  14. Twice divorced? Isn’t she like 28?
  15. Ninety dollars to fill the tank. Jesus.
  16. She looks CRAZY. Like bad. The lashes look bad.
  17. My job is INSANE right now. I’m exhausted. Very good workout week though. Gym buff, not prison buff.
  18. Serious question: can men get condoms in prison?
  19. But what money? Drug money? Don’t ask the body count question! Never ask questions you don’t want the answer to.
  20. Tennie is a SAHM with a husband in prison? How does she support herself and her kids? NGL, I think them working out together is cute. Them having this argument while doing lunges is cracking me up.
  21. And isn’t Tina teaching part-time? She doesn’t have her days free, does she?
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