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Everything posted by js9548

  1. So, I can assume from reading your responses that Jessa never explained what happened to adoption after initially mentioning it. Thaks, I thought I missed something.
  2. I will admit that I do not keep up on the Jessa news so this is probably very old news. It is all I can do to keep up on the ff news. My question is: when Jessa was first married, didn't she mention adoption after having a few kids? Did that past by the wayside? I know it was a long time ago, but she is already on her 4th child. What did I miss?
  3. Also, the Ashley article talks about random polygraph tests. If that is true, isn't Josh clever enough to fool those type of tests? I guess I thought those types of tests were not used in the justice system because they are not always accurate.
  4. Do Federal prisons allow in person visitation? Does it depend on which prison he is assigned? I got the impression from reading this site that the jail Josh is currently at, only allows remote visitation. Is that the case at the Federal level because of Covid?
  5. Besides the two dogs who is the woman in her introduction when she states her tag line? Is that the daughter?
  6. I could be wrong but isn't it only a week since Deja went to visit her boyfriend in Boston? She could be pregnant, but it would be a little early to know yet. However, this is a TV show, so anything is possible. I think one of the other suggestions in this forum are more likely. Deja got married or is planning on getting married. Or Deja will finish high school early to join Malik in Boston.
  7. This was probably covered last season during the flashforward, but who does Randall greet outside at the cabin? I know one is Deja. I think one is Annie but is the third Tessa or Beth? I think Beth is already inside because this was shown after Randall and Beth's marriage was shaky. So is the third women Tessa? It has been too long to remember.
  8. What is on Sunny's sweater?
  9. As someone asked up thread: what is Beth's new job? What show was Maddison and new boyfriend watching when Kevin came in? How many episodes are expected in this final year of the series? 18 which is a normal year or less since it started so much later. Is NBC trying to stretch it out until June?
  10. Thanks christine falls I guess I always imagined that the fencing around the compound was more for security and less decorative. This type of fencing wouldn't even keep out the occasional fan or lookeyloo. I guess the security cameras (?) would help but that would be after the fact.
  11. I am still confused about the road that the child was near. Is the road inside or outside the fenced compound? If it is outside did the child unlock the gate to get outside the compound? I tried to find photos of the layout but I am still unclear.
  12. Have any of the jurors given any statements yet?
  13. Please forgive me if this has already been explained but doesn't the picture of Josh's hands help the prosecution as to when Josh was at the auto lot? Has that picture been thrown out? Does that picture identify that it was the auto lot and the time it was taken? Wouldn't that place Josh at the scene while all this CSAM was taking place? Or is this picture part of the pictures of cars that Josh was taking so it is included? Wouldn't this help negate the remote access argument?
  14. Thank you, I guess I knew the answer but wanted it confirmed. I have been called for jury duty before but never made it as a final juror. I do keep up with trials that make national news but never to the extent I am with this trial. Probably because it is the Duggars and the content of the trial.
  15. Question for the attorneys/lawyers on this site: If, in fact, any of the jurors were nodding during testimony, could the defense team get them dismissed? I realize a juror should not show any emotion but could a juror be excused for this? Also if the juror was dismissed would it happen that day or right before deliberations, assuming there are alternates still available?
  16. 60 Days In is set in various county jails, so the people you see are a mix of those charged but not convicted who can't afford bail and those who are doing misdemeanor time (less than a year). Prison (state or federal) is different. So is prison (state or Federal) better or worse that what was shown on the TV program?
  17. Question about what type of prison will Josh be sent to if/when convicted. I have watched the show "60 Days In" and some of the seasons were pretty scary for the inmates. Some of the inmates did not have their own space and had to sleep out in the communal area because of overcrowding. My question Will Josh be in one of these communal types areas all the time? Or will he be in a traditional cell with 1 or 2 roommates and have some recreation time with others?
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