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Everything posted by galax-arena

  1. I mean I'm also not a fan of referring to people as illegals, so I think at a certain point there's just an impasse with respect to fundamental beliefs.
  2. My family is close friends with another family whose dad was deported a couple years ago, so I've seen up close how our current immigration policy can fuck families up. I've also heard Diane Guerrero's (actress on Jane the Virgin and OITNB) story, which is all kinds of fucked up. So I'm a strong, STRONG proponent of immigration reform. I know Camerino was busted with coke, but honestly, unless the offense in question is violent, I'm not sure I agree with breaking up families that way. (Drunk driving, which I believe Camerino was also guilty of, probably bothers me more because it deliberately puts other people in danger.) It's not that I have much sympathy for Camerino himself on a personal level; honestly, I don't. It's like... dude, really, you're already on precarious legal footing in the US and you're going to get involved with a super illegal drug? I just don't think it makes for great policy. But I'm also a proponent of reform when it comes to drug offenses.
  3. Aw, I don't think that's so bad, and I can't stand Amy. When my SIL was pregnant, I announced it to my friends on facebook with, "I'm gonna be an aunt!!!!! :D :D :D :D"
  4. On the one hand, Zac and Tori's pregnancy will take attention away from Audrey and Jeremy and they're probably not pleased about that. On the other hand, Audrey and Jeremy are all about "me me me me me" and having to care for a crying pooping newborn would not fit into their plans to only think about themselves all the time. (On the other other other hand, having a baby would add to their happy golden Christian family instagram aesthetic.)
  5. The problem is that I can't see any of the crucial swing states signing on for that, because that would take power away from them. And of course, no way in hell are any of the rural red states going to agree to it.
  6. Not for me. The whitewashing* already left a bitter enough taste in my mouth, and as someone who could count the number of prominent Asian lesbian characters in the media on one hand and is always desperately on the lookout for more, the idea that we could have had an Asian female LGBT lead in a major movie, only to get Scarlett freakin Johansson, pisses me off even more. Gonna hope her character is straight so I'm only semi-pissed instead of fully pissed. * ETA: As a preemptive strike, no, her character being a cyborg is not an excuse!
  7. I'm getting this secondhand via spiritswander since both Aud & Jer have blocked me on twitter (senpai noticed me!): apparently Audrey retweeted the following: Oh, STFU, Audrey. I once read an excellent takedown of that stupid "1944: 18 year old men storm the beaches of Normandy..." meme, wish I could find it again. And god forbid people be distressed because their very existence in the US is now imperiled.
  8. If anyone is planning on donating to Planned Parenthood sometime in the near future (since the GOP will now do their utmost to strip PP of any funding), may I suggest some pettiness with your charity?
  9. And I just made my first Grubhub order! (I posted upthread about Grubhub's founder speaking out against Trump.) Not that I ever needed a reason to pig out, but now I can eat delicious take-out and feel righteous about it. :P
  10. I respect every American's right to their own opinions. But by the same token, I also have the right to my opinion about their opinions. Respecting someone's right to their own opinions doesn't mean I have to respect the opinion itself.
  11. The vast majority of his support came from straight white people. 58% of white people voted for Trump. No majority of any other race voted for him. 88% of black people voted for Hillary. I mean, I guess you can say that his support came from everywhere because, hey, 12% of black people voted for Trump, but I'm not going to ignore that his only majority support was from white people, who are also more likely to be blind about the realities of racism in the US thanks to white privilege. So, okay, yeah, they don't think they're racist. But who does? And preemptively, no, pointing out the realities of privilege should not be taken as a dire insult. I may lack white privilege, but I certainly possess privilege in other areas. I'm secure enough in myself to not feel threatened by acknowledging that.
  12. I mean, maybe I'd think his words meant something if he hadn't picked Pence as his VP or surrounded himself with virulently anti-LGBTQ advisers. It's distasteful how his team uses LGBTQ victims of Islamic extremism as rhetorical pawns. Like I'm supposed to believe any of them actually give a shit! Trump says that he wants to protect gay people from Islam; meanwhile he's in bed with people who would be all too happy recriminalizing sodomy in the United States.
  13. Well, yeah. But why is it okay for Trump to say that Mexicans are rapists or to advocate for a ban on an entire religion from coming here, but somehow when I call people who subscribe to those opinions bigots, I'm crossing a line? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. If you dish it out, you should be able to take it. (And that's just leaving aside my argument that the two are nowhere on the same level to begin with.) ETA: And count me in as someone who can't stand Hillary for reasons. But I voted for her because I am a single issue voter, and that single issue is not letting the antichrist take public office.
  14. I would like to take this time to say how much I loathe Jared Kushner and have wanted to punch him in the face ever since I read a 2009 New York Magazine profile on him. Everything else awful about Trump aside, having to see Jared's smug mediocre-white-boy-product-of-nepotism-whose-daddy-bought-his-way-through-college-and-he-can't-even-be-appreciative-of-his-opportunities-and-he's-a-slumlord-and-he-uses-his-grandparents'-experience-as-Holocaust-survivors-as-props-to-dismiss-Trump's-antisemitism face all the fuckin time during this election cycle was just the cherry on top of a shit sundae. And now I'll never get away from that douche. >:(
  15. See, it's okay if Trump does that, but if you respond by referring to people who follow a man endorsed by the KKK as racist, then you're the real bigot. ETA: Just as a preemptive strike against the idea that both are equally bad, I'm particularly fond of this little essay: Tolerating Intolerance Will Not Be Tolerated Here, or Breaking out of the Rhetorical Fool's Mate of Bigotry. ETA2: Of course no one ever thinks they're racist. Earlier today I saw a facebook conversation between a couple of guys. R was anti-Trump, M was pro-Trump. R claimed that M was racist, M said that R was being a bigot by doing so. M's other comments were about cutting down on Muslim immigrants (but, according to M, that wasn't racist because religion isn't race). M also said that he'd be okay with a total pause on immigration until "we can better understand how to westernize some demographics." But nope, definitely not racist.
  16. LOL, I mean, *I* wouldn't shell out $15 to spend an hour with Amy. I was making a knock against her celebrity status. How low rent do ya gotta be to be famous and still only charge $15 for a cooking class?
  17. $15? That seems really cheap for a celebrity-led class.
  18. The CEO of Grubhub is facing backlash for sending an anti-Trump email to employees. This was part of Maloney's email: So now Trumpers are throwing a fit and saying that he told all pro-Trump employees to quit. and are brigading his app in the Apple store with one-star reviews. Pretty telling that they feel like being pro-Trump and the stuff that Maloney mentions (i.e. demeaning rhetoric/views towards minorities) are one and the same. But hey, how dare we call Trump supporters racist. Anyway, I just downloaded the Grubhub app to show my support.
  19. LOL. Well, I'm a lesbian so honestly no guy will be my type, but at least I can see what you'd see in Harlow based on the picture you posted. Keegan, though.... ETA: Wait, dude's wearing an Ed Hardy shirt? Never mind. starri, what's wrong with you??
  20. Aw, to be fair, I'm sure that Jennifer Lawrence doesn't want to take us back to the 1950s. She's not a Trump supporter. But I think she's your standard white feminist who doesn't really have much empathy beyond the abstract when it comes to minorities. Re: all this talk about California seceding. I'm a native Californian and I like talking up my home state as much as anyone else. But I'm really tired of hearing people talk up CA like it's this perfect liberal utopia. The truth is that California has a hotbed of conservatism that we can't afford to ignore or else it'll blow up in our faces. That's how Prop 8 managed to pass; yes, there were a lot of issues with the campaign (e.g. heavy Mormon propaganda), but I think some of the blame has to be placed at the feet of complacent liberals who smugly thought, "Oh, no WAY it's going to pass, this is California!!" and didn't bother to vote. Lesson learned: Do not act like the conservative regions of California don't exist, you'll only get screwed over! One California politician said that California was the keeper of America's future. Beyotch, you weren't even the first state to pass marriage equality, and that really only happened thanks to a judge's ruling.
  21. I'm getting annoyed by all the cries for unity I've been hearing, especially since they mostly come from rich straight white people. They mean well, but are completely tone deaf to the reality that many minorities now find themselves in. I read an open letter that Jennifer Lawrence penned where she told us to not blame anyone or and "if you're worried about racial violence love your neighbor more than you've ever tried to before—no matter what they believe or who they voted for." Uh, sorry, what? No fucking way am I going to love my neighbor who thinks I don't belong in the country based on my skin color or that I should be denied rights based on my sexuality. Exactly. No, I will not gracefully accept that someone who is against every facet of my identity is my president. ETA: There are people saying, "We survived Reagan & Bush, we can survive Trump!" Uh.... except that a lot of gay men DIDN'T survive Reagan....
  22. The studio wants people to see it. They've invested way too much money to not want success. I think I mentioned this upthread, but I was talking to someone who was part of a last-minute focus group for this movie. This was after the Nate Parker allegations had blown up and the studio was scrambling to figure out a way to salvage the film. They brought in some sort of crisis/PR specialist, IIRC, and asked the focus group their opinions on how to best ensure the success of the movie. The consensus was to let the movie speak for itself and, for the love of god, make Nate Parker shut the fuck up. Probably goes without saying that Nate didn't listen.... So, yeah, I definitely don't think it was the studio trying to sabotage the movie.
  23. LOL, well even Jeremy finally blocked me on Twitter. I told him that it's obvious who he's voting for and people are capable of gleaning context. I also said that it's fine if he doesn't want to talk about politics at all, but that he can't have it both ways where he makes vague statements and then gets pissy when people read into them, and that what he and his wife are currently doing is cowardly. Guess he didn't like my calling him a coward, so he blocked me. Oops.
  24. Jeremy Roloff calls the election results a miracle. But don't accuse him of voting for Trump, because that's just presumptuous. Because I'm sure the people who didn't vote for Trump are the ones walking around calling the results a miracle...
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