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Everything posted by SJC

  1. That was horrid. And she was worse than ever in AYITL. Her storyline in *all* 4 episodes was TERRIBLE in my opinion.
  2. Makes sense. IRL Emily likely would have eventually been slapped.
  3. This !! *Some* folks dislike Rory & Lorelai so much that they proclaim Emily to be the best Gilmore Girl. Huh ?!
  4. Reddit is much worse. Ugh. All of that was awful, I agree. I still somewhat liked her in the OS though.
  5. Rory Gilmore owns this thread. I am somewhat surprised at the loathing many GG watchers have for her. I get that she grew more and more entitled in the OS and was totally unlikeable in AYITL, but I don't think she was loathsome. I actually find her more likeable than Emily Gilmore who in my opinion was a vile witch from day one.
  6. My unpopular opinion: Miss Ellie on Dallas wasn't likeable. She would fuss about Jock's ruthlessness in business, but she sure didn't mind living in wealth! The wealth that he earned! And yes, I prefer older shows. lol
  7. And it's quite a sub indeed. It's full of dislike of Alexis. Yes, Alexis, not just Rory. Weird. :( Yep ! Rory is irredeemable at this point. ASP hates her. 😒
  8. SJC

    Season 2

    Up 'til then Rory was oh so perfect. Though I will say that not having her there made that emotional moment much stronger IMHO.
  9. I wholeheartedly concur.
  10. I am 100% convinced that this is what happened. Poor kid, he'll soon learn.
  11. SJC

    Season 2

    I am sure this has been discussed already, but the moment where Emily gets so emotional at Lorelai's graduation is so touching. Emily was just so openly proud.
  12. Nah, the reason is BME threatened to beat him within an inch of his life if he didn't bellow. Sad.
  13. I have had the same router for a lonnnnnng time. Oh, all the sin & degradation that has built up in it !! 😱
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