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Everything posted by SJC

  1. Agree ! I *hated* how Logan had regressed in AYITL. Blast that ASP !
  2. Exactly ! Even in AYITL Rory showed *no* romantic interest in Jess.
  3. Tell her ! (And i don't mean that to be catty, ITA with your post) I agree with this. They're clearly sincere.
  4. I am still holding out hope that Jana will break free & she will be the one to write a tell-all book. Hopefully it will be titled - Jana Duggar: Wearin' Pants, Shunning Marriage My True Story.
  5. Very good point. I suspect that Jana is a true believer & therefore JB trusts her more. Wouldn't it be a riot if Jana was secretly saving money for a "rainy day" and left chez Duggar and bought her own home ?! 😂
  6. SJC

    Season 3

    Rory was an extension of Lorelai. ☹️
  7. Righto. Why didn't Rory ever spend a summer interning at a magazine or newspaper ??
  8. Yep ! Rory was like a chameleon. It's a shame TBH. And yes, she never wanted to make a choice that Mommy disapproved of. Again...a shame.
  9. SJC

    Season 3

    Funniest thing I've ever read ! LOL !! I disliked Jess deeply during that part of the show, but I agree that the townies esp. Lorelai blamed him unfairly.
  10. Another unpopular opinion of mine is that Rory's main problem in A Year In The Life was burn out, NOT laziness. I do however think, as many others do, that she was spoiled/entitled. And I also wonder why Lorelai was seemingly so oblivious about Rory's career woes.
  11. True ! But we're talking about Lorelai, intelligent, but also lacks common sense & self-awareness.
  12. I hadn't even thought of that, but it makes sense. Maybe Emily was too sleepy ? lol
  13. She was such a witch then. Lorelai was such a pill a lot of the time. She pulled the "mom card" when it suited her two-faced self. SMH
  14. And thinking, that's MY Rory !! lol This would be a great career for Rory. Her Logan hook-ups. 😵
  15. He really does consider himself King, doesn't he ?! 😜
  16. ASP wrote Rory as having little resilience, but would have other GG characters praise her to the skies over every little thing. It made Rory so unrelatable and was so mystifying. For example Headmaster Charleston stating in AYITL that she was internally stronger then everyone else. I mean that is so puzzling. And the Yale newspaper staff fawning over Rory to have her run the paper was just plain bizarre and laughable. ASP tried to make us--the audience--believe Rory to be strong and good and kind hearted by having other characters tell us that, but she failed to SHOW it. I so loved "early Rory", it's a shame that she became so very entitled and uncaring in later seasons/AYITL. 😡
  17. The states that allow conjugal visits are California, Connecticut, New York, and Washington.
  18. How do you feel today ? I know I feel much better about mine today. Whew ! 😁
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