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Everything posted by SJC

  1. I concur with this. Conversation that never actually happened, but could have: Lorelai: Rory...Dean is married! For shame! Rory: But you cheated with dad! Lorelai: That's totally different, young lady! Don't sass me! Now pack your bags so that you can go on a lavish trip to Europe instead of interning at a newspaper or magazine to help further your journalism goals.
  2. My millionth UO is that the ugly baby bit between Lorelai and Rory was very funny. Season 2, Episode 10 - The Bracebridge Dinner RORY: Wow. LORELAI: What? RORY: This is one ugly looking baby. Whose baby is this? LORELAI: That's your second cousin's Stan's. Poor kid. RORY: Ugh, he got Stan's everything. LORELAI: That's not even the ugliest baby in the bunch. RORY: You're kidding. [looks through the pile] Ouch! LORELAI: That's the ugliest baby in the bunch. RORY: I don't understand why people put pictures on cards. LORELAI: Do they not understand we are unapologetic mockers? RORY: There's an unexplained innocence in the world. --------------------------------- RORY: So which bed do you want? LORELAI: Take the one by the window. RORY: Okay. [pulls back blanket] Mom! LORELAI: What honey? RORY: You put the picture of the ugly baby in my bed? LORELAI: I didn't, I swear. That ugly baby is stalking us. Run away! RORY: Poor baby, it's not his fault. LORELAI: I think it's a she. RORY: Poor baby, you picked the wrong parents.
  3. GG is full of self-absorption. Pull up a chair next to me. 😉
  4. Another UO of mine is that Lorelai is a sociopath. Signs of a Sociopath: *Lack of empathy for others. *Impulsive behavior. *Using intelligence, charm, or charisma to manipulate others. *Not learning from mistakes or punishment.
  5. SJC

    Season 3

    Lorelai was a harmful parent in some ways.
  6. SJC

    Season 3

    Yet precious, perfect Lorelai didn't like Emily's interference in her relationships. SMH
  7. We're always supposed to think that no matter what. It's the pedestaling of Rory. *sigh*
  8. WHY did they stick with it ?! They wrote her as mostly non-assertive! Oh, Amy & Dan....
  9. Superb post, I could not agree more !
  10. And Lorelai pretending like she heard a siren. 😆 😂
  11. Another UO of mine is that I found the scene where Lorelai and Rory devil-egged Jess's car to be very, very amusing. Also the scene where Jess made the discovery was hilarious to me. The look that Lorelai and Rory exchanged was so cute and funny. There's a vid of this on YouTube that had the funniest comment where someone said that Lorelai was too old to be acting like that & so she deserved to have her behind whooped by Emily. LOL 😏
  12. Agree ! I *hated* how Logan had regressed in AYITL. Blast that ASP !
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