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Everything posted by CaughtOnTape

  1. This post just made me laugh out loud. OMG amazing. I think that Lisa and Kyle have a relationship that has a strong foundation and they will weather any issues between them regardless of who tries to come between them. Dorit, if she were smart, would not try to touch that relationship but she is gunning for the two of them with gusto. I don't think that Lisa will betray Kyle in favor of Dorit. I think she's got Dorit's number and will absolutely be more careful of what she says around her from now on.
  2. 1,000 times this. Teddi fell for the oldest trick in the book. Kyle was crying so that meant she was hurt and therefore her feelings were more valid than Lisa's. She never listened to Lisa's explanations (how could she with Kyle yelling in her ear any time Lisa tried to explain) and just assumed Lisa was the problem child. Have Lisa and Teddi ever spoken for longer than five minutes? I usually like Teddi but she was out of line tonight. Shush....it's not your business.
  3. Anyway.... It continues to be sad and troubling that Farrah is allowed to speak to people the way she does. Did she call a realtor a rookie for sending her an email to tell her it was inappropriate to go to someone's house and ask to look around? Open Houses are incredibly invasive. What kind of person just pulls up to someone's house and asks to look around because there's a For Sale sign out in front? She's scary. God help us if she ever buys a gun. Amber's complete disinterest in being a mother is sad to watch. And she thinks that she can replace the fact that she's absent by calling Leah pet names and kissing and hugging on her when she is around. I dunno what to say about her anymore. I wish she would realize the damage she's doing. I hate to say it but I really think that when Leah grows up she will resent Amber and they will have a highly combative relationship where Amber will blame Leah for being disrespectful when Leah kind of has every right to be.
  4. I think this is a huge problem with how mental health is viewed in this country. "Most people" would do what now? How does anyone know how "most people" handle anything? This reminds me of cops who come to people's houses and decide someone's family member slaughtered them because he didn't cry hard enough or show the proper amount of emotion. Cate had a miscarriage and from what I could tell it was for a kid she and Tyler desperately wanted. I don't think "most people" would handle that by just popping into their therapist twice a week and then getting on with their lives. Depression isn't something you handle when you get a minute. It takes over every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Which is where the disconnect comes in for those of us who don't suffer from it. The going attitude "Everyone has shit to deal with, what is so bad that you can't get your shit together?" is annoying and unhelpful to people who know very well they are annoying the hell out of everyone around them but they just can't pick themselves up. There is an underlying feeling of Cate having done this for attention and from what I saw, this was hardly a cry for attention. She wasn't living life, she wasn't getting back up, she was failing to cope. And she was talking about suicide. And putting her in a hospital for two or three days may have made her feel better for those two or three days....and then what? What is more disruptive to their daughter? That her mother is gone for a month or that Nova walks into a room to see her mother crumpled on the floor in tears without warning every other day? Every single friend I have ever known who has suffered a miscarriage suffers in silence because of this type of attitude and these types of judgmental questions. And I, for one, don't think someone has to show an appropriate amount of - whatever - in order to check out of their life for a minute and figure it out. If you (I mean you in the general sense, not you as in YOU) don't get it, then don't get it...but stop making people feel like they are weak because of doing this. It takes an INCREDIBLE amount of strength to admit you can't handle things. I feel for Cate and for Tyler, because watching it happen to someone you love isn't any better than living it. I wish them both healing. It was hard to watch.
  5. My friend had it done. She has to constantly be cognizant of what she puts in her mouth all the time. And how much. And if she eats too much or eats the wrong thing, she gets very sick. Yet she still has to get her calories in and she still exercises just as hard as I do. All the surgery did was drop the weight off of her. It is up to her to keep it off and she works very hard at it. We have another friend who had it done and she's gaining weight. She doesn't get it. Keeps asking my friend why she's gaining weight. We know why. She posts enough on Instagram for us to know exactly what she's doing. She eats crap and sits around. The surgery will fail for her because she expected to get it done, eat whatever she wants, not do any exercise and lose weight. That's not how the surgery works.
  6. She's gonna....take off her glasses. Really....really....slowly And then speak with deliberate sentences so as to instill....*eyebrow quirk* fear......
  7. I'm sorry, but the moment I pulled up a "fold" and found maggots? I'm out. Sit there in your own filth and eat yourself into a blob....there is no amount of money or love that would have me dealing with that shit. And her attitude as if she was bad ass while lying in a bed? Fuck you lady. Come get me. I'd sit on the other side of the room and throw grapes at her "Here, this is what you get."
  8. I could not stand this woman. OMG. If I was one of the crew people who had to film this woman I would have left, she creeped me OUT! All the manipulation about sex....gross. Herbert was a pervert. He didn't love her...he just wanted her to blow him every time he gave her food. Blech! There was not a single tear coming out of her eye when she was in the ER. What a complete and total baby. I hope her daughter gets away from her immediately. Her wailing in the ER was ridiculous. Let her wail and cry herself into a puddle. Close the door. She does it because people react. Ugh...disgusting.
  9. Not from where I sit. Insecurity - again for me - is born out of thinking everything is about you. What people say, what they do, a look they may throw your way....all about you. What they said, probably had nothing to do with you - but you think it did. What they do, probably had nothing to do with you - but you think it did. The look, probably not meant for you - but you think it was. And then you get sad and weepy and suddenly everyone is asking you why. Satisfying your need for....making it all about you. You never asked if what they said or did had to do with you...you just assumed. Because defenses went up before you ever knew if what was said was really meant for you. I use "you" here in a completely general sense. Not "you" as in you personally.
  10. This right here. This is the problem. Kyle never asked her how she felt about what she was just told. Kyle just decided Lisa was peeved and therefore she should have reacted the way Kyle decided she should have. That's selfish. When she didn't, Kyle decided Lisa had hurt her feelings and started crying. Painting Lisa as the bad guy. That's manipulative and calculating because Kyle needs everyone to know that it's big bad Lisa always hurting poor defenseless Kyle. And it's not the first time she's done it. She cried at dinner with Dorit when Lisa didn't react to something the way Kyle expected her to. Kyle is about as manipulative as they come when it comes to Lisa. She decides how Lisa should feel about something and when Lisa doesn't, Kyle gets mad. None of this is Lisa's fault. Lisa was completely within her rights to handle what she'd been told about Dorit any way she chose to handle it. Once Kyle told her what Dorit had said that ended her responsibility as far as Lisa was concerned. This is not third grade.
  11. Insecurity - for me - is an inherently selfish quality in a person. It says to me "I expect the world to bend to my will." Kyle expects Lisa to behave how she thinks Lisa should behave and if Lisa doesn't do this, Kyle throws a huge big baby fit because her feelings get hurt and then she paints Lisa as the bad guy for hurting her. Lisa didn't do anything last night that I would deem as so hurtful Kyle needed to display the level of histrionics that ensued and I would guess Lisa felt the same way. Kyle needs to learn to communicate with Lisa and not do things she "thinks" will make Lisa react. She should have asked Lisa during their little hair/make-up session how Lisa felt about the situation and if Lisa felt like she wanted to handle it right then and there. But she didn't. She took it upon herself to decide she already knew how Lisa felt. That is selfish. This is why she and Lisa will implode eventually. Because of Kyle's desperate need to always make it look like Lisa has done something to her. My ex-best friend used to put me in this situation all the time. We are no longer friends because of it. Lisa is not the bad guy simply because she chose not to handle the situation the way Kyle did. However, if Kyle had left her discussion with Dorit to just "Hey, I am angry about what you said about ME." then I'd have been on her side. But she didn't. She dragged Lisa into it because what Dorit said about Lisa was worse and Kyle needed to amp up her argument. So tell me...who's the more calculated here?
  12. I hope the kids of those two parents from yesterday's episode get great grades and scholarships to get the hell away from both of those parents.
  13. But why? What Lisa chooses to share with Dorit doesn't have anything to do with Kyle. This type of thinking exhibits nothing but jealousy and insecurity on Kyle's part. Lisa has shared many more deep things with Kyle over the years I would imagine. Why does Kyle care so much that Lisa told Dorit some passing comment - which she doesn't remember or acknowledge as truth now - about her parents ignoring her? Dorit also went and told that information to pretty much anyone who would listen...which I would assume will prompt Lisa to never tell her anything again. Here's the thing. Kyle is super insecure in her relationship with Lisa. Maybe that's partially Lisa's fault, maybe it's not. I've not seen enough to say one way or the other. What I have seen is an overwhelming amount of evidence proving that Kyle is insecure. And that most of the time, it has little to do with Lisa, but more to do with her. Like I said before, Kyle expects Lisa to behave and speak in a certain way and when she doesn't, Kyle gets mad. Kyle expects Lisa to feel a certain way and when she doesn't, Kyle calls her out or tells her how she feels. Neither of these things are going to work with Lisa. This is what I mean by Kyle is stupid. A decade of friendship and she hasn't learned how to handle her relationship with Lisa yet? She is jealous of Dorit - which is so stupid there aren't even words. Lisa is very aware of the shit Dorit has pulled and Kyle knows that, yet Kyle is concerned about her standing in Lisa's life and Dorit pushing her out. If Kyle were smart...which she isn't in this situation...she would sit back and let Dorit hang herself. Which is what Camille is doing. Camille thinks Dorit is full of shit, her happy little smile every time Dorit opens her mouth tells me all I need to know on that front. Lisa will see what Dorit has been saying about her and that will be that. If Lisa had somehow pushed Kyle out and allowed Dorit in (which I don't see ever happening) then Kyle would have a leg to stand on at the reunion when Lisa would inevitably have to eat crow about it. It's sad to see Kyle do this and reduce herself to tears and then somehow blame Lisa for it. What happened last night was 100% Kyle's fault for working herself up in her head rather than allowing Lisa to handle it on her own.
  14. Kyle is usually someone I can get behind but not after seeing that last night and not after how she's behaved concerning her issues with Lisa this season. Look, either be her friend or don't. I'm tired of the shade whenever Lisa does something Kyle doesn't like. Kyle went after Dorit, but it wasn't to defend her good friend Lisa, at least not under the surface. Kyle did it so she could show Lisa that SHE was the better friend. It was a very desperate "LOOK! I don't talk about you behind your back like this. I found out and I'm defending you!" And when Lisa didn't act accordingly, that's when Kyle got pissed. There was nothing about that entire scene that didn't serve Kyle in some way. And when the masses didn't turn the attack on Dorit, she got mad. Kyle has a script in her head. She adheres to that script with the grip of a goddamn shark. She sees everyone reacting a certain way and when they don't...she gets mad. She expected to slam Dorit into the ground and that everyone would follow and no one did except for Teddi, whom she didn't care about. Lisa apologized to her....like 1400 times....but it wasn't the apology Kyle wanted to hear. Kyle wanted Lisa to walk over to Dorit and say "Hey, you're an asshole and we're not friends anymore." because Kyle feels that's what's happened with Lisa towards her. She needs to stop telling Lisa how to feel and not allowing her to speak. Kyle is that typical woman who starts crying when she knows she's full of shit and has no argument. I've never really seen Kyle as stupid until last night. But she's stupid. It's clear to me that Lisa cares about her but Kyle constantly has to test that and I don't get it. Eventually Lisa will get sick of it. She went down a few notches for me last night. I found her behavior childish and extremely passive aggressive. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" *Lisa apologizes* "YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME! I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT! LEAVE ME ALONE!" *Lisa apologizes* "I'm so tired of not being appreciated! You don't appreciate me." She's a baby and it's no shock to me her sister, Kathy, doesn't want shit to do with her.
  15. His mother was very critical of everything he did. Insecurity would definitely manifest when you spend all day being told everything you're doing is wrong. She was also super duper manipulative and would start crying or get angry if he dared express an emotion.
  16. Let's get something straight here....Farrah is not assertive. Assertive does not mean you can say the shitty things you're thinking to people without guilt. Assertive means you don't allow people to sway you from your opinions or feelings. Farrah is just a straight up nasty bitch. I don't care if it was my job to produce the show, there is NO WAY I would ever allow someone to speak to me like that. I don't care if someone's headset wasn't plugged in. There is a big difference between "Hey Kristen, next time there's a problem, can you just let me know? I was distracted today and wasn't sure what was going on. And I don't want my mom sitting in a car for 30 minutes waiting for me." and "Hey Kristen, you fucking bitch who hates me, can you pull your head out of your ass and do your goddamn job?" Even if that's what you're thinking, you'll get a lot more of a reaction with the first rather than the last. Farrah's attitude is not something to aspire to. And I'm scared for Amber's kid. She is selfish and so not interested in having another kid. Her boyfriend of the moment looks like he's going to shit his pants. This will not turn out well.
  17. I am also done with the complete rudeness and lack of caring of your fellow human beings being characterized as funny, cool and witty with words like "throwing shade" and "reading". They just sound like mean assholes and jealous as a mother fucker. There was no reason to come at Eva that way and 9 times out of 10 when they're arguing nothing gets accomplished anyway because they are screaming over each other and not listening. They all come off as extremely immature. I wouldn't want to know any of them. That being said, they are embarrassing. The day the words "Bitch", "Whore", and "Slut" stop being used as terms of endearment between women will be a happy day in my life. They sound uneducated screaming it back and forth at each other. They are standing in front of a church yelling and carrying on while Cynthia's super stupid 50 Bucket List crap pushes Shamea into dancing like an idiot. That's why people hate Americans. We think we're funny but we're just disrespectful assholes. There was nothing wrong with the Villa they were in, other than it didn't cost $9,000 a night. It had a bed, four walls and a bathroom. You're in Barcelona, you should be out enjoying the beautiful city you're in and only using your room to sleep in after you've come home from exploring. I hate these women. All of them.
  18. I think it's fairly obvious that Erika likes to play the victim. She doesn't do it in a big way, like Dorit did last season, she's much more subtle with it. She tries to make it look like she's this easygoing chick who doesn't get rattled by other chicks...but the fact is, she does. She's SUPER DUPER sensitive when people say seemingly innocuous things. Eileen making the comment about her son, pantygate last season and now this. Erika likes getting up on her high horse and teaching the earthlings how you don't treat Queen Erika. So it's not really shocking to me that she chose to believe Dorit - a woman she was completely at odds with last season for her opening her big mouth and exaggerating things - over Kyle - a woman who has repeatedly been her friend and supported her. Erika is not really as complicated as she makes herself out to be. She's rather run of the mill and boring and no amount of princess crowns, ass cheek showing clothing or pink eye shadow will change that.
  19. I don't think what was said was so damaging that Erika "deserved" to know. No one said she was a bitch, no one questioned her mothering skills, no one made any comments about her personally....they found this single solitary moment weird. Dorit made it sound nefarious and it wasn't. Teddi never said it was uncool or that she was angry. Just that she found the situation odd. I don't think that's something Erika definitely needed to know as if the women were talking about her behind her back or aren't her friends. Erika is allowed to feel embarrassed and upset....but you don't teach someone that's not how you should handle the situation by then being rude in response. If Erika wanted how she felt about the situation to hit home, then simply explain her stance on the situation and move on. She dismissed Teddi's attempt at an apology as well as her compassion and it's not the first time she's done it. I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for Erika in this situation, she came off looking like a hypocrite "Look, it's ok for me to treat people like shit but don't you treat me like that." It was unnecessary.
  20. Amber is a bitch, we all knew/know this. But if there's one thing I cannot stand it is when pregnant women get up on their hind legs about the fact that their pregnant. Don't cause them undo stress! Gimme a goddamn break. You're pregnant, not dying. And Amber's bullshit about her boyfriend (I can't be bothered to learn this one's name) wanting to not know the sex made me want to punch her in the throat. "YOU HAVE TO PREPARE!!!" Hey Amber, you can do that without knowing the sex. Google it. And how the fuck would she know what's easier and not easier concerning preparing for a child? She's never been a mother to Leah, she didn't prepare for shit. Amber is manipulative and scary. Because she can fly off the handle whenever she wants but if anyone else gives her the least amount of shit for something she starts whining about how she's sick or she's feeling weak and might use and now she can't because she's pregnant. Why any male is still going near her is shocking because she is the definition of a high maintenance woman. That poor kid she's got her hooks in now can't do or say anything unless pre-approved by her or she starts raising her voice. And hearing her mother's crap about warning him not to hurt her....um, maybe you should talk to your daughter, lady. Know what I can't wait for? For Leah to get old enough to realize her mother never gave a shit about her and is the most selfish person on the planet and makes Amber answer for that.
  21. Dorit is a disgusting, vile human being and I hope she gets fired because watching how she operates is disturbing. She's one of those people who knows exactly what she's doing and she doesn't care and I'm glad Kyle goes apeshit on her in the next episode. I sympathized with her last season because of the way Rinna went after her for seemingly innocent things, but she's just scary to watch now. And while Erika hasn't done anything to make me wish her off the show....yet....I really hate that she never apologizes for how she makes other people feel. The "I don't need anymore petting" comment was really rude and uncalled for and she seems like she justified it because of some perceived slight from Teddi. Teddi seems fairly harmless and innocent with good intentions and the fact that Erika could so brashly dust her off when she was trying to sympathize really irritated me. Like yeah, if Dorit had been offering sympathy? Tell her to knock it off. But Teddi doesn't strike me as fake or that she offers fake sympathy. Which makes Erika look like she's beating up on someone because she can. It made her look like a bully.
  22. Mrs. Perry was nothing but a reminder that I'm doing ok in life.
  23. I had to pause the scene with her having all that food laid out in front of her like she was at Disneyland. OMG so gross all that food. She was also super whiny and immature. At one point she's whining about her family not asking her out for dinner and then ten seconds later she's giddy like a school girl because she gets to eat whatever she wants without them judging her. That family was in a no-win situation. She wanted all the attention and didn't care how she got it. Her sister had very valid points about why she was upset and all Karina could whine about was how bad it made her feel. Good, she should feel bad. She's already had one weight loss surgery and it failed because she pushed it to fail when she felt she wasn't getting the right amount of attention. What will happen after Dr. Now does this surgery and the spotlight gets taken off her? I suspect the same thing. She's keeping her family hostage with her "eating disorder" which seems to me to be a narcissism issue that she takes to extremes to prove how far she'll go.
  24. Then I guess my unpopular opinion is that I didn't have a problem with the halftime show. I love Justin Timberlake and I thought he did fine. I've seen him in concert and if you haven't, you're missing out. He is a helluva performer. I was not a huge fan of us until after I saw the 20/20 Experience and he kept that crowd going for three hours. That's quite a feat for one person to take on when there's no one else picking up the slack. And for those of you who think he's a douche, I've met him...quite a few times. You couldn't be more wrong. He's very kind and sweet and unassuming. Why did he need someone else on stage with him? I see that complaint a lot and I guess I don't understand why anyone expected NSync to be there. Honestly, the band ended....move on. Although I had to laugh at the speculation that Britney would be there. There have been plenty of performers who haven't had anyone on stage with them for it. I don't see the big deal about it. I saw a lot of media outlets reporting that "fans" hated it and Prince "fans" were upset and people panned it, I dunno who they spoke to because no one I know had an issue with it other than the sound sucked. Everyone I talked to thought it was great. It's become kind of sad nowadays that just because the loudest of us get on Twitter and Facebook and rant that means it is an indication of how the masses felt. It's not. Those people I spoke to are also not big social media users therefore....they weren't on social media saying one way or the other. I'm a Prince fan, I didn't have an issue with what he did. I thought it was a great tribute and the lights lighting up the city was very well done. Can't win em all I guess.
  25. I know that LVP manipulates but I really did think that Kyle and Dorit were rude about her lawsuit being dropped. I'm not shocked because both are pretty self absorbed. But first they were late and then they didn't wanna hear about her lawsuit and for LVP, it just felt like a slap in the face. I get her irritation. I also felt bad for her when she tried to express her feelings and Kyle kept interrupting to tell her that's not how she really felt. Like, maybe it wasn't but there is a much better way to tell someone that then rudely being so blunt under the guise you're "just being honest".
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