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Wandering Snark

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  1. Indeed. Girl, it's called SPF, look into it. It's a little bit heart and a little bit of soul.
  2. Just wanted to add that when you see AInsley's graphics think that THIS was 1985 yo, almost FORTY years ago:
  3. I guess it's slightly unfair to claim, again, that this is thee worst casting ever as that is kind of a barrel we never seem to reach the bottom of but yeah, esp. this first eight don't seem to hold much promise and yet SO much annoyance. And no this isn't live feed info but I'd guess that despite her height requirements Mackinsky has already hooked up with Tucker... because I know this show too well, like that drunken mistake-prone friend that always makes the wrong choices while you just shake your head. Just as they will vote "fun mom" out VERY early on if not first... I can hope for the "second 8" and/or suprises when people settle the heck down from production telling them to "be them at 10 out of 10!!" but I just can. not. with the AI BS. I mean, seriously?? Given what actual AI can produce they threw THAT together as the central 'twist' to rely on all summer (and apparently now into fall...)?? Actively difficult to look at AND they couldn't even get the thing to have it's speech sync with it's lip movements even?? Did Julie design this thing herself so she knew it woukldn't threaten her place as runner of the show? Deer gahd.
  4. Didn't want to end a positive post with negativity so I apologize for the dual posts here... But... 🤔 does anyone else see the upcoming 'double' being even LESS insignificant than usual? I just can hear the mode of thinking now that the moment they hear it's a double they will simply revert to a 'limit the chaos/damage' approach and go for the easy vote getting rid of Alyssa (or Terrance should he be the survivor of the first vote, though it doesn't seem to be trending that way) instead of trying to make a 'big move' or 'statement vote' with the 2nd eviction. 🙄 It's kind of a survival instinct that we often see kick in with doubles. Like your brain doesn't want to scramble for a plan and get it enacted in the next hour, so that usually leads them to follow the 'path of least resistance' instead of the most logical/game smart path. Yes, it would be smartest strategically to say 'Vote Michael' and be done with it; but I think in the moment they will instead come together as a group and think: 'Easy vote here, send home Alyssa and THEN we'll play out the rest of the game when we have more time to plan/find our way forward. We'll just do the easy thing here and collectively save our own asses to live to fight and plan another day.' Instead of 'what could be' (voting out Michael or another threat should he secure safety) be they safely jettison the last two outliers, and say "Okay, now we will settle this between us". It will indeed be boring and a let-down but I can see why, as a player in this situation I'd probably respond in kind.
  5. Yeah, it was odd that they just kind of threw that one in there like it wasn't a revelation... and everyone's response to it as well as Turner's explanation was super chill and drama-less. It just seemed oddly timed/placed within the episode, yeah? It kind of rolled right past you almost. But good for him figuring out what makes him happy in life, there are so many people that don't even get close to figuring that out for themselves. I personally appreciate any kind of non-normative "representation" in media, especially when it isn't done negatively and isn't then responded to with hate & ignornance from the people around them. This was a positive thing in my opinion. The more we accept or at least are open to differences in others the more we learn about ourselves I think.
  6. Agreed, Alyssa has come to a GREATLY exaggerated sense of her game/place in the game since she 'started playing for herself'. Her even using that phrase made me want to violently scream 'You've done nusssink!!!' at my tv. It must be really comforting to be able to chalk everything up to the 'Kyle Excuse'. Her re-inventing a season's worth of history to make herself feel better about having made zero impact on the game to this point is so convenient huh?
  7. Yeah, as I like to say in such situations: That was an ass kicking of biblical proportion. I mean, damn! He was finished before some people had anything past the first three base pieces. And we aren't talking about a puzzle that consisted of four pieces made in your own likeness here. That was a large double sided puzzle. I doubt the people that created it could have physically re-assembled it much faster. It reminded me of how Johnathan ruled a few comps to unrivaled proportion on Survivor. It was stunning.
  8. ETA: Need to preface this with a 'late to this convo' tag obviously... but my points still stand I feel. 🤔 I'm actually going to have to disagree with you here. Yes, there may be little shocking developments down the line but I don't feel it's 'dead'. I am still enjoying watching things play out. I can see how someone might feel that Michael's run through the game = bad teevee but this season imo is far from the death march some seasons (*cough* Derrick *cough*) have become at this point. We've seen SO much worse. We also don't have anyone ruling the game that is horribly unwatchable (*looks at Cody, Paul, Andy and others*). To lump this season in with either of those kinds of 'no longer worth watching' seasons just isn't accurate I don't think. Boring maybe? Yeah I guess, but the people are (pending your view with Kyle but to me that was just one skipable 'special episode' and things righted themselves...) decent enough to follow, not brilliant (and yes in some cases painfully dumb) but it's not to in 'not worth wayching for weeks' territory to me. I'm wondering if maybe it isn't feed watching "worthy" this season and that's what contributes to our differing opinions on the season? I'm def. not trying to put words in your 'mouth' here, I just do know that a lot of people that do come to the threads rely on feed watching to provide their entertainment. Personally, I've never invested time or money into the feeds, so I really don't know what the feeds are like for any given season. I don't approach the show from a "well, this is what they should have shown" angle either so maybe that is our disconnect? Anyhow just wanted to respond that as far as televised seasons on BB go there have been many many that were, in my opinion, far more difficult to watch play out, even annoying to watch than the current season. I still find it interesting, but as day one fan I still tend to hold to an "Even what might be dubbed 'bad' Big Brother is still decent teevee" and still find them to be worth watching and commenting on here.
  9. There is actually a ramp-up as of late in the interest in 'armpit' fetishes. So I guess that Chen is on the cutting edge of fetish culture and dressed to reflect it... I know this makes me a hardened, jaded and generally unfeeling Reality Teevee viewer (#sobeit) but I had to fast forward through most of the tearful conversations they were showing this week. It would have been nice to see more than 20 seconds of the comp at the end of this 'very special' episode. You couldn't have etched out five more minutes for the comp? #
  10. I agree, Taylor is starting to grate on me, wearing down the goodwill she had built up from early on. It now seems to be a pattern with her that she is somehow always the vicitim? Even worse she seems to really fall into the role whole heartedly. I wonder if this is her coping mechanism for any precieved slight, a way that she draws people in to get her needs met kind of thing. People tend only to repeat these kinds of behaviors when they get/have gotten something out of it. They tend do be a learned/reinforced thing.
  11. Yes, the whole 'geometry' lesson is yet another reason reality teevee contestants should be happy that 'reach through your tv and slap some sense into someonevison' technology is lagging behind other developments. I literally said out loud "I'm dumber just for having watched that conversation take place." I mean seriously?? Seriously people??
  12. I was livin for the faces Kyle was getting in the supply room from Michael and esp. Brittany, who would NOT be good at poker. You could almost SEE the bright red flashing "lie detector" lightbubs burning bright over their heads. They were reading him like a book.
  13. Damn but if I don't like me a good Pirate Master reference. Major kudos.
  14. And you claim such knowledge about Kyle... how? Are you his ex? I really was hoping this 'twist' would separate Kyle and Alyssa and they'd both be shown their respective doors... Oh, and BTW Jasmine? Only Cam Girls get to celebrate their 'Birthday Months'.
  15. Hope you don't mind, but I fixed that for you 😉 I got annoyed with that by about the third iteration of Taylor's 'band' I can't even imagine what that was like to live through. I would have been camped out in the Have Not room too. Probably rocking back and forth as well. Yet another 'punishment' that punishes the entire house EXCEPT the person whose 'punishment' it is. Classic Big Brother. Terrance was indeed a good sport about his 'ink', I'd have refused to have those things on my face! *shudder* To me there are but three acceptable results for this 'split' game. The first is to get Jasmine living outside for the week. The second is of course to get the 'showmance' on opposite 'teams'. The grande finale will be to watch each 'side' play it safe to get through the week. That will lead to each side going with the easy vote-out from each side. In the end it will mean absolutely nothing in the long-term as yet another 'BIG TWIST' will amount to nothing. I know it won't happen, as I learned tens of seasons ago that we aren't allowed to have nice things, but it NEEDS to.
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