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JH Lipton

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558 Excellent
  1. My ranking: Ant Coral Fuzzy Peas Paparazo All Paparazo did was speak the words to "Hallelujah" and that with no emotion at all. He can leave any time.
  2. I also recommend Evil — the male main character is indeed a priest, but the female lead is a psychiatrist. The show revolves around whether the person-of-the-week is possessed or just crazy. i loved the digs at their own show: “Nobody wants to watch someone who isn’t a cop solve a mystery.” ”He’s won a Tony — of course he’s the killer” ”It’s no fun to watch if you know who did it!”
  3. Thank you SO much for reminding my how much I miss Games magazine! Even the Stephen Sondheim puzzles -- you have to what to the who, now???
  4. Ugh. I hope they give "Jonesy" (that's a nickname? It's stupid.) a bit of a personality. As it is, she was added as yet another skirt who falls all over St. Bode. I don't feel sorry for him. First, he only got custody because of PLOT!!!! -- he has no legal claim to Gen. If he fights bio dad in court, bio dad wins unless PLOTTTT!!!! Second, not once did he consider what Gen might want or what would be best for her -- a loving stable family or a guy who's on call 24/7, surrounded by highly dysfunctional "family". She was in prison for not loving St Bode (yet).
  5. Dr. Susan Calvin, inventor of the 3 Laws of Robotics, we need you! A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. Eve was obviously harming Megan, intentionally or not, so the whole jealousy crap goes right out. Lila capitulating, to the point of endangering not just her job but her career, because her sister says "I wuv you" was yet another bit of terrible writing. Yuck!
  6. The fact hat there was no drama with Punkin (and that’s not the wildest name I’ve seen for Black women) is what should have earned her the special cash. As a sergeant in the Air Force, it’s probably a while since she’s had to do obstacle courses (that’s what the recruits are for!), but she just buckled up and got through.
  7. All the false crap about "Nick helped me up the mountain" made me sick. He and Pati and Amy and Jeanne voted off the people who would help them most up the mountain. And Jeanne is one minute crying about how Nick betrayed her and she will never speak to him again. Just say it like it is -- the money goes to the person with the least melonin and the most testosterone. Own up to your misogynoir. As usual, Black women have to work 10 times harder to get half the result. The last one was the worst: "Punkin played honestly and kindly and got us up the mountain, and Nick "betrayed me, hurt me, lied to me,but he has a penis so I have to vote for him." Barf.
  8. He lost any good will I might have had for him when he acted like a pissy little bitch complaining that Alex took a nap before work. When she told him why, he didn't respect her opinion at all. With respect to the "hand on his mouth", it seems they were arguing and production tried to film them. I think she didn't do anything more than make a "shh" gesture (to help his image) and he blew it up.
  9. Facial recognition misidentifying Blacks (and Asians IIRC) is pretty old -- it goes to sampling size and cameras being lousy until very recently at capturing Black faces. Marcus should have known this and checked. No facial recognition is100% -- this app would definitely have a warning not to use it as the end-all be-all. The data was from beta tests; Pete didn't need to scrub data, just show that the mis-identification went down. Just so silly. But Nick Cannon did a good job (I made the joke that when Marcus was kissing his wife that she would be Cannon's next baby-mamma!)
  10. Pilots are often a little shaky so I'll give it one more shot. Reba said "We're in Tennessee -- I could be your great-grandmother!"
  11. I'm not saying that Dennis, in addition to his numerous other faults, is racist, but Koreans do not have the best track record when it comes to dealing with Black folks. And even though she's not the strongest, Dennis will come up with another reason for the gang of idiots to vote her out. The fact that she's Black won't even be mentioned. I have no desire to see evil rewarded -- I cancelled the recording. Punkin is the name she uses on social media: Instagram. Her "government name" is Kalivia -- anyone who watches Survivor will know how badly that would get mangled! She (and her wife) are sergeants in the US Air Force -- I think she get taken pretty seriously! So many people have said this and it's so true and so dumb. We can't really tell, due to editing, but it looked like the bivy camp wasn't that far, and they got to the checkpoint in plenty of time, even after taking time to play in the snow. "People, we're in a real time crunch here so let's take a half hour to goof off!" That's generally the case. ETA: If they get just in sight of the last checkpoint just as time runs out...
  12. I think that Rose believed it was 2024 and not 1954, and women are allowed to have opinions and voice them. "She doesn't want what I, big manly-man (right, Denis!) want. She's so bossy! What do you mean -- "girl boss" is a good thing? That makes no sense!" When a man calls a woman bossy, he's just showing his own insecurity. Bunch of stupid-ass jerks haven't figured that it will take ALL of them working together, as another drops at each checkpoint, to reach the top. "Alliances" at this point are self-defeating.
  13. Definitely wrong. More than one artist has a song called "Cherry Bomb" and only one has a song called "Needle Pain Great!" Confirmed on last night's show.
  14. I think they got it wrong. Antony's clue would handing an ear to someone, I was annoyed by that. I kinda feel like Producer Interference to keep Adam in the house, He;s so dumb and needy and, yes, stupid, that they think, incorrectly, that he's fun to watch. He can leave 3 episodes ago! ETA: Hud's relative (who I got from the second half of his clue) was confirmed by the chili dog and melon.
  15. I liked Tolu from the minute I saw her on The Trust. I loved her gameplay. I wanted her to do well on this show and not fall for the Tofu Cupcake (thank you, Ready, Set, Love). I actually like Micah on this show and think that Kaz is being a douchecanoe with her feelings. And Jessica -- Melinda went from "he kissed me" to "he said that he wanted to f*** me"! When he got back he didn't spend one minute with her, unlike Kaz. And his best friend said that he;d changed. Why would she believe an ass like Melinda?
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