I Want My MBTV
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889 Excellent-
I don't disagree with what any of you are saying about the Cart Cop guy (though I do find it annoying when carts are in parking spaces and when I park if I see someone finishing with a cart I always offer to take it back up to the store for them) but he didn't get assaulted because of him telling people they were shirkers (though that might have eventually happened) he got assaulted because the guy was a wanted criminal and didn't want his face recorded. Cart Cop could have been filming Tik Tok dances and getting the guy in the background and the result would have been the same. I'm also tired of Brad and while I agree that Eddie's parents are awful I don't care if he moves to El Paso since he's not that interesting. I would feel bad for Buck but otherwise I would not miss Eddie at all. And I don't miss Christopher and the storyline just needs to end already. Weren't we told last week that Athena was going to have a new trainee? Was that already dropped?
Yes, this episode was good to see the actors but otherwise made no sense. Connie was the one in love with Alexei and was the one that introduced Margot to him and gave her the sob story about how mean his boss was and gave him money long before Margot got involved. If anyone was a co-conspirator I'd say it was jealous Connie! Then Margot's response about why she pulled the gun on the police was also completely ridiculous. I don't know why they didn't just have her holding the gun on Alexei when the cops came in and maybe refusing to put it down and then something happens. If the gun were loaded she could have accidentally shot someone and that could have been what she was on trial for but the way this was written was just a big mess and that's saying something for this show.
they may have used her better but I still don't understand why if she's no longer working with Alec we have to spend time on her every episode. What happened to the new assistant? Not sure if he quit already (they didn't even mention him and I didn't see him in the couples exercise) it's so obvious he's not going to stay and Phoebe is going to come back. Can we just get on with it already? Agree that the bride totally looked like Jessica Chastain and also that there was a lot of foolishness and having to suspend disbelief in this episode. One thing I did like was at the wedding Alec didn't have on his little beanie! I was starting to wonder if I had missed something and he had scares on his scalp or something.
I only want them to be together so they're not inflicted on anyone else. Everyone else deserves better!
Until he moves on to wife #4!
Before I came to these forums I honestly couldn't remember anything about this episode other than the unnecessary D stuff. I kept telling myself "I know I watched and I know there was a COTW ...." all I could remember was that there was a woman in the bar to see Robyn and Dee took out her braids. Really worthwhile stuff here :-)
Glad I'm not the only one that didn't understand this. Sam did say it was the "strongest" they'd ever seen or something like that so maybe just being around the sister and if they touched anything or she sneezed or something? Grasping. The other thing I didn't understand about this storyline was why did all three paramedics have to be on the bus and then they just leave the ambulance on the side of the road?? is someone going back for it? I hope they at least took the keys out of it but they probably left it wide open! Maybe that will be their next rescue!
If I remember correctly the wife told Riley/Shaw it was from a former athlete of his that had just signed a big contract. Now why they couldn't find that person and ask them where he bought it IDK. The wife made a mistake on the stand by saying that WAS his watch when it was more "that looks exactly like his watch" regardless though the bar owner had it in a hidden compartment with no explanation of where it or the cash that was also there came from. Circumstantial but damning. Though I was still surprised they got a conviction. I hope we never see Riley's brother again. I spent the whole episode someone would punch him in his smug face!
While I agree with everything about Tommy and Trevor I think Tommy dodged a bullet there. Both his daughter and his ex wife are bonkers! Melody could've really hurt her mother and may have gotten Izzy expelled and there really doesn't seem to be remorse from her or her parents. Let him go Tommy!
He was drugged by the blonde lady first so his reflexes and strength were diminished. This is unusual for me but I like the kids on this show and like Morgan best when she's with the kids. Otherwise unpopular opinion but I agree with the detective; for a smart person Morgan does really stupid things! My issue is she never really seems sorry about it and no one else says anything and she just brings in donuts and everyone things she's awesome. I wish she would be paired with a different detective sometimes as well so they could see while she's great she can also be a giant pain in the rear.
I think either his injury is going to be worse than first thought or they're going to find some underlying condition they didn't know he had - either way forcing him to retire and then Bobby is going to come back. It's clear he is completely over being a consultant where it seems they don't want him to actually speak. I expect the band to be back together by the end of the three parter. While it did really stress me out I really enjoyed this episode. It's amazing how while it's exactly the same show/premise the OG is so much better than Lone Star. Not a pilot nor do I play one on tv but I would think all those holes in the plane would have sucked out more people than just the poor pilot. Everything else was super realistic - LOL!
Yes, it seemed clear with the rescue Mateo performed (while everyone seemed to just sit around watching) that's where this is heading. Mateo has grown but does not seem like Lt. material still. I thought this episode was better than the first I just feel like they're wasting a lot of characters. Did Carlos do anything more than bring by donuts? Then there's Mateo's GF who's shown so little I can't even remember her name. And reducing Marjan and Paul to this... I don't dislike Wyatt but he's not a character I've known long or grown attached to and with this being the final season I'd rather time be spent on the original cast. I know he had other things on his mind but I kept waiting for the rescued driver to ask about the young man on the train. If he doesn't make it and that horrible reporter does I will not be happy.
Agreed with everything re Grace. For some reason I thought I had read that Judd was leaving too? If the whole family had left that would have made sense especially since Judd retired. I care not one ounce about Wyatt. I thought it was incredibly obvious that the robbers were using the street work as their MO so when they had to have Carlos have that Ah Ha moment and then Wyatt with the "brilliant" those aren't emergency calls! I was like "is everyone new here?" It was like reading a mystery and knowing who the killer is on page 50 but having to wait another 300 pages for everyone to get caught up. Then - the whole train thing doesn't happen until basically the closing credits but they're calling this episode one of a three part MAJOR storyline? I don't think so. I wasn't even planning on watching this season but then I heard it was going to be the last so I figured why not (plus I don't watch any of those awful shows on ABC) not sure I'll be able to make it. so this post isn't entirely negative - I do like the addition of Parker Reed and hope they make smart choices with his character.
I'm sorry, I don't know how I forgot this. I agree he should not get any kind of job in the spotlight. There are plenty of other qualified people that would be just as good. It's not just ESPN he's done broadcasting for tennis for other networks including for the BBC for Wimbledon. Unfortunately tennis has not shown to make great choices when it comes to how it treats domestic violence. Exhibit 1 - Zverev.
I can't stand Kyrgios as a player but I begrudgingly do like him as a commentator and wouldn't mind if he stayed doing that and never returned as a player! :-) I find his commentary insightful and he doesn't just talk to talk. I've been very surprised by my lack of annoyance with him!